Saturday, July 27, 2019

Who are you?
It's a question that most people have asked themselves at least once in their lifetime, who am I? So I guess it's as good a time as any to ask you, who are you?  Now many will fidget while trying to answer this question, and others will be direct and to the point describing who they are.  If I asked you to describe yourself to me right now, what would your answer be?  I know for a fact that my answer to this question has changed over the years.  There have been times when I couldn't answer, and there have been times when I didn't want to answer.  Quite frankly I didn't want to answer the question because I didn't like who I was or who I had become.  If you have ever been in the position of not liking who you were, then more then likely you would find it very uncomfortable answering this simple question.  Well maybe not a simple question to everyone, but a question that will force you to really take an inventory of your life.

Lets be totally blunt here for a minute; you are not your body, your job, your processions.  You are not what others may think of you.  You aren't even the same person you were when you were born.  Every cell in your body has changed countless times since the time of your birth.   What thirty something has the same body now as they had when they were a toddler?  They don't!  The only constant since the day of your birth is your true essence, and that is what makes you who you are.  The problem with most people is they don't know what their true essence is.  Most people have simply gone through life believing what others have said about them.  Sadly what most people have said about you is incorrect.  The time has come to really come to terms with the real you and for once in your life be able to answer the question of who you are.

Due to circumstances brought on by my own words and feelings I found myself lately falling back into old habits, believing certain limiting beliefs.  I was prompted to re-read one of my favorite books, Wishes Fulfilled, by Dr. Wayne Dyer.  To say that Spirit was spot on telling me to re-read this is an understatement.  I'm on my second reading this time through and I will say that I am picking up even more then the first 11 times I've read the book.  What I want to say to you today is now is the best time to forget what others may have said to you and simply focus on the real you.  You see the real you is not what most people have grown accustomed to in their own lives.  Most people go through each day simply believing that they have no control over what goes on, and because of this why even give a damn about life in general.  You have absolute control over what happens in your life and if you don't believe this then you are in worse shape then I thought.  In last weeks blogs I said I was going to delve into who we really are, so I want you to tighten your belts and prepare yourself for a ride that will change your life.  Well it will change your life if you are willing to accept certain truths that up till this point have escaped many, many people.

You, meaning you, only you, singularly you, are not just a human.  You may believe you are just a human, but you are so much more.  You have inside of you all the traits, all the attributes, and all the abilities that every enlightened person from the beginning of times has ever displayed.  Christ made the statement that we have God abiding in us, and he went as far as saying we are god.   If God is in us then how could we ever be anything but god?  Now many of my Christian friends are going to have a difficult time with this, but they are the same people who are walking around wondering why the world has pooped all over them.  We are created beings and we were meant to create.  Sadly most people are only creating things in their life that they really don't want.  God said to Moses "I am".  If God is "I am" and we are God, then doesn't it make sense that we are "I am" as well?  If you can't wrap your head around this, then you are going to continue to struggle with all the things you say about yourself.  How many times have we talked about I'm sick, I'm tired?  What about I'm not loved, not strong, not talented, not this, not that?  We have bombarded our world with a whole list of what we are not, instead of saying what we are.  I am strong, I am healthy, I am prosperous.

I for one have been round Robin Hood's Barn one too many times as it relates to understanding my true self.  I guess maybe it took hitting rock bottom to figure out I didn't want to be a bottom dweller any longer and I'd better get with the program and start believing what I have somehow always known, but just needed to be reminded about.  It's not going to be something you change overnight, I mean you've been saying "I am not..." for so long, but just try to start saying all the things you are.  If you will align your words with your feelings, then your feelings are going to start helping you manifest those things in your life that you truly desire.  As Dr. Dyer says in his book saying I am strong is a whole lot stronger then saying I am weak.  If you can begin to hold true to the "I am" presence in your life then you will see things begin to change in front of your eyes.

So when I ask you next time who you are why not come back with "I am a genius", "I am loved", or "I am in the best place in my life".  Ladies and Gentlemen we have spent too much time saying all the things we aren't and not enough time saying what we are.  If you want to feel good, believe good.  If you want to have the best job then say you have the best job.  If you want to turn the world on its ear then stand tall and accept that you are "I am" and watch as things take on a whole need light in your life.

We can't change yesterday but we can change how we see today and tomorrow.  If you see today and tomorrow as beauty, as love, as joy and happiness, then guess what today and tomorrow will bring you?  I am that I am, and for right now that is what I desire most.  I hope you will join me in changing our tomorrows by changing what we say and think today.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Greatness, Greatness, Greatness
I have been doing some soul searching as of late.  I had found myself lingering in self pity, and that is a place you never want to find yourself if you can help it.  In trying to live we often fall prey to what others say to us.  In going through our day we often fall victim to words and thoughts that are nothing but death sentences.  What I had to do was begin to see me for the real me.  I had forgotten about my own greatness.  I had run away from my own uniqueness.  I had bought into the woe is me scenario, and I had almost forgotten who and what I was.

