Monday, February 1, 2016

Is time running out? What will you do?
It's all a matter of perception.  Or is it?  Let's face it, often what we perceive is a product of what we may have just come through, what we may have experienced in the past, or even what we have been taught.  No matter how you look at it, perception is what we have, but perceptions can change, and in that change can come some remarkable things.

Many are under the illusion that time is running out, and there is no way on God's Green Earth that they are ever going to be able to accomplish all that their heart desires to accomplish.  Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, another day has gone by, another hour, another minute, and you are still wondering what you are going to do with your remaining time.  Time, no matter what your perception of it might be, is in fact an illusion. When you are solely focused on what you think you have left, you are in fact placing yourself in a trap that is never going to release you, no matter how badly you want to be freed from it.

If destiny is real to you, then time no longer has a hold on you.  If you believe in destiny as I do, then you must come to the conclusion that you will have all the time you need to accomplish the things you were sent here to do.  I understand that you may not always see things come about in the time frame you hope for, but I assure you that things will come about as they need to, and in the perfection of the Universe.

In my book, If Tomorrow Never Comes, I ask the question: what will you do with your last twenty-four hours?  I get people who will answer this question, but their answer is always based on the limits they have placed on time, and not the unlimited time of the universe.  My purpose behind the question is not to get you to worry about your last twenty-four hours, but rather to get you to think about those things that really mean the most to you, and to prompt you to go after them.  I understand that you are not going to climb the highest peak in the known world in only twenty-four hours.  It's doubtful that you will build an entire company in only 1440 minutes.  The thought of traveling to a place half-way round the world and experiencing all that it has to offer is not something that is typically going to be accomplished in only 86,400 seconds.  Truth be told, it doesn't matter how many seconds you have left, how many minutes, or even how many hours or days you have left.  What matters is that you spend the time you have left going after what you desire most.

Regret over never going after your dreams is a regret that is unnecessary.  You can go after your dreams, and you can put action to your visions.  The only one stopping you from doing this is you, and if you let what time has past, or what time you think you have remaining dictate what you do, then you are making a huge mistake.  Isn't pursuing what you hold most dear something you would give anything to do?  Now if you can't come up with anything to do, then you might just as well continue on with what you are doing, and not worry about tomorrow.  Sadly, the vast majority of people today are not doing what they love, they feel trapped in dead-end thankless jobs, and most have limited hope that things will ever change for them.

If you are looking at the time clock, if you are wondering where all the time went or if you are going to have enough time to turn things around, then I will tell you, you haven't discovered your destiny yet.  I don't say that to scare you, to anger you, but only to tell you that destiny is there for everyone, and sooner or later you will come face to face with it.

If you only had twenty-four hours remaining, what would you do with that time?  Think about it, what would you do?  I feel as though everyone has an answer to that question, but whether you want to vocalize it is an entirely different matter.  There are so many things I would do if time were truly limited to just the next 24 hours.  Luckily I don't look at life that way, and I realize that I have all the time I need to accomplish what I was sent here to accomplish.  Now my time might run out before I complete everything I want to complete, but that's OK.  I want to go out with a bang and not just a whimper.  I don't look at time and wonder where it all went, I look at time and I am thankful that I get to use the next seconds, minutes, hours, days to do what I love most.

So do you really think time is running out, or might you be willing to see that time is here right now, and what you do with the here and now will dictate what you do tomorrow.  What are you going to do with all of your tomorrows?  Will you make the most of them, or will you simply follow along with all the others who can't wait for tomorrow because that will mean they are done with today?  Let's make all of our tomorrows count by living in today, and following your destiny.  I assure you that life will never be dull when you follow your passion, when you dare to dream, and when you realize that time is in fact on your side.

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