Friday, April 3, 2015

Better safe then sorry: a warning or a cop out?

When you are told that it is better to be safe then sorry, what comes to mind immediately?  Most people would say that it is a cautionary statement.  Don't take risk, don't bet the farm, or don't do anything stupid.  Most of us have heard this statement most of our lives.  Whereas there is some merit to this statement, there is also a tendency to take it to an extreme, thereby stopping any forward momentum for fear that something, anything could go wrong.

We as humans have been conditioned to believe that only if things are one hundred percent assured, should we proceed with our plans, or with what we desire to do.  Once again, I can see some merit to this.  There are many people who will surge out in front of the rest of the crowd in an effort to get out in front and stay there.  I guess this is OK if you know the course, but what about those areas that you have no understanding of?  What happens when what you thought was going to be out there, is in fact not out there?  At this point you are kind of walking a tight rope without the benefit of a safety net.

Now I'm not here to say that we should never take chances.  We take chances each and everyday with things that we do, that to many people would seem routine. We get up in the morning, get ready for the day and head out of our homes to do whatever it is that we are supposed to do.  We don't give much thought to things that could go wrong, we simply go through our day as if it were as natural as can be.  We don't continuously think of what might happen.  What would happen if all of a sudden someone drives straight into your car on the way to work?  What would happen if while you are getting out of your car on one of those snowy frozen New England Days, you slip, brake an ankle, and can't get up?  If we take"Better safe then sorry" to an unhealthy level, then we might as well stay in bed, and never leave the comforts of home.

I'm not saying that there isn't some wisdom in being cautious.  What I'm saying is don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.  Don't allow some unnatural fear stop you from accomplishing the things you were intended to accomplish.  When we allow fear to dictate our actions, often there is inaction, and with that nothing ever gets accomplished.  Following your heart is always going to take you in the right direction, at the right time.  I allowed fear to stop me many times in the past.  I allowed "better safe then sorry" to curtail any movement, and once that happens all you have left is a bunch of "woe is me" moments.

Time and time again it can be proved out that simply taking a step in the direction you want to go will start a journey that is sure to be fulfilling.  There are no standards you have to meet when it comes to doing the things you desire to do.  How can there be a standard when you are the first to do something, and you have to be the first to do something, because you are the first one doing the things that you placed here to do.  No one else has your destiny, and no one else has been tasked with what you have been designed to do.  It would be different if others had an identical calling, but I can tell you right now that isn't the case.  There may be people who are trying similar things in life, but their background, their experiences are completely different then yours, so their activities are going to be different.  When we measure what we do against what others have done, we are simply asking for trouble.  Now I'm not saying we can't learn from others.  What I'm saying is that we can't mirror what others have done because our life is not a reflection of their life.

I truly believe that many people have used the excuse of "Better safe then sorry" to justify their own insecurities, almost as a justification for doing nothing.  I have been there, I've done that, and all it got me was a nervous stomach, a lot of frustration, and no where closer to walking in my destiny.  I often wonder what the world would be like if everyone alive was walking in their destiny.  How much better would the world be if this were happening right now?  If you were smack dab in the middle of your destiny, how much different would your life be then it is right now?  How often have you reminded yourself that it is better to be safe then sorry?

If you are ever going to step out fully in your destiny, and throw off the confines of others, then you just might want to forget about "better safe then sorry" and instead simply be you.  You already have what you need to be successful.  You already come fully equipped to take your place, a place that you were destined for since the beginning of time.  Might fear creep in from time to time?  Certainly, but fear will only grip you if you allow it.  The greatest opponent to fear is knowledge, and you should know by now who and what you are.  The main reason people fall prey to the being safe and not going after their desires is because they still don't believe in the vision or dream.  Oh they want to believe, but there is still a tiny element of doubt.  This doubt is locked within being better safe then sorry.  Get rid of the doubt, you get rid of the fear.  If you can rid yourself of fear, then there really isn't anything else that can stop you.

So now ask yourself this question:  is "better safe then sorry" a warning, or is it a big fat cop out?  I think you probably know the answer I'm going to give, but now you have to decide.  Stepping out in your destiny is why you are here.  Sitting back and waiting for things to be perfect is nothing more then being safe.  Situations may never be perfect for people to do the things they are supposed to do, but I can assure you that your calling is perfect, your creation was perfect, and because of that, your destiny is perfect for you.  Understanding this now, what possibly could stop you from taking your rightful place?  Stop waiting, and start doing.  You are ready to strike out, and there will always be people around who will be there for you, so there is no need to worry, no need to fret, and certainly there is no need to be better safe then sorry.  Now get out there is show the world who and what you are.  They need you, and you need them.

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