Monday, February 29, 2016

One life to live.
No matter what your belief system may be, whether you believe in past life, eternal life, life in the hereafter, what you have in front of you right now is the life you are living.  Nothing is going to change the simple fact that you are here for a reason.  Nothing is going to change the simple fact that there are things that need to be done, and they need to be done by you.

When you look at life, and let's face it sooner or later everyone does, often people take a hard look at their life and begin to wonder if they have done it all.  Have they climbed the peak and reached the summit?  Have they navigated life to the best of their ability, and have they completed all that they desire and dream?  You wouldn't be normal if you haven't asked these questions, or at least thought about them.  What I want to motivate you to do today is to accept the fact that you have but one life to live, and if it's worth doing it's worth doing right, so live it to the fullest.

You have the perfect opportunity to make your life perfect.  You get to be and do almost anything you want, but you have to ask yourself do you really want it?  It's not good enough that others may want it for you, you have to want it for you.  You have to know at the deepest part of your being what will bring you happiness, what will bring you contentment, and what it is you were sent here to do.  Until such time as you grab on to your destiny, you will be leaving the pages of your story blank, or worse yet, allow others to write it for you.

I know what it's like to be out of place, to be doing something that just doesn't fit you, but at the same time you can't imagine being able to do what you really love to do.  I understand the agony of desire and wondering if that desire is ever going to blossom into something real, something tangible, into a life that stories are written about.  I want to encourage you to set aside all the baggage you may be carrying around with you and for a moment just be still and quiet and ask yourself this: am I happy?  Ask yourself am I doing what I love to do, what I've always wanted to do, and quite frankly what I've always known I should be doing?  Sometimes simply asking yourself the question is enough of an earth shaker to get things moving in the right direction.

We've all put together a Bucket List, but how many people have actually taken steps to complete some of those things listed?  It's one thing to write it down, but to complete each one is an entirely different story.  Why in the world would you desire to do something, think about it, dream about it, and yet still never do anything to do it?  What sane person desires to desire only to sit back and wonder why life has been sucked out of you and you haven't taken a single step toward those things that would truly bring you happiness?

Many people are on a treadmill that keeps going and going, but they never seem to get anywhere.  Lots of people have dreams and desires but they never manage to believe that they can have those things they desire most.  I've been there and I will tell you that simply existing at life is no life at all.  Until such time as you can begin to be the person you were intended to be, do those things that you were intended to do, you will always wonder what is missing.  What is missing is nothing more then you being brave enough to admit what you want, go after those things that you want, and never allow others to tell you that what you want you can't have.

There is no dream so big that you can't have it.  There is no desire that is so strong that you can't go after it.  We are only limited to the degree that we allow others to control our dreams and desires.  Your dreams and desires are yours, and no one has the right to take them away from you.  Imagine a life where all that you want you have.  Imagine a life where whatever you touch turns to gold.  Imagine a life where imagination is the driving force behind all that you do, and you get to turn your imagination into reality.  Now I would say that life couldn't get much better when you are turning your thoughts, your dreams, your desires into reality.

We each have this life, this one life, to be who we're suppose to be.  We have this one life to do those things that will impact the world, and change the face of humanity.  If you feel like you're not good enough to have all you desire, then you need to change how you see yourself.  If you feel as though what you want is out of reach, then you need to change how you see yourself.  You are a created being, who has the ability to create anything and everything you want, but you have to believe it first.  You have to recognize the greatness within you, and you have to accept that your own self is in the perfection of the universe.

We've allowed the world to tell us what is so, what is expected, and what we can or cannot do.  We've been bombarded with limiting beliefs and those beliefs have done nothing but bring you sadness and a whole lot of fear and doubt.  Well time to toss out all the negative and pick up the positive.  It may take some time to rid yourself of the garbage that the world would like you to believe, but when you do you will see your future, and that future will be one that can be lived with zero regret, zero fear, and then you will be living our one life the way it was always intended to be lived.  You are great, you are divine, and you will walk in those things that will make your heart sing out.  I have this on the highest authority, and now you need to walk in that authority.

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