Wednesday, December 1, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

Well I'm back from my mini-break and it's time to do what I do best. Well maybe not what I do best, but rather what I try to be best at, and that's write and inspire. I hope and pray that everyone had a terrific Thanksgiving, and that it was full of love, happiness, and joy. I was out doing some shopping over the weekend, not brave enough to head out on Black Friday, so just waited till Sunday and got most of my shopping done. Truthfully, I never thought it possible to get things done before the 24th of December. Will wonders never cease? During my shopping spree I also took time to pick up all the ingredients needed to put together my goodie bags for Christmas. I have gotten to the point where I don't want to spend vast amounts of time trying to figure out what to get each friend. What do you give to someone who really doesn't need anything? Let's face it, most of the time it is probably re gifted to some gift swap at one or more company or family Christmas parties. Guilty of that one, but lets keep that under wraps will you? I have enough quirks in my life, there's no need to go public with all of them.

I enjoy the baking and preparing for each bag. It keeps my mind active, and I would rather be in the kitchen making something then just sitting in front of the television watching "It's a Wonderful Life" for the tenth time in as many days. Actually my daughter and I look forward to the 24 hours of "A Christmas Story" that stations run on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. "You'll shoot your eye out", man can't believe I let myself fall prey to that stupid movie, and even harder to believe that I will actually watch that silly movie three or four times during that 24 hour period. Lest you fall off your chair laughing at me, I know I am not the only one who does this, but may be the only one willing to admit it.

I was reminded the other day just how important relationships are and why we need them in each of our lives. I have been known to tell people that life is too short to be taken seriously, and on this journey there is no need to go it alone. I have had periods in my life when I have known total loneliness. It was a dark period of my Life, and not one that I want to experience again. It took every bit of energy I had just to get out of bed, and there were times when I hoped I would fall asleep at night and not wake in the morning. It is tragic that there are countless people out in the world today experiencing the very same thing. I see hopelessness on the faces of so many people, and if I could turn a switch and make them all better I would do it in an instant. It was during my darkest moments that I pulled on friends, family, and loved ones to get me through these periods. Sadly there are people out there who have failed to cultivate these types of relationships and subsequently have no one to depend on when times get tough. What came first, the chicken or the egg? You need relationships in your life, but you haven't the energy nor the desire to do so. Ladies and Gentlemen, you can't do it alone, I don't care who you are, or how good you think you are. Times will come when everyone and I do mean everyone will need the assistance of someone else. Seeking out the help of others is a hard thing to do at times, but learning how to reach out is an absolute must. I am somewhat pig headed and stubborn and when I decide to do something I am full speed ahead, others be dammed. I was rearranging some furniture the other day at my home and I was having to move this particular piece. I took a minute to look at it, I knew I should wait for the help, but no I had to get it done. I am reminded at this moment of a saying, "many hands make light work". I should have heeded that saying, but alas I tried to move this piece of furniture and as you would expect, BIG SCRATCH. My fault I know, but that is my stubbornness to a tee. How could I get angry with myself, I knew I should have waited, but I didn't and now I had to pay the price. I have friends who would have been more than happy to give me a hand, but I didn't want to wait and I got what was coming to me. When you take an inventory of the things in your life that you want to accomplish, why not take a moment and also take a look at who is in your life and why they may be there. Maybe, just maybe, they are in your life to give you that second set of hands to help you in a situation. Maybe they are there to give you a second point of view. Maybe they are just there to give you a big hug because you've had the worst day of your life and all you want to do is cry. Relationships with people allow us to answer the who, what, where, why and how questions in our life. Relationships will fill us with positive energy and give us what we need to get out of bed in the morning knowing that we are going to face struggles again today. Relationships are what put a smile on our face, a sparkle in our eye, and a song in your heart. We can't live without them, and more importantly why would you want to. If there is someone out there who has been on your mind as of late, why not reach out to them and connect with them. It might be intuition that is prompting you to do this, and intuition that is saying they may need you at this moment in time. Never neglect to be there for others, because the time will come when you will need someone and we all hope that we have others around who will be there for us when we need them. It is that time of year when we display Peace on earth Goodwill toward men. Do your part and know that your life and the life of others will be changed. Think about it....

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