Friday, April 17, 2015

Determination is...

I can sit here all day and tell you that things are going to work out all right, but when you are in the middle of your misery, is anything I say going to help you feel better?  I hope it will, but if you are like me, sometimes you just need to make a determination for yourself that you are going to get through these trials and life is going to turn around for you.

Everything we go through we go through because it is meant to teach us a valuable lesson. Not everything is going to be bleak and awful.  Many times the experiences we have are full of joy and happiness, and you can still learn from those moments.  It seems though, that the trying times are the times that we learn the most, but often this only comes after much pain and suffering, and at a price.  What is that price?  Well funny you should ask that, because I am going to try and explain it for you.

The price of determination is you.  You must be willing to shed your past feelings of who and what you are, and begin to accept what is a basic truth.  You are good enough.  You are of worth.  You are a human being will unlimited potential.  Now I will say that when you are in the middle of a less then desirable situation the last thing most people think about is the greatness within them.  But this is what you need to do, and failure to do it is only going to mean more misery, more dread, and a life that quite frankly sucks.

I have spent what seemed like a lifetime trying to do things, but do things from a totally different perspective.  I thought that if I worked hard enough, went through enough crap, and didn't give up, that eventually I would get to the place where I could say that I survived it all.  Problem was, that after each set-back or period of turmoil, there was another one right in front of me, and the process began again.  What I failed to do was realize that I never fully expected to be free from all this crap so I was just relegated to living a life full of crap.  If you understand what I am saying, then I can pretty much bet you have gone through the same scenario.  Here's the golden nugget:  you don't have to.

If you believe as I do that your creation was done so on purpose, then you must also realize that you have a purpose.  This purpose, this calling, your DESTINY, is why you are here.  You have been given an opportunity to be everything you ever wanted to be, and have a life that is free from the bonds that have wrapped up so many people in the past.  The only thing you have to do is figure out who you are.  As I have said so many times in the past, not the you that others think you are.  Not the you that you have been forced to become.  Not the you that simply goes through each day never knowing when calamity is going to find you.  The you I'm talking about is the perfect you.  The you that was created out of love, by love, and for love.

When ever I see people who are trying to navigate a difficult situation, I often wonder what is going through their mind.  Are they simply trying to overcome the situation?  Are they doing what they always did?  Do they realize that there is a simple answer to a question that has been made far more complicated then it needed to be?  You see, you have everything you need right now to walk in absolute victory.  It may not be the first thing that pops into your mind when you come face to face with a problem, but it should be.  The first thing you should do when faced with uncertainty, calamity, or just the trials of the day, is to offer up thanks to your creator for putting you here, and knowing that you are fully equipped to handle the task.  When you can come face to face with your Deity, your perfection, then you will never have to worry about what comes at you.  You are divine, and with this divinity comes power and ability not know to ordinary man.  However, if you understand your divinity then you are no ordinary person.

When you can grasp the God Presence in you, you will never again fear what has stopped so many people in the past.  When you can accept the God Presence in you, you will never ever doubt the perfection of your design, nor the power available to you to do remarkable, almost impossible things in your life.

Yes many times we have stumbled when faced with difficult roads, but determine to unleash the divine in your life.  Unleashing your true self will certainly lead you to beautiful destinations.  I know the ups and downs of life, and trust me, when you fully accept who and what you are, then the ups will always be front and center for you.  When you finally accept who you are, life will change.  When you finally accept what you are, life will change.  It is time to lay down the thoughts of the past, the conditioning of the past, and pick-up a new truth, your truth.  You can change the landscape of your life, and with this change you will see all the beautiful destinations waiting for you.  Determine that you will no longer fall prey to what was, but what is.

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful Scott,,Lots of wisdom to gleam and very timely blog for myself and many!
