Tuesday, December 7, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

His mercies are new every morning! There are days when you and I need to remember this. Now there are various faiths out in the world today, and I am not here to push one faith over another. I have friends who are of a different faith than I, and I still wish the best for them as they wish the best for me. I know People who have no faith what so ever and yet I still wish the very best for them. What the opening statement means to me may mean something completely different to you, and in fact may mean nothing to you at all. That's OK, we all have different beliefs, and that is something we all need to accept. As for me I'd like to think that God has a plan for my life and no matter what I am going through I am heading in the right direction. I need to know that there is a higher power out there someone and that this higher power has my best interest at heart. Life in general is difficult at best, and more often then not I haven't a clue what is coming down the pike. It would be great to have all the answers and wake up one morning with a knowledge of what is going to happen throughout the entire day and know that there will be no miss steps. Well maybe in Fantasy Land this is the case, but in my life, as with your life, I'm not sure this will ever happen. In a way I am glad for this as I am one who needs variety. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I want things to blow up and all of a sudden I am in a panic over something that has taken place. I do like things to be normal, whatever normal may be. What I am saying is that I like things that may be a little different, because then I am forced to grow with it, and in growing I also am learning. Life is a series of big lessons. Some lessons are easy to understand, others are far more complex and often the answers don't come easy. Either way it is a learning process and I love to learn, albeit, sometimes lessons do come at a very inappropriate time.

I was thinking back on a situation that I faced several years ago. At the time I had no idea how I was going to handle this crisis. I think when we are faced with uncertainty and challenges we tend to retreat to our happy place in the hopes that these issues will just go away. You and I both know that issues just don't fly off into the ozone somewhere. We still have to face them and we still have to put our best foot forward so to speak to get past the hurdles and barriers. I have often said that how we handle a victory is equally as important as how we handle a failure or set-back. Both can form our character, and both can define who and what we are. We've all been exposed to sore losers, but we also have had to face sore winners. Those obnoxious people who don't know when to stop their victory chants, and the ones you would like to bury under six feet of whip ass.

Challenges will come and go in life. How we handle each one is largely dependent on how we view each challenge, and what has and hasn't worked in the past. There are many times in life when we try to reinvent the wheel. We feel as though we have to come up with this creative way of overcoming obstacles and road blocks. If you have engineered a winning way in the past, why not utilize the same actions again. Sure you may have to make some simple alterations or adjustments, but if it worked before it may work again. Facing a challenge head on is always the best course of action. It may not always be comfortable, it may not always be pleasant, but in the long run it is the right thing to do. No one ever said life would be simple. If you find yourself facing a challenge then accept it for what it is, an opportunity for growth and an opportunity for you to prove you can handle it and overcome anything that is thrown your way.

One final thought; each of us has the ability to adapt and overcome. There will be times when we doubt our abilities, but push come to shove you will have the ability to do the right thing, at the right moment, and you will know that things will work out. His Mercies are new every morning, for that I am grateful and I hold fast to the truth that good things are on the way. Never lose hope, never give up, and never never doubt that the future is looking bright and your best days are still ahead. Think about it........

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