Monday, December 13, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

Happy Monday Morning, and let's hope that this week proves to be one of the best of the year. I am giddy with excitement this morning as the Patriots romped over Chicago and the New York Jets lost. It was a splendid Sunday and that holds good tidings for the week ahead. We had a huge rain and wind storm here in Maine. Blessings that it wasn't snow, we would have been buried butt high to a Giraffe had it been the white stuff. I will confess that I do want a white Christmas, but right after the New Year it can go away and not come back for another year. It's not likely to happen that way, but I can always dream.

All weekend I was trying to figure out what to write about this morning. I tend to get tunnel vision when I write. More often than not I start out in one vein and by the end of the piece I am right back on destiny. I know you must get bored with it at times, but I so believe in the message of destiny and dreams that it is like second nature to me. I have seen so many people give up on their dreams and destiny. Let's face it, we are living in perilous times. People are walking around hopeless. I can remember back in the 70's when this country went through difficult times. The feelings are quite similar, the big difference is that I was just a kid back then. Now I am an adult with adult responsibilities. But the feelings of hopelessness and dread are all around right now. People feel as though the world is passing them by and they are destined to be just a blip on the radar. I fall Prey to the pressures of the day just like everyone else. I have my good days and I have my bad days. I wonder what the future has in store, and there are days when I want to stay in bed, bury my head in the pillow and just escape the fear and feelings of dread that are so very present. I have to make a conscious decision each day to move forward and not let the current state of affairs dictate my feelings for the day. Is this easy? Not really, but I give it the old college try and do the best I can each day.

No one is immune from the day to day issues that cause worry, fear, and dread. It would be great if every day were a holiday. It would be great if the only feelings we experienced were joy, happiness, and peace of mind. It would be great, but then we would most likely be living in fantasy land and not in reality. The true reality we live in today is that things are not perfect, times are tough, and people are fearful of the immediate future and the uncertainty that exist. But let me give some hope to the current situation; we don't have to fall prey to all the Nay Sayers and Doom and Gloomers. If I had let every difficult situation I have faced in my life stop me, I would be dead by now. I have to make a conscious decision each day to move forward and not let these bumps in the road stop me from achieving the things I know I am destined to achieve. I wish everyday was easy and at the end of each day I could say what a breeze it was. I have had days when I wanted to just sit down and cry myself to sleep. I have felt so void of emotion and helpless that not waking up the next morning was a great alternative. It was during those times when I had to dig deep and realize that I had things to accomplish in this life and I wasn't going to let set backs and disappointments rule the day. Ladies and Gentlemen if life has thrown you lemons it is time to make lemonade. We will all run into adversity from time to time. How one handles these events will show your grit and determination. It's not always easy to be positive and upbeat. Even the most positive and upbeat person you know will have days when things don't go right and quitting is what comes to mind first. I challenge each of you to take a look at all the qualities you have and realize they are there for a reason.

One final thought: When you are at the end of your rope, when you feel like quitting and just giving up, when you feel as though you have nothing more to give because times have gotten so rough and complex, remember one thing. What you have inside of you is something that someone else may need to make it through their day. It sometimes takes just a smile or a pat on the back to someone else to help them through their difficult situations. Changing a life is not always earth shaking. There will be times where a simple, gentle, loving smile is all one needs to take them out of their doldrums and into a feeling of acceptance and appreciation. Never neglect to show the smallest of sentiments to others, and in turn never treat a smile from others as just a smile. Behind every smile is a desire to uplift and otherwise change a life for the better. Think about it........

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