Tuesday, December 21, 2010

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it alone?

We're all looking for something in life. It may be something we are supposed to do, something we are supposed to be, someplace we are supposed to go. Some will find it, some will not. There is no rhyme nor reason why some will succeed in their quest and others won't. We're all looking for something, maybe it's time that we all go on a journey and find that one thing that defines you and therefore gives you purpose. I have said many times that I believe in destiny. To some their destiny is to be the best mom or dad on the planet. To others maybe you are destined to head a multi-national corporation leading the world in a new technology. To another it may be as simple as coaching a loosing team, but in doing so, imparting what is best to the young athletes under your tutelage. Life can throw many challenges our way. "The Best laid Plans of Mice and Men..." How many times have we started off in one direction only to change course in mid-stream and in doing so have changed the course of where we were originally intended to go and what we were intended to do? Some of these course corrections were by design, others were due to circumstances beyond our control, and still others were self-imposed. Not all course corrections are good, and not all are bad. I guess you have to look at it and determine why the correction was made and how it was handled. I have seen fear and intimidation change many a course of action. Anything driven by fear and intimidation is generally not the right course to take and often leads us down a path where the end is never realized and dreams become a thing of the past.

Today you and I are probably wondering what does life have in store for me, for us! It doesn't matter if you are in the sunset of your years, or at the very beginning of the dreaming stage, we all have things that we would still like to accomplish. If I could single handedly help every person on the face of this earth get to and walk in their destiny I would do it at the drop of a hat. I have seen the agony on people's faces who have no idea what is coming at them around the corner. To many there are feelings that the world has passed them by and the dreams that have been in their heart for all those years are doomed to die with them. To some they have seen success, made the money, and for all intents and purposes have lived the perfect life. But to many of these people there is still something missing, something that escapes them. Something that all the money, success, positions of prominence still leaving them wondering is this as good as it gets? I have been that person who has wondered if life has passed me by? Have I lived the best part of my life and is this really as good as it gets? I have known failure in my life. I have lost jobs, lost cars, money, friends, and loved ones. I have had my vision almost taken away from me, and at times didn't want it back. It only brought me torment and sorrow. I wanted to see my vision come to pass so bad that I felt that life would not be worth living if I could not do what I envisioned. I would find myself unable to move forward out of fear that I was fooling myself in what I wanted to accomplish. If you are going through this, do not despair. You are in good company, and there will come a time when you will walk in your vision and all will work out.

Today as we enter Christmas week, maybe it's time that we start believing in a little Christmas Magic. Maybe this is the time of year where we dare to dream a little bigger, live a little larger, and step a little quicker. Maybe this is the time of year where we stop wondering and start doing. Maybe this is the time of year where we realize that dreams are there to inspire, equip, and other wise motivate us to be something we always wanted to be. Maybe this is the time of year to dare to dream. Your dreams and your ability to walk in those dreams may be the catalyst which will inspire others to walk toward their dreams. Maybe just maybe you need to walk in your dreams so others can walk in theirs. Maybe just maybe, you will be what someone else needs to accomplish what they were destined to fulfill.

Never ever give up dreaming and never stop pursuing your destiny. There is no dream so small that it should be forgotten, no dream so big that it can't be accomplished, and no dream that resides inside of you that shouldn't be considered. Dreams are inside of all of us for a reason. We may not understand it right now, and maybe it will take time to come to a clear understanding as to why we have a certain dream for our life, but that realization will come soon enough and when it does, give it all you've got. We each have a destiny, and when that destiny is realized you will know that you know that you are in the right place at the right time.

We're all looking for something in life. Maybe its time to go after it. Think about it.........

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