Wednesday, April 1, 2015

When life collides with reality.
Our own thoughts are such a powerful force in our life.  Our thoughts have the ability to bring about all manner of things to us.  Some of those things are what we desire, and others are things we can't believe we are having to deal with.  It would be great if we could blame all the bad in our life on someone else, but the truth is, we are the designer of most of what takes place in our life.  This may not be what you want to hear  today, but I would be remiss if I didn't at least try to get you to see this reality.

No matter what life may be throwing at you there is a silver lining.  That silver lining is the ability to craft whatever life you desire simply by adjusting your thoughts, your words, and your feelings.  Now this may seem like a brash statement.  Of course the question arises, how do I control my thoughts, my words, and my feelings?  If everyone was able to control the thoughts that went through their mind on a daily basis we would see a far different landscape.  So let's delve into this and see where it takes us.

In the computer world there is a saying, "Garbage in, Garbage out."  Our mind is by far superior to any computer out there today.  The processes that the mind, the brain, can complete in a nanosecond are phenomenal.  We are so close to our own mind and brain that we don't often think about it in these terms, but trust me your mind is remarkable.  However, just for a moment, think about some of the stuff we allow into our mind on any given day.  And please, don't think I am trying to condemn any of the items I am about to list.  You are all adults and can decide what to do with your spare time, or what activities you are drawn to.  We have individuals that spend hour on top of hour each day with computer games.  Kill this, shoot at that, destroy this city, fire this rocket.  It seems that many in society are trying to escape the realities of life in something that will ultimately become their own reality.  We watch movies that show death and destruction.  We listen to music that calls for the death of police, the rape of women, and countless other subject matters that I won't dignify by writing it here.  If you are constantly placing this stuff in your mind, can you wonder why things might not be going as well as you might like?  As I said earlier I am not condemning anyone who spends time with these things.  You are all adults and you can make up your own mind, but suffice it to say, you might want to rethink the time you spend on these things.

When was the last time you simply sat down and thought about your greatness?  To the average person this exercise would border on the ludicrous.  Why is that?  Is it wrong to think about all the greatness that is in you?  Is it crazy to accept that your design is perfection, thereby making you perfect?  If you are unable to sense the greatness, then you have been sold a bill of goods by those around you who haven't the foggiest notion of why they are taking up space on this planet.  If you are constantly surrounded by the negative, what do you think is going to appear in your life?  If you want love, give love.  If you want joy, share joy.  If you want a life filled with negativity and discontent, then by all means continue to feed this into your life with the mindless stuff I had mentioned earlier.

Please don't misunderstand me: you have the right to do whatever you want.  But that means you don't have the right to get upset when things go wrong.  Just for a moment I want you to think about something that brings you joy.  It might be the smiles and laughs coming from your children.  It might be you having just completed a task that brings you tremendous satisfaction.  When you are in this moment, are you thinking about anything other then how good you are feeling?  I dare say that there isn't a bunch of fear, or doubt running around your mind in this moment.  These feelings and thoughts of joy and happiness will multiply and bring you more joy and happiness.  It is the Law of Sowing and Reaping.  It is the Law of Attraction.  If on the other hand you are feeding into your mind thoughts of doubt and fear, then guess what the results are going to be?

You have to realize the greatness in you, and you must, you absolutely most accept the fact that you are worthy of all good in life.  If you can't accept this, then you will forever be going after something that will always be one step ahead of you.  We have been conditioned by man to believe that life is nothing more then a series of unfortunate events that we must navigate day to day.  Those that live in lack, well that is just your plight in life.  To those who can't seem to get a leg up on life, well that is just what hand was dealt to you.  No, no, no!  This is man's concept, it certainly is not the way it was intended, and it certainly is not what you signed up for when you step into this existence.  You have to toss out the garbage that you have been fed all your life and begin to see things in truth.  Truth is you are good enough, you are worthy.  Believing anything else is just going to keep you bogged down in crap, and who wants that?

Let today be the day that you throw off the negativity of life, and put on a new cloak of joy and happiness.  Begin today by realizing that you are worthy of good.  Take hold of the thought that things will work out for your benefit and that the past is just that, the past.  We can learn from the past, but we certainly don't need to be trapped in it.  Allow your thoughts to be focused on the desires of your heart, and watch as those desires manifest in your life.  It may take some time to really get situated in your new thoughts, but pretty soon it will fit like a tailor made suit, and you will begin to walk around feeling and looking like a million bucks.

It is time to change up your thoughts, feel like there is nothing that can stop you, and talk as though what you desire most is already placed smack dab in the middle of your hands.  When you can do this, then there will be nothing that will ever take you back to the days of old when you felt like life had passed you by.  Think it, feel it, say it.  I guess that pretty much settles it.

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