Monday, April 6, 2015

The Morning of a New Day.
It's a Monday morning, and all through the house, far too many people are simply going through the routine that comes with most Monday mornings: realizing that the weekend went by way to fast, and that they are looking at what is going to be a very long week, a very long week indeed.

I actually love Mondays because it means a new week of writing, a new week of adventure, and a new week to experience something that is sure to stretch me is some way.  I love Mondays because I never know what the week has in store for me, but this one thing I do know: whatever it is, it is for my benefit.

So here's a Gut Check:  how do you feel about Monday mornings?  Are you excited about the possibilities, or are you like so many others who just want the week to end, hopefully on a high note?  Please try to remember that each day brings with it newness of life.  You are now one day older then yesterday, and that means you have one less day remaining on this earth.  What will you do with a life that is one day shorter now?  I guess you can sit around wondering what the week will bring, or wonder when tragedy will befall you, but to me that is an awful waste of time.  I for one like to focus on all the things that I am going to be able to do this upcoming week.  Some of the stuff will be a repeat from previous weeks, but some of it is going to be completely new to me, and that excites me.

It is the morning of a new day and hopefully the main thought running through your mind is the enormity of what awaits you during the next twenty-four hours.  You see, you have a very important task to attend to.  You have been charged with something that only you can do, and no one else.  What is it you might be asking?  It is being the person you were created to be.  Being you is something that no one else can ever achieve, and being you is what the world needs today. Your authentic you, the you that has dreams, and visions, and the you that has been placed here for a reason.

I hear a comment so often when I talk to people about destiny, and the answer I give is almost always the same.  People will often say, "what if I don't know what my destiny is?"  My reply is, maybe it's time to find out.  Now I don't make that comment to come off as cute, or smug, or even a know-it-all. I make the comment because it is time to discover your purpose, your calling, your destiny.  Ask yourself this question:  are you tired of getting up each and every Monday morning, just hating the fact that it's Monday again?  This should pretty much clue you into the fact that something needs to change in your life.  Trust me, if you get up on enough Monday mornings feeling like this, it's only a matter of time before you go mad.

Life is such a journey of discovery, and discovering your purpose should be the first thing you think about each day you have the privilege of being here.  Too many people feel as though life has become such a burden, that it is no longer seen as a privilege, but rather a sentence.  The very saddest part of this is that it doesn't have to be this way.  You can have a life that is so full of joy and happiness simply by accepting certain truths, and then running with them.  Truth: you are divine.  Truth: you are whole and complete.  Truth:  you are perfection in motion.  Truth:  you are fully equipped to do those things you have in your heart to do.  Truth:  you have a destiny.

If you are unable to grasp these simple truths, then you are going to have a series of Mondays where you will wish the week were over already.  On the other side, when you begin to live in these truths, then I can assure you that Mondays will become one of your favorite days because you get to do those things that you love to do.  Now given the option to hate a Monday or love it, which one is more appealing to you?

Many people have become so disillusioned because they have had to repeat the same thing week after week, and there never seems to be an end to it.  Well of course things are going to seem this way when you have neglected to allow your passion to rule the day.  If someone is constantly pushing down their passion because it may not fit what they are currently doing, sooner of later something has to give.  Trust me, your true passion is never going to go away.  You might be able to mask it for sometime, but it will always come back to the surface, and then you are going to have to deal with it. It never ceases to amaze me when I talk with people and they feel as though there is no passion for anything in life.  The reason there is no passion is because you have allowed the cares of this world to rob you of your passion.  You have listened to those who know nothing about passion to rob you of the one thing that would truly make you happy.  Face it, if they rob you of your passion, what have they got to loose.  You on the other hand, if you loose your passion, what are you going to loose?

It is a new day, and a day of new beginnings.  Remind yourself of the truths of who and what you are.  Grab hold of the day and expect things to change.  You will only remain in the place you're at if you fail to grab hold of your own divine nature.  Discover what this life, your life, has for you and know that you are worthy of all the peace, joy, and happiness that life has to offer.  Now go take on today and live like there was no tomorrow.

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