Friday, April 24, 2015

Until the very end.
Time and time again we run into those people who just stick it out and don't know the meaning of quit.  We sometimes question their sanity, as if what they are doing is crazy and you can't quite understand why they would put themselves through such torture.  On the other side of the coin you have those who simply give up.  They have made the conscious decision that it just isn't worth the hassle to go through what they have to go through in order to get what they want.

It always comes down to how bad you want something and are you willing to stick it out.  I am not here to cast stones at those who have made the decision to sit this one out.  I know that life can be difficult and often even the strongest people get smashed from time to time.  The difference between those who quit and those who don't is how bad or how much do you believe in those things you desire?  If you really believe that you are destined for something, then there is no way that you would ever give up on your dreams, no matter how many people try to talk you out of them.

I can't see myself doing anything else in life other then what I am doing right now.  I love to write and I love talking to people about destiny.  Now there may come a time when I pursue other interest, but at the core of it all, it will still be about destiny and helping others discover their destiny.  The question that always seems to cross my mind when I see someone give up on their dreams is why?  Why give up on something that should mean more to you then almost anything else in the entire world?  I understand that the going can get tough from time to time, but does that mean you simply walk away from the thing that could bring you unlimited joy?

If you walk away from something that you call your destiny, then in fact you never believed it was your destiny.  If you know in the very core of your being that you are supposed to do something in this life, then there is nothing that could stand in the way of you pursuing it.  Certainly we might hit a snag here or there, but when push comes to shove, you will be the one pushing through it all.  Until the very end, there is nothing that will stop you from fulfilling your purpose here on earth.  This is what separates those who truly believe and those who are simply giving things lip service.

I've had moments in my life when I have tried different things, but I simply didn't have a fire inside of me to really move forward in different areas.  Believe it or not, that's OK.  Not everything you try is part of you destiny.  That being said, if it is part of your destiny, then wild horses couldn't stop you from going after certain things.  I know I'm saying the same thing over and over, but this is one area that cannot be over emphasized or stressed.

Let me ask you this question:  if you were faced with a life or death decision what would you do?  The preservation of life is one of the strongest urges we have.  Many people when faced with death do some pretty incredible things to survive. Why?  Because the need for survival is a basic human instinct.  This same instinct is what should drive you in regards to your destiny.  If you really believe in something then that instinct will kick in and nothing will get your eyes off the end goal.  It all comes down to what you believe and what you don't believe.

Look at those people who surround you who have nothing good to say about what you want in life.  Every goal or dream you share with them, they seem to talk down, crap on, or simply tell you you're nuts to think that such a thing is possible.  How many of these people are actually doing something with their life?  Are they walking in their destiny?  Are they changing the face of humanity?  If I had to wager a bet I would say they are not.  If those people are trying to speak into your life, then my question is, why are you even contemplating letting them do that?  You don't need to give them the time of day, because quite frankly they would never give you what you need.  Stay away from these people and protect the dreams and visions you have for you life.  I know this might seem like you are being spiteful to simply tell them to go away, but in the long run they are doing nothing to encourage you in your destiny, and any type of discouragement is never going to get you where you need to be.

Surround yourself with like-minded people.  People who will speak life to your dreams and visions, people who will encourage you to pursue those things that will bring you happiness and joy.  The people who support you might not have all the answers, but what they do have is a belief in you and sometimes that is the difference between success and failure.

If you have begun to understand what your purpose is, then you have no choice but to take it out until the very end.  If you stop, you will never forgive yourself.  But let me give you words to think about: if you have discovered your passion, your calling, your purpose, or your destiny, I don't think you will ever have to worry about not taking it out to the end.  The excitement of walking in your destiny will be the thing that moves you forward each day.  When you have tasted the sweet wine of your destiny, there is nothing that will stop you from going after more of it.  That is the difference between knowing and simply wondering.  Hold on to your dreams, and when you do, your dreams will take you to lands that once you only imagined, but now they become as real as real can be.

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