I'm writing this today in the hopes that I can spare you some of the torment that I have gone through.  I'm writing this today because there has never been a better time to recognize the greatness inside of you, and just what that greatness can and will do for you.  I'm sure that most of you have heard the saying that today is the first day of the rest of your life.  Far too many times people hold on to the past.  Maybe holding on to the past is a crutch for many.  Face it, if you hold on to the past one never need worry about the future, or even the present.  Not what I would recommend, but it is something that many, many people have gotten pretty good at.  We can never change the past.  Yes we can learn from it, but change never.  We can't actually know what is going to happen tomorrow. Certainly there are those who are able to see into the future, but is that 20/20 sight or just intuition?  If we can begin to focus on the here and now, focus on who we are, focus on what we are, then and only then will you be able to navigate this thing we call life.

Our greatness has been relegated to the background because we have been taught that we always need to be humble, and not braggers.  Hey I'm just like most people who can't stand being around people who always have to brag about their house, or fancy car, or how much money they have accumulated over the years.  Sadly these people have gotten their self-worth by what they have obtained in life.  Greatness, as the picture correctly says, is not measured my what you have, but by your gifts.  Sadly many people have never taken their gifts to the limits and thereby never know just how great they really are.  Well I'm here to tell you that it's time to brush off the dust and take those dreams and visions for a spin, and see if you don't come back with a new appreciation for who you are.

I want to stop here for a moment and make a statement.  More likely then not this is going to spit in the face of tradition, but I've never much cared for a lot of tradition, especially when it deals with people, and knowing our true self.  Our self-concept has been eroded over the years by a whole list of what you can and can't do.  We have been told that certain things are not possible, and we have been laughed at when we desire to really soar with the eagles.  I've often said that we have not, because we ask not, and we ask not because quite frankly we simply don't believe.  We don't believe in our own greatness.  We don't believe that we have the ability to move mountains.  We shutter at the thought that we can create something out of nothing simply by believing in our greatness.  We have been conditioned to only see ourselves as mortals and nothing more.  We have been conditioned to believe that we have to go through tough times and there is no escaping the fact that we will never be more then we are right now.  I'll be the first to admit that I have fought limiting beliefs in my life for years. I've had to open up old wounds in an attempt to heal them so that I can once and for all take my rightful place as a creating creative being.

My gifts were placed in me because my destiny was placed in me, and these gifts are what I need to fulfill my mission here on this planet, at this appointed time.  I am not a mere mortal, and you my friends are not simply mortal.  You have inside of you a greatness that very few people probably know about, including yourself.  This greatness is not given to you because you earned it.  This greatness is not measure by what you may have done, or what you may do in the future.  Nay, nay, this greatness is in you because you are alive today.  This greatness allows you to create your reality.  This greatness is what will change the world.  I think if you asked most people if they would like to achieve or accomplish something great, most, if not all would say sure.  How many people do you know that are hiding behind their failures.  How many people do you know that are holding on to someone else's coat tails, as a means to experience joy and happiness, if only in a "Gee I hope I get there someday" mode?

We were never created to simply sit back and watch the world pass us by.  We were not placed here in this time to simply go with the flow and hope that someday we might, in some little way, experience true happiness.  We were created so that we might show the rest of the world what greatness truly looks like.  We were created to create everything our heart desires and to know total happiness and joy.  How many of you reading this today can say that you know complete happiness and joy?  How many people do you know that will be honest and say there is more out there, and they want the "more"?

Over the next few weeks I am going to focus on opening up your mind to your true greatness.  I am going to focus on waking you up from the inside so that your out side starts reflecting the greatness within.  The ability to create things has slowly but surely been erased from out thoughts and replaced with an idea that we are only supposed to have so much and anything above that is nothing but greed.  If greatness is a sin, then send me to hell right now, because I desire to walk in greatness.  True greatness is not going to be measured by what you occupy, or own, or even measured in what others think of you.  True greatness is coming to terms with who and what you are, and why you are here right now.  My desire is to continue to grow in my understanding of my own greatness.  It is in getting to know the real me that I am able to help you begin to see the real you.

