Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Which direction is right for you?
So you have begun your journey, and you have come to a crossroad.  What direction do you go in?  Which path do you take?  How is one to know the right way of going about your chosen endeavor?

All good questions, and let's see if we can't get you some answers today.  First things first:  whenever you are in a quandary as to what to do or where to go, it is always best to follow the leading of your heart.  I have said this so many times in the past, but I guess kicking a dead horse is called for from time to time.  Your heart is incapable of telling an untruth.  Whether you want to call it your heart, or intuition, or simply your "gut", more often then not, when we follow our heart, we come out fine.

Most people, when faced with a decision, will seek out advice from those closest to them.  Be it a family member, a friend, or other loved ones, people have come to rely on these people for council.  Now this can be of benefit to you or it can be a curse depending on how these people see your current situation, or how they tend to look at life.  If they are the type where the glass is always half full, well chances are they are going to motivate you to take the next step.  If on the other hand, the glass is half empty, well I might decide to keep my options to myself and not bring them in to help.

I have known people who have had great ideas, only to have these ideas squashed by others who themselves were stuck in their own journey, without the knowledge of how to get moving.  When push comes to shove, you are always going to have a better understanding of where you want to go, how you want to get there, and what it will take, so why give in to what others are saying to you?

I have been stuck before, and I reached out for advise from those I trusted and knew they had my best interest at heart.  Still, it has always come down to me making the decision what to do next, and until I was able to make the decision nothing else mattered.  We can go round Robinhood's barn a thousand times, but until you decide what to do, nothing else really can help you.

I've been in situations where people have offered me their best advice, and because there was so much coming at me, I couldn't figure out heads from tails.  Face it, it is always best to keep it simple, and not try to always reinvent the wheel.  When you are bombarded with all the options that people want to throw at you, it becomes harder and harder to decipher what is good for you and what is just a colossal waste of time.  Often you have to go through these periods of wasted energy to fully appreciate that you have all you need to make the right decisions.  I will tell you that the main reason most people can't make a decision is because they simply do not trust their intuition, their heart.  The reason people can't trust their heart is because they have never spent enough time communicating with it and don't recognize the heart's voice.  If this is you, then might I suggest you turn off all the outside distractions and simply sit still for a bit and listen.  You might be amazed at what you here, and all that stopped momentum might just get moving again.

So what is the right direction to go in?  It is always going to be the direction that brings you peace of mind.  I have made decisions in the past that never quite sat well with me, and would it surprise you to know that almost 100 percent of the time, the wrong decision was made.  Conversely when peace reigns supreme after a decision is made, you can pretty much bet the right decision was made.  It all comes back to your intuition, and time and time again it will be proved out.  When you can trust your intuition you can trust your decisions.  When there is peace, then you don't have to worry.

On any trip you might be on, very rarely are there zero deviations.  You might be heading out for a day trip with family and friends, have had the course all planned out, and as soon as you turn the corner you run into construction, detours, and then what?  Well you simply correct the course and continue on with where you were going.  You are never going to eliminate detours in your life, so you might as well get ready to change things up from time to time.  After all, isn't getting to your final destination really what counts.  There will be time when you will have to turn left instead of right, but somewhere down the road the opportunity will provide itself for you to get back on track.  A simple detour is not there to derail you, often it is there to keep you safe.

So here's the bottom line:  what ever direction you go in, you should find peace and contentment.  Peace that you are on the right path, and contentment that no matter what happens, you will always be able to get back on track.  Worry and doubt are never going to aid you on your journey.  I can bet you dimes to donuts that if you are focused on everything that can go wrong, then everything will eventually go wrong.  Trust your heart to lead you.  Move forward, and if you want to take it slow at first, no one should fault you for that.  Just don't go so slow that you miss opportunities that are up around the next corner.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I agree with Scott's teachings in this blog - this is our time to listen to our hearts, Everyone - listen to God's voice/Love within and act on the advise we're receiving. :) And, here's an old song I learned a long time ago to take along on our journeys - "You may be down today, but help is on the way. Dark clouds may dim your skies, but the Lord (Love) will answer by and by. If you'll take one step, He'll take two, you'll be amazed at what the Lord (Love) can do..." - "God is love." - I John 4:17... Yes, let us all walk the journey together in Love and live lives of joy, as Scott said in the blog, find true peace and contentment.". Thanks for the advice and teachings, Scott. :)
