Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Pay it forward.
Destiny is all about paying it forward.  Destiny is never what's in it for me, rather what's in it for those who can be touched by what I have to offer humanity.  I know there are plenty of people who think what a load of malarkey, but before you throw stones hear me out.

When I talk about what is best for humanity it's not because I want people to think what a righteous guy I am.  I want them to realize that there is more to life then what I can accumulate here on this planet.  Paying it forward is taking what is best for others and putting those needs ahead of your own.  That's not to say that what you need is unimportant, not in the slightest.  What I am saying is that if you will put your focus on what you can do for humanity, you will never have to worry about your needs being met.  Those that continually strive after what they need, always seem to need more and quite often never seem to be able to obtain those things they feel they need.

We live in a time where we are always being conditioned to look out for number one.  How many times have you heard that no-one cares about you and if anyone is going to take care of you, it has to be you?  How many times have you seen others simply jump out in front of others because what they are desiring has to be more important then what others desire?  A perfect example is the "Black Friday" sales during the holiday season.  It has gotten so bad, that most stores don't even take the holiday off, for fear that it would affect the bottom line of profits.  I've seen first hand the lines that begin to form.  The people who will cut in line, or do what ever they have to do to get those special deals, that if they can't get, means the end of mankind as we know it.  If you are hell bent on getting what you want in the sale, what else are we willing to do to get what we just have to have?

Now not everyone is like this, but lets face it, there are a lot of people out there who will never worry about the neighbor down the street, simply because they are more worried about themselves.  Paying it forward is simply being human, and following what should be natural to you.  What is natural? Well it should be displaying peace, joy, and happiness.  Problem comes in when you aren't experiencing peace, joy, and happiness in your own life.  It's awful hard to give away something that you don't process.  So I guess the next logical question is why aren't you experiencing peace, joy, and happiness?  I'm sure there are a million reasons why people have lost this in their life, and yet they seem to try to fill the void with stuff that really is only a band aid on a much bigger problem.

Until such time as we can put others ahead of ourselves, we will never fully walk in, or even understand our destiny.  I realize that this is so counter to what we have been taught all our lives, but just because you may not see the importance of being there for others, doesn't make it any less of a need.

How important is discovering and walking in your destiny to you?  Do you really want it, or are you comfortable just going about your day and letting what happens happen?  Now lots of people are OK will letting the cards fall where they may, but if that is you, then don't complain when things don't go according to your plans.

I was meeting with a dear friend the other night.  We were talking about my company and figuring out what our next step was.  I would tell her what my visions were, and she would tell me her visions.  She and I are so much alike in-as-much as we truly want this company to take care of those that are taking care of our vision.  This is so counter to what Corporate America has turned into, because Corporate America has forgotten the most important thing, and that is taking care of those who take care of you.  Say what you want, but most companies today are only paying lip service when they say they really want to be there for each employee.  They will be there for them, but only until it starts affecting the bottom line, and then watch all the support leave as quick as poop through a goose.

Paying it forward says you stick with it until the job is done, and you don't worry about the cost.  If you are doing right, then the cost is never going to be a factor because the revenue you need will always be there when you need it.  In the end, what you do for others is always going to be of greater significance then what you do for yourself.  In the end, I can assure you that what you have done for others will have a lasting impact on generations because they will also pay it forward and then the cycle will continue on for many years to come.  Your destiny is not just what happens today, but what will happen the next day, and the day after that.  When you are walking in your destiny you will be affecting lives that haven't even begun yet.  Walking in, and understanding your destiny, is the ultimate in paying it forward.  You think about that for a little while, and then let me know how that resonates with you.  I look forward to hearing about what comes next for you.

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