Wednesday, December 8, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

There are days when words come easy and then there are days when it's like pulling teeth. I have started this blog three times today, and three times I have deleted the whole thing because it just didn't seem right. At first I thought it writer's block, but not being a professional writer I couldn't for the life of me blame it on that. It's not a lack of inspiration, since inspiration is my middle name. I don't even think it's from a lack of topics, because lets face it the topics one can write about are endless. I think that the problem stems from that I have so much that I want to say on a given day I sometimes don't know where to start. Like Dorothy on the "Wizard of Oz", maybe starting at the beginning is a very good place to start. Hold it, maybe it wasn't Dorothy, but rather Maria Van Trap and "Do-Re-Mi". What ever the case, I feel it best to start at the beginning and see where it may take us today. I won't start at the beginning of time since there are so many people who differ on when time started and what came first the chicken or the egg, or who inhabited the earth first, Adam and Eve, or another form of Man? Won't go down that rabbit trail.

One of the many thoughts I have running through my head today deals with timing and opportunity. I guess I am one who believes that when the timing is right the opportunity will make room for itself. I have been guilty of bad timing in the past. I may have had a great idea, planned out the execution of said idea, but when the time came to implement, it wasn't the right time, and the results were less than stellar. I think we've all been in that place where things didn't work out as planned, and it may have been better not to take action at all verses obtaining the results that came about. One of the problems of being a visionary is that you see things in the big picture, yet you don't always have the way to implement those visions, nor even the slightest idea of how you are going to get where you want to go. I think that is the purest form of frustration; knowing what you want but having no idea how to get it. Most of us, truth be told and being true to ones self, would have to admit we have all be in this boat. I guess the questions arises, when and where do we start going after our dreams? If one believes in destiny then there will always be a way to get to the end. Some of the paths to one's destiny may be rocky, curved, and uncharted. Other paths are clear as can be, yet we sometimes lack the courage necessary to take the first step. I have been so tortured by fear of the unknown that I have been stopped dead in my tracks. I didn't know whether to crap or go blind. If everyone were honest with themselves they would have to admit to being in this very same place from time to time in their lives. One of the great characteristics of destiny is that no matter what we come across in life, destiny is something that will happen, no matter what we do or don't do. Let me stop here and make one very important statement; destiny is not going to just fall in your lap. If you want to win the lottery you have to buy a ticket. Action is always required. Your actions may be slow and methodical, but action none-the-less.

I have known and felt hopelessness. I have wanted certain things so bad, and yet had no idea how to obtain them. It's like having the hen that laid the golden egg, but no eggs came out. You know you have something of value, but for the life of you can't figure out how to make the damn thing work. If you are in this position right now, take a deep breath, clear your mind, and relax. Goals, dreams, and aspirations take time to come to fruition. Goals, dreams, and aspirations take patience. Goals, dreams and aspirations take courage to not give up, give in, or lay down. Search your heart and know that those things that rest inside of you are there for a reason and that reason may or may not be known to you at the present, but there is a peace that rest on you to know it is there for a specific purpose. Never lose heart, and whatever you do, don't give up. I have been so close to giving up on my dreams in the past, but deep from within I knew I had no option but to go one more day. Tears may come, frustration may arise, and yes even dismay and torment, but when it's all said and done, you will walk in your destiny.

One final thought: when the going gets tough, the tough.... no won't finish it the way you always heard it. When the going gets tough, it sucks. No other way to put it, no use sugar coating it, it just sucks. We all have dreams, we all want them to come to pass, we all need them because that is human nature. No one walks around wanting to be a failure. Many will accept failure, not because they want to , but because they feel they have no other alternative. If we never give up on our dreams and goals, do we really fail? Sure there may be set backs and calamity from time to time. If you continue to step forward it doesn't matter if you get knocked back two or three steps. You still made the effort to move forward, that in and of itself is a victory. Don't lose your vision, for your vision belongs to you and only you. Carry it, nurture it, and by all means believe in it. It has been given to you for a reason, and only you can carry it out. Think about it.........

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