Greatness is not bragging to others, greatness is walking in your destiny, in your passion, in your own little world which was created just for you.  It is time my good friends to set aside past descriptions of who and what you though you were, and begin to really come to grips with who and what you are.  I want to soar with the eagles and I want to change the world. This is my destiny, and my greatness is what I have to walk in my destiny.  It is time you found out about your greatness and begin to share it with the world.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

It's time to identify with the real you!!
Reality, what a concept.  Sadly there are so many people who have lost touch with reality. I've gone through my own times of not knowing reality, or at least not accepting reality.  I'm giving you fair warning that this week's blog is going to be hard hitting.  It is not intended to hurt anyone, rather it is being written to equip you.  Let me start off by sharing what I believe to be absolute truth.  Many people who have had conversations with me in the past will remember me saying these things, but just in case we have never had the opportunity to speak, this will tell you a bit about me and why I am the way I am.  First and foremost, and this should not come as any great surprise to anyone, I believe in destiny.  I believe everyone has a destiny, and I believe that the Universe will do everything to get you to your destiny, whether you go kicking and screaming, or accept it willingly.  Second, there is no way that you will ever separate yourself from that which created you.  Just as you can never change your biological mother and father, you will never be able to completely separate yourself from the Creator.  Now whether you want to call the Creator God, or Source, or Spirit, it matters not.  Something created you, end of story.

We have all been the victim of well intentioned people who have tried to teach us certain things.  These people were conditioned by the generation before them, and they were conditioned by the generation before that, and so on and so on.  In society's desire to raise a village it has destroyed a vision, a dream, our imaginations.  We no longer think about what we are, but what we aren't.  In reality we were created to create.  We are not mere humans.  We in fact are identical replicas of that which created us.  Until such time as you can accept your divinity, all the bantering about is going to add up to a huge zero.

I was prompted by the Universe to pick up a book that I hadn't read in about three years.  Prior to this I had read the book at least ten times.  Dr. Wayne Dyer, one of my favorite authors and speakers penned Wishes Fulfilled.  I've been stressing about a few things and the Universe knew I was stressing.  I followed the prodding of my Angels and I will tell you that reading this book this time is like reading it for the very first time.  It is cementing things in me that I thought I had already firmed up, but come to find out, not as firm as I thought.  My reality as of late was not based on who I was, it had become who I wasn't.  I had forgotten that I am presence in me.  I had forgotten that I am is who I am, and I had forgotten the power in me once accepting my I am presence.

We as humans have been sold a bill of goods in regards to who we are.  We as humans have been lead down a path of doubt, limiting beliefs, and in some cases well out of the realm of possibilities.  If we were created to create why are so many people living lives of utter nothingness?  If we were created to create why are there so many people who lives in squalor?  If in fact we were created to create why are there so many people who simply have given up on their dreams and aspirations?  People give up because they have been taught that not everything we desire is really for us.  Quite frankly if you have a desire for something then there is a reason for it, and I for one would never stop until I had what I desired.  Our words, our thoughts are what create our reality.  If you are always walking under that black thunder cloud it's quite possible that you have settled for it.

I've written about the I am presence before, but just like so many things in our life there comes a time when we need to re-examine some things.  I needed to re-think a few things in regards to my life.  I knew I was in a dangerous spot when little stupid things would send me over the edge.  Quite honestly I had forgotten who and what I was.  I had gotten away from believing in my true self and had fallen victim to what much of society has fallen victim to, and that is complacency.  I no longer believed that I was strong.  I would say I was weak.  I no longer believed I was prosperous, no just your average Joe always wondering when the other shoe was going to drop.  I had to start by saying I am strong.  I am prosperous.  I am loved.  I am all that I was intended to be, and I am perfect as the universe is perfect.  My reality has been taken away from me by my worries, my fears, and my doubts.  I am so thankful that I listened to my spirit guides and picked up this magnificent book again.  I look for times to read, and I read, and read, and read.  When I finish it this time, I will read it again.  I no longer can accept anything less then my authentic self.  You should accept nothing less then your authentic self.

I strongly encourage you to figure out who the real you is and run with it.  I absolutely know what is ahead of me, and I desire for each of you to fully understand what is ahead you.  There are days when we simply need to be reminded a few things.  There is no shame in falling short from time to time.  If you fall short simply keep going.  I know people who are so worried about falling back a step or two that they never take an initial step.  If you are ever going to be the person you are supposed to be then you have to move forward.  Certainly you might take baby steps, but s step is a step, is a step.

