Monday, April 13, 2015

Life, life, life, oh how I've missed you.
Many people often miss out on some of the most important aspects of life because they are too busy going after the insignificant.  Others are so focused on what they desire for the future that they miss what is right in front of them in the here and now.  And just to make sure we don't leave anyone out, there are people who are so fixated on the things of the past that their todays and tomorrows are not even a thought.

If you want to change your life then maybe today is the day that you get some insight to what is really important, and what isn't important falls to the side, never to occupy your time again.  Now this isn't going to answer all your questions, but if we can answer just one, then you know there is hope; and tomorrow you just might attempt to answer another question and the same for the next day, and the next.

First off, what is life?  Is life simply going through the paces each day, never fully expecting things to change, or is it something we should fully embrace?  Believe it or not there are people out there who do not embrace life.  They meander through life taking what comes their way and they never so much as wonder why things are the way they are. Many people have just given up on living, and have relegated themselves to just be spectators.  This I tell you is madness.  Is it better to just sit back and let things happen, or is it more advantageous to get out there and make something happen?   I can answer that question for myself, but I can't answer it for you.

At a recent seminar that I hosted I laid a foundation for the group.  It is my premise that until such time as we understand the power and greatness we have within ourselves, it really doesn't matter what is going on around you.  If you are walking in anything other then your divinity, then you are going to be tossed about by every form of doctrine out there, and sooner or later you will just implode.  The bases for all life is to understand your origins, and to come to a full understanding of who and what you are.  Anything shy of this is going to place you at a disadvantage, and sooner or later you will simply just go through life and accept all that comes, or in some cases, doesn't come to you.

I believe in living life to the fullest.  When I go from this place the last thing I want to worry about is did I do all I could have done to be of benefit to humanity.  There are plenty of people out there who have never given thought to humanity.  Certainly they have given thought to themselves, but humanity never entered the picture.  I will say this again: destiny is never just about you, it is about humanity, and what your gifts and talents can do to better those around you.  If your focus is simply on you and what you can get because of your purpose or calling, I can assure you that you will never fully embrace, nor be made aware of your full destiny.

If your destiny is calling out to you right now, then you should also be looking at your life and realizing that there is much left to do, much more to experience, and so much more to learn.  There is never an age when we stop learning, and contrary to what some people think, learning is good.  Only those who think they know it all will push back on this concept.  Somehow, there are people who feel as though it is demeaning to have to admit that they don't have all the answers, or that there is anything that they don't know about.  I can assure you there is plenty I don't know about.  As passionate as I am about destiny, and helping others discover their own destiny, I have just scratched the surface of my knowledge.  Because I have just scratched the surface I am always open to new ideas from Spirit.  I wish I could take credit for all I write, but I can assure you I learn as much from my writing as anyone else.  I have committed to write what Spirit gives me, and I go back and read it after so I can gain insight.

You can change your life right now.  Instead of being the one who is always looking at life and wondering where it went, why not be the one who grabs life and runs with it. Let life take you as far as you're willing to go with it.  There is nothing worse then wondering where life went, and always feeling as though it has passed you by.  The only reason life will pass you by is because you were unwilling or unable to accept your destiny.  Ask yourself this simple question:  are you happy where you are at right now?  Be honest with yourself, but don't beat yourself up if the answer comes back to you that you need to make changes.  Change will only come when you become so uncomfortable in your current state, that change is the only alternative.  Changing to bring about your destiny is OK.

If you feel you have missed out on life, then today is a good day to change how you see things.  It is ok to want more out of life, especially if your current state is one of lack, fear, doubt, or unhappiness. Life is an adventure, and you need to want new adventures in your life if you are ever going to experience them.  If you have missed out on things don't sweat it.  Today is a new day, and with each new day comes newness of life.  You just make sure you make the most out of it.

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