Wednesday, December 22, 2010

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it alone?

It all began with the birth of a small child, whose coming was foretold, and yet the world was unaware of the significance of his birth. It's funny but the world, for the most part, has forgotten what the Christ Child's birth meant and continues to mean today. I am not here to push one faith over another. Faith is a confidence that things will happen as they are intended to happen with or without any assurance from others. In life we all need faith. Faith to get up each morning and walk in our destiny. Faith that says that no matter what we come up against we are going to walk in those things that we were put on this earth to do. Faith that keeps us moving forward even when we have nothing left to give and all seems lost and dying.

We are right in the middle of a time of year when reflection is an every day occurrence for most people. Reflection of what has happened during the past year and quiet introspection of what we hope for the year ahead of us. Did we do all the things we had hoped to do this past year and will we have an opportunity to do more in the future? I love the fact that I am not content to sit around and just hope that something happens. If its worth having, then its worth working for. I would love it if what I wanted just plopped down in my lap and I didn't have to work for it. But the trials we go through are not just there to make our day exciting, they are there to teach us all a lesson. A lesson that others can learn from, and a lesson to each of us that what we do with our time and talent is vitally important to those around us who need what we have inside to give.

As I reflect on the year gone by, I am filled with a hope that my tomorrows will be better and the vision I have for my future is just unfolding and I will walk out my destiny so others can begin to walk in theirs. I have been listening to a piece of music the last few days. I often will put on music as I write as it inspires me and I can go to a place where the day to day grind is not the focus of the moment. The piece is called "I Believe" by a group called ERA. I had to special order it, as it is not in print here in the United States. I must say that this song is one of the most beautiful songs I have ever had the privilege of listening to and I would encourage each of you to get a hold of it. Music can and will calm the savage beast and if you are in need of encouragement then this song will indeed lift your spirits and take you to a place where dreams can be created and inspiration can flourish. I think we are all in need of inspiration from time to time. Life has a way of becoming stale and often we get into a place where we can either take it or leave it. Trust me I have entertained thoughts of leaving it all behind as I have tried to live through the challenges of the last few years. When I listen to this piece of music the ideas come storming through at a rate I have not experienced in quite some time. Do yourself a favor and get this music, if it doesn't speak to your heart, I'm not sure anything else will. We all need encouragement from time to time, we are human after all. Encouragement to take it one more day, to climb up one more hill, to accept one more defeat. We all need encouragement no matter who or what you are. We all need encouragement because alone we can do very little, but combining resources will always make for an easier journey. You guessed it, if Life is a journey why go it alone?

I have known triumph in my life and I have known defeat. I have known love and have lived through loneliness. I have been on the mountain top and slipped into the valley. We all have ups and downs, victories and defeats, how you manage to come out of each situation is entirely up to you. Inspiration can come to you in many forms, but inspiration is what we all need on a daily basis, even for the simplest of task. Inspiration that tells us that we will soar with the eagles. Inspiration that will take us to the pinnacle and from that place look over our surroundings and realize we do have a future. Inspiration that will not allow us to dismiss our dreams as just folly, but realizing that dreams are there to get us to the place we are intended to be. Never give up on your dreams.

It all started with the birth of a child. My prayer for each of you this time of year is that you would walk in peace, happiness, and joy always. That the destiny within you will be fulfilled and you will have the ability to give of yourself so others can benefit from what you have to offer. It all started with a child; small, in need of constant care and nurturing. Funny how life takes on this scenario each day. No matter how old we are we still need constant care and nurturing, and will need it until the day we die. It all started with a child, Merry Christmas and may your future be bright, happy, and full of promise.

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