I want to encourage you to think about your divinity.  It's not blasphemous to think you are a god, what is blasphemous is not recognizing that God is in you, and you were created by God.  When we fail to accept our greatness, our divinity, that is blasphemous.  When you fail to accept the real you that is blasphemous.  When you simply walk away from the real you, that is blasphemous.  My dear friends God spoke to Moses and for the first time we knew the name of God.  I am that I am.  The I am presence in your life is who you are.  If you can't separate yourself from your earthly parents then why in the world would you think you could separate yourself from your creator?  It's time that each of us know I am.  There is much to do with the time you and I have left, why not make the most of it by taking what is yours, has always been yours, and will always be yours?  It is time to identify with the real you, and allow the real you to bless those around you, and change the world while you're being who and what you were created to be.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Sometimes we just need a reminder.
Ever have one of those days when you just find it hard to trust?  Ever have one of those days when it's damn near impossible to think about today because you are so worried about the future?  Have you ever had one of those days when you just don't feel like the universe is on your side?  If we were being totally honest I'd venture to say that most people would say yes to at least one of the above described scenarios.   Well I'm here today to provide you with a little reminder.  This reminder is something we all need from time to time, present company included.

My husband and I are about to undertake a major move.  Even though I know it's the right move, at the right time, and for the right reasons, there have been so many hurdles that have had to be navigated.  Truthfully, I have felt as though the Universe has been playing games with me, and it's been hard to focus on the now because I have been so immersed in the future.  As  a human being we all face struggles, or what we perceive as struggles.  As a human being there will be times when we doubt, when we fear, and even times when we want to run away.  If you are there now, or have been there recently count yourself in good company.

Trusting in the Universe may not always seem like an easy thing to do, but it is the right thing to do.  If you believe in the perfection of the Universe then you must also believe in your perfection.  I know how difficult it can be to say one is perfect when all you see in front of you is turmoil, fear, and a little doubt sprinkled on top of it all.  All the Universe needs you to do is have hope.  If you can hope, then that hope will eventually turn into belief, and once you believe, then all things are possible.  Trusting in something may not always seem easy, but trust is the first step in embracing who and what you are.  Trust is knowing that you are here in this place, at this time, knowing that you have a destiny.

How many times in the past has your trust been tested?  I'd like to believe that most people have trust in something.  We tend to trust until such a time as that trust is either betrayed or tested to the outer limits.  No matter where you may find yourself right now, trust is something you must hold on to.  Once again, this may seem impossible, but in reality it is really your only option if you want to move past whatever it might be that is holding you back.  I've often written about limiting beliefs.  Limiting beliefs are those thoughts and feelings that tend to get in the way of us having what we truly desire.  If one can not see themselves as successful then it's doubtful that you will ever walk in the success that you were created to walk in.  Limiting beliefs were thrust upon us by others who thought they knew best.  Sadly these limiting beliefs were passed on to them from others, who had them passed on by others, and so on and so on.  We have been conditioned since birth to believe certain things, or in some case no longer believe in certain things.  Sadly the things we no longer believe in are the things that we were always meant to have and walk in.

As I sit here writing this week's blog I am having to remind myself about hope, about trust, and about my destiny.  As difficult as it has been for me over the last few months I have come to the point where I have had to step out in faith and just do what I know is the right thing to do.  You to will ultimately have to make the decision as to what is right for you.  I can always tell when my faith is being tested, when I forget about hope and destiny.  I have a very short fuse when I am stressed.  I tend to get bothered by the stupidest things, but the small stupid things seem like huge mountains in front of me. It might be a driver in front of me who doesn't seem to have to be anywhere in particular and is just creeping along.  My frustration might show up because someone said something that just didn't sit well with me.  Normally little things don't bother me, unless I have lost hope, trust, and faith.  We all have struggles, but we all have the ability to get over them if we can just remind ourselves of a few important facts.

Fact Number One:  You are perfect in your design and in your true essence.  Fact Number Two:  You have a destiny.  Fact Number Three:  There is nothing that can change your true self.  What happens to most people is that they have allowed all the things that are going on around them to alter their perception of who and what they are.  Sometimes you just have to dig your heels in and say no more. I've been there when all I wanted to do is end it all and say to hell with destiny.  I've doubted the Universe.  I've cursed the Universe.  I've wanted to run away and just hide somewhere.  Even though I thought I had given up hope, there was a little burning ember inside that would not, could not, go out.  Just when I thought all was lost that little ember began to burn again, and I was officially off to the races.  My dear friends please accept this little reminder, not because you are needy, but because you are deserving.  We all need to hold on to hope.  We all need to believe that we each have a destiny, which means we all have a place in this Universe.  Open your heart and listen to what is being said to you.  If you are in need of reassurance then it will come to you.  If you are in need of a little extra hope, then believe it will be there for you.  If all you need is a little kick in the pants to move you along, I am confident the Universe will orchestrate that little kick for you.

Let this reminder simply be a testament to who and what you are, and a reminder of how important you are to the rest of humanity.  Remember to trust, then believe, then step out.  Your journey is not over, it is just beginning, and everything starts with hope, trust, and belief.  Be strong and show others just how strong you are.