Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Be Still, and know "I am".
There are times in each person's life when all they need to do is relax, take a deep breath, and realize who they are.  It becomes a problem when one doesn't know the real person they are. Many people walk around trying to be someone they are not, or trying to be the person that others expect them to be.  In either case there are going to be issues, and what I want you to do today is begin to see yourself for who you really are.  I want you to be still for just a moment and know the real "I am" and in doing so release yourself from the self-imposed prison cell that many find themselves in today.

Most of us have asked the question, "Who am I?"  Some can answer the question, some will avoid the question, and others couldn't answer it, even if their life depended on it.  If one is ever going to fully discover and walk in their destiny, which should be the desire of every person today, then one is going to have to come to an understanding of who and what they are.  I'm not talking about the person others think of you as, or desire you to be, or even portray you as, I'm talking about the person You really are.

We live in a world where there is so much false glamour, so much false bravado, and so many phony people.  Somehow many have be sucked into this place where they need to fit a mold, and god help you if you don't fit into the mold that others expect you to be in.  How nice would it be if we could simply ignore all the expectations that others have placed on us and simply be and do what we desire most?  How awesome would life be if all you had to do each morning was get out of bed and do the one thing you love most in life?  How incredible would it be if you could simply realize that no matter what others say or think about you, you are going to be your authentic self, and you are going to shine as bright as the sun, and you are not going to be moved by what others expect of you?

Is being your authentic self just a pipe dream?  Is it even possible to be true to yourself and not be swayed by what others say or think about you?  Of course it is possible, and to be perfectly frank, it is what you should be going after, if you haven't already done so.  Why in heavens name would anyone want to be something they are not?  The only reason people desire to be something they are not, and become what others expect them to become is because they don't know the real them.  They still do not know the "I am" of their own being, and because of this are forced to be something they are not.  Now trust me, I have been there, I have done that, and I will tell you, it is never going to bring you peace, joy, and happiness.  Until such time as you can accept you, until you can love you, and until such time as you know that you know that you are here for a reason, you will always be a slave to what other people want from you.

Let me ask you this simple question:  if you had all the money you ever needed, would you stay in a job you hated?  I know that money is the driver for almost every thing we do, or in some cases what we don't do.  But just for a moment I want you to think about that jerk of a boss who never has a supportive word to say to you.  The manager or supervisor who has nothing better to do each day then to berate you and make you feel as though you are lower then pond scum, what would you give to get out of that situation and just be free to be you?  Those who do not know the real I am, the authentic you, the person you were intended to be, will be the ones who remain in this caustic environment, and live a life that is anything but peaceful.

No one has a right to put you in a box.  No one has the right to tell you what you should be or how you should do this or that.  We have allowed ourselves to remain in those places, but that is only because we have yet to realize that we do not have be trapped in this pitiful existence.  My friends it is time to tell those who could care less about our authenticity to pound sand down a rat hole.  If you desire to be the real you, then begin by accepting the real you, loving the real you, and knowing that the real you is in the perfection of the Creator of the Universe.

I lived so many years doing and being what others wanted me to be and do, and it really never got me anywhere.  The time has come to stand up for you.  Being free to be who you are has always been your birth right.  Standing tall and knowing the greatness that is inside of you will change the face of humanity.  If you are ready to take a stand, if you are set to take your rightful place, if you are determined to be the real you, then you are at the right place, and believe it or not the time is right to do just that.  Being true to yourself is what will change your circumstances, your surroundings, and it will change your life forever.

Be still and know that you are you, and you are you for a very specific purpose.  I love being around people who know who they are, people who are free to be themselves, and people who simply love who they are.  Loving yourself is not conceit, loving yourself is the only way to live.  If you want to begin to enjoy your life, then begin by enjoying everything about you, and don't worry about what others may think or say about you.  Anyone who is dumb enough to pass judgment on you are the same people who haven't a clue about what life is all about, and it's doubtful that they are able to see the real them.  When you are free to be you, then you are free forever.  Freedom from man's expectations is true emancipation.  Get out there and be yourself, and see how things change right in front of your eyes.

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