Thursday, December 2, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

Ever have one of those mornings where your mind is traveling a million miles per second and you're not quite sure how to slow it down. It's not really anxiety, but rather just not knowing what direction to go in next. Do I take the path of least resistance or do I take the path less traveled? We all would like to think we have our lives planned out and in the end many are surprised when they are exactly where they are supposed to be. Others, are so far off the beaten track there is zero resemblance of what they thought life was going to be like. Where you fall on the spectrum is any one's guess. I have had to make some very tough decisions as of late. Some of them I was glad to do, others were more difficult and if I could have put it off for a hundred years I would gladly have done it. We all have decisions to make in life; some simple, others not so much. But running away from a decision is never going to solve the problem, and sooner or later you are still going to have to face the issues. Trust me when I say I have been there and the issues still remain no matter how long you put off the inevitable.

We are all going to be faced with having to make decisions in life, there is no getting around this, much as we would like too. How you go about making decisions, how you formulate an action to take, how you come to any conclusion, is difficult and tiresome. It would be great if we could all just hit the Staple's Easy button. Regrettably life isn't that simple, nor are the decisions that each of us face on a given day. Look at it this way, you are in good company. Each and every person walking this planet make decisions on a daily basis, and many of them pale in comparison to some of the earth shattering decisions world leaders may make on any given day. Problem is, when you are faced with a difficult situation that requires action, do you really care what others are going through around you? I think not, and in this you are not alone. We have a tendency as humans to get tunnel vision. Now I'm not saying this is a bad thing, but there are times when we need to incorporate other ideas and views in our decision making process. Isolating yourself from the rest of the world because you have a tough decision to make is less than the perfect thing to do, and often only delays the decision making process. I know this to be true, for I am one that internalizes most everything, and only when absolutely necessary do I bring others into the mix to help me out. What is it they say, "Physician heal thyself" or put another way, "Do as I say not as I do".

It would be great if the toughest decision we had to make each day was what to wear, or where to eat lunch. It would be great if we could spin the wheel and the perfect answer to any of life's toughest questions came up and it became a no brainer. It would be great, but life isn't that simple nor are some of the decisions we have to make. Trust in your own abilities and trust that you have everything you need inside of you to make the right decision when the time comes along. Sure you will second guess yourself from time to time, we all do that. But second guessing a decision is just life's system of checks and balances. What you have to fight against is allowing this second guessing to alter or delay actions that you know you need to take to accomplish the things that you know you need to do. Is this an easy thing to do, well I think we all know the answer to that question.

One final thought, and you can do with it what you like. I am prone to say why put off till tomorrow, what you can put off till next week. When faced with these difficult decisions we would love to wait till the very last moment, that is human nature and really not much anyone can say about it. Trouble is, if we continue to do this, then it becomes habit, and habits are very difficult to break. Why not start a new habit and face these challenges and decisions head on, throwing caution to the wind. Face it, under certain conditions, can things get any worse. Don't answer that question, it was more rhetorical than anything else. Be strong in what you know to be true, and incorporate that truth in your decision making process. Search your heart and do what you know to be right, and in the long wrong, come hell or high water you will be in the right place. Tackle decisions, and take dominion over them. You can do this, I can do this, and we all need to do this. Think about it.......

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