Monday, April 20, 2015

What do you do, when you don't know what to do?
Sure it's easy to get from Point A to Point B when you have a map.  It's pretty simple to complete the task when you have the Technical Manual right in front of you.  Baking a cake, no problem, simply follow the recipe and there you have it.

But what do you do, when you don't know what to do?  This scenario plays out each day with countless people, and often the results are the same.  There is stagnation, no forward progress, and frustration to beat the band.  The question then becomes what do you do now?

People will begin to ask the when, what, how, where, who, and why questions.  Sometimes they will get the answers they seek, and other times they will continue to be bogged down in the "can't get moving" phase.  So once again, more frustration, even less forward progress, and continued stagnation.  How do you cope when you are in such a situation?  What can you possibly do to change what has become a personal prison?  The simplicity of the answer might surprise you, but at this point most people are all for simplicity.

There is a saying that most people have heard, necessity is the mother of invention.  It is often when one is faced with insurmountable odds, that the very best in them comes to the surface.  This doesn't happen to everyone, but it happens a lot.  What separates those who are able to figure out what to do verses those who remain immobile? I know I'm asking a lot of questions today, but I want you to start thinking about a few things, and when you do, your life is going to change almost over-night.

People don't fail at things because the world is set against them.  People don't have bad things happen to them because they deserve it. Things happen to people because they let them happen to them.  If one were to understand the greatness that resides in them, then 99.9 percent of the things we call tragedies or set-backs would simply go away.  I know that sounds like a bold statement, but bold or not, it's truth.  You can sit around asking the who, what , where, and why questions until the cows come home, and you will be no closer to your destiny then you were yesterday.  Getting hold of who and what you are is the only thing that is going to propel you to your destiny.  There are no short-cuts, no magical beans you can plant to climb the beanstalk to your destiny.  The only way you are ever going to fulfill those things you were sent here to fulfill is by understanding your design, your divinity, and your greatness.

I look at people all during the day and I think to myself, where are they?  Do they understand what awesome power they have, or do they feel, as many do, that there is nothing that is going to help them get to where they want to go?  If I had to put a number on it, I would say that only a very small percentage of those alive today understand the greatness they have within.  In my book that can only be labeled as a tragedy.   I will tell you that I still have a lot to learn about my greatness.  I can tell I haven't reached where I want to be because there are things that still get at me.  I might get frustrated over something someone has done.  I might get angry over something completely insignificant.  These things show me that I still have a ways to go to totally understanding my deity.  That's OK, at least I am aware of it, and can take steps to learn more, feel more, and see more.

It's when you either give up on learning about you, or feel as though you know it all right now, that you will be put into a position where you are forced to acknowledge that you still have something to learn and that you don't know it all.  That's OK, we've all been there, and probably will visit this place again in the future.  That being said, why not begin looking at the real you.  The real you that has everything you will ever need to live a life of success, a life full of peace, happiness, and joy.  Given the option to be without these things, or to live life to the fullest, which one makes more sense?

I have thought long and hard about what my life would have been like had I not taken the time to discover the real Scott.  The Scott who has unlimited potential, and the Scott who knows that no matter what,  I have the ability to manifest anything I desire in this life.  There is a freedom that comes with knowing the real you.  You were placed here because there is something that you have that others need.  If you want fulfillment then the only thing you need to do is grab hold of the truth of who you are.  Being a divine being is not limited to just a few lucky souls.  You are divine, and in your divinity you will soar to new heights.  You will get to the point where you will never ever have to ask what to do next, because you will always have the answers you need.  It all begins with knowing you.  Take the time to gain this knowledge and everything after that will come to you in the twinkling of an eye.

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