Monday, April 27, 2015

So you want it when?
There is no pleasing some people.  In fact, there are some people who never expect to be pleased, and then wonder why the world is falling apart all around them.  We seem to be expected to live within the expectations of others almost on a daily basis.  "You can't do this, you can't do that."  "You need to go to college, and you better study... "  "I want the job done and I want it done my way, which is the right way."

How can we ever be expected to manage the expectations that others place on us?  If you're like me, I hate living within the parameters of others who haven't a clue as to what is important to me and what is not.  Other's expectations about us as individuals are in a word, crap.  Now let me say something, just so you don't think that I'm trying to be obstinate just for the sake of being obstinate.  The expectations I am talking about are all the ways that people feel you should live your life.  It's as if you have no say so in what happens in your life, how you turn out, and what you are supposed to do with your life.  Once again in a word, crap.

If you are ever going to come to the realization of who and what you are, then you need to forget about other's expectations and simply follow what you know to be your path.  It's pretty easy to manage your own expectations when you forget about the ridiculous expectations of others.  It's funny that people seem to be more focused on others then themselves.  It's also humorous when I think of those who have all the answers about my life, but can't figure out what they should be doing with their own life.

Parent's have expectations of their children.  Employers have expectations of their employees.  Husbands of wives, brother of sisters; everyone has expectations of everyone else.  We even have expectations of ourselves, and often those expectations are impossible to meet.  Well today I want you to look at things just a bit differently, and with that, change the direction of your life forever.  If you're ready to change then let's get started.

First things first: what are some of the expectations we place on ourselves?  We all feel as though we need to be perfect.  Well in the Creator's eyes, you already are.  We feel as though we need to be smart and intelligent.  Well in the Creator's eyes, you already are.  We expect to be loved and cherished.  Well once again, by the Creator you are.  If God already sees you in this fashion, does it really matter how others see you or feel about you?  If you can't accept the way that Spirit sees you, then I will tell you that it doesn't really matter what others say or feel, or for that matter what you say or feel.

The only real expectation I want to place on myself is to know the real me.  Once you know who you really are then all the other expectations that others want to place on you will not add up to a hill of beans.  If you really want to manage expectations then start by coming to grips with who and what you are.

Here's what I expect of myself:  that I will live each day seeking out ways to fulfill the calling on my life, and that I will look deep within myself and come to an understanding of the greatness within me.  I expect that doors will be open for me that I may walk through that will lead me to the place that I was always intended to be in.  I expect that I will always show compassion and love to others and in that compassion and love help others understand what they were created to be.  I have an expectation that I will always have what I need, when I need it, and that there is nothing that will be impossible to do.  If you are not able to believe these things my guess is you have yet to grasp the significance of you being here right now.

The time has come for you to turn your back on the expectations of others and no longer worry whether you fit into their system of doing things.  Other's way of doing things has nothing to do with how you do things.  You may be able to learn from others, but you are always going to have to put your own spin on things.  There are no cookie-cutter remedies for how we live our life.

Why should you ignore the expectations of others?  If you are surrounded by hundreds of people, each who have different outlooks, then each of them will have different expectations of you.  How in the world would you ever be able to manage all the expectations of those hundreds of different views?  You couldn't, and you shouldn't.  Focus on your expectations of yourself, and when you focus on them You just might begin to realize how God sees you and then the expectations will have been met.  Once again God does not see you as insignificant, or dumb, or worthless, or any other thing that is contrary to God's nature.  That being said, if you see your worth, your beauty, your greatness, then there would be nothing that would keep you from being the perfect being you already are.

Walk free from the expectations of others and simply know that you are already perfect in God's eye. This should be enough to free yourself from what others expect of you.  I want nothing more then to be the person I was intended to be, and I assure you when you step away from what others expect of you, you can start being the one you were always meant to be.  Think about it.

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