Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Carry on my dear ones, carry on.
If ever there was a theme or thread that passed through each of my blogs, I guess it would have to be my desire to see each and every person walking this planet discover and walk in their destiny.  Sadly, I realize that there will be those who never get to this point.  That doesn't mean I'm going to give up.  Alas my calling, my purpose, my passion, and my destiny is to help as many people as I possibly can to identity their destiny and begin to walk in it.  I have determined to carry on with this mission no matter how long it takes, where it takes me, or even how much it cost me.

We are all going to have to make a determination to carry on with things, or simply lay them down and wonder what could have been.  Living a life of what could have been is miserable.  Living a life of empty efforts is miserable.  Staying in a job or profession you hate is also miserable, but there are many who have decided to do this.  Certainly in their mind they have good reason to stick things out. Many might be close to retirement age.  Others have to figure where the rent money is going to come from, or how to pay the next tuition payment for little Jimmy, Jody, Biffy and Buffy.  I get that, I really do.  I've been in jobs that I felt trapped, and would have given anything for the perfect exit strategy, for that matter any exit strategy would have done.

There comes a point in time however, when you simply can't take it any more.  The sleepless nights, the acid stomach, the mood swings, these all seem to be a very present thing in many lives, and yet they continue to carry on doing the very same thing.   When I say "Carry On" I don't mean stay with what you are doing.  I mean carry on and go after those things that you know would make you happier then a lark, more joyful then a bunch of playful kittens, and far more encouraged with life then you might be in this moment.  No one deserves to live a life full of dread.  Just think how life would be different if instead of looking at Monday with dread because it meant another week at that meaningless job, you got to go to work at a place where you really meant something.  A place where you were respected, and a place where your dreams really do matter.  Imagine a workplace where your family time really was important.  Can you even envision a place of work where you didn't want Friday to come because that meant you couldn't do your thing again until Monday?

If I took a poll of a million people, I wonder how many would tell me they love their job, and can't think of anything else they would rather be doing.  I would hope it would be One Hundred percent, but you and I know that it's not, because you and I both know you hate what you're doing.  Life is too short to be taken up with trivial task that only benefit others and never benefit you.  I've worked for companies who talked a mighty talk, but when push came to shove, the only thing that really mattered was the bottom line of the profit sheet, and your dreams or hopes be damned.  I hate companies that pay lip service to their employees.  I always hear that they want the best for their workers, but somehow their best never seems to serve the greater good, and certainly not the workers who are expected to give it their all and for what, 1/350000 of what the CEO makes?  Sorry, that just burns my ass, and I needed to get that off my chest.

Don't misunderstand me, I am a capitalist, and I know that companies need to make money to stay in business.  But when profits trump everything else, you can damn well bet that the people who work there become nothing more then cogs in the big corporate wheel.  If you are currently in a place where your dreams for a better life are being trampled on, then get out of there and get out of there in a hurry.  As I said, life is too short to be taken up by those who haven't the foggiest notion of what makes you tick, what is important to you, and what dreams you have that have yet to manifest in your life.

I have been laughed at because of how I see things.  People have commented that I don't understand business because I refuse to let what has become mainstream dictate how I run my company.  Good.  If I ran my company the way that so many others run theirs, I wouldn't have a company.  More importantly I wouldn't deserve a company.  I don't care what you do for a living, what I care about is are you doing what you were placed here to do?  If you are, great.  If you aren't then what are you waiting for?  Isn't it time that someone invested in your dreams and visions?  Isn't it time that you were the recipient of all that is good and meaningful?  The day will come when you will have to look back at your life and figure out if you were all you were supposed to be, or go away always wondering what could have been.

My friends, the time has come for each of us to move forward in our destinies.  It is time to carry on and do what makes you happiest, and when you do fulfillment will be there for you.  Success is knowing that you are in the right place, doing the right things, and being who you were created to be. Anything short of this and you will always be a little empty, always wondering what else is there, and always wanting something just a little bit different.  Stop the cycle of madness now and simply go after those things that are in your heart to do.  When the end comes you will never have to worry that you didn't get to where you were supposed to be.  Carry on dears ones, simply carry on.

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