Monday, February 15, 2016

Why limit yourself, when you're limitless?
Did you know that from an aeronautical standpoint, the Bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly?  Now don't tell that to the bee, they've been flying for hundreds of thousands of years.  The average bumblebee is twice the size of the average honey bee, and with about the same wing size, how it manages to get off the ground is any one's guess, but they do, and there isn't much you're going to do about it.

You see, the bumblebee doesn't know it can't fly.  It isn't worried about what others think, or what others say, and that my friends is the great equalizer.  If we can get away from the worry about what others are saying or believing about us, we can free ourselves to do some pretty remarkable things.

As humans we have allowed our past to dictate much of our future.  As humans we have believed many of the limiting words and thoughts of others, only to take them on ourselves, and in the end where has that gotten you? As humans we have limited ourselves because we don't really believe we are limitless.  Well the truth is you are limitless and it's only because of past experiences that most people are unable to walk in that limitlessness.  Well beginning today I want you to think about all the things you want to do, how you want to do them, and then do whatever you can to make sure that your thoughts and feelings line up with them.

I've allowed limiting beliefs to dictate my life for far too many years.  The truth of the matter is that we are creatures who were created to create things.  Somewhere along the evolutionary line we have been sold a bill of goods that has made us believe that only a few select individuals will ever achieve greatness and if we are lucky we will be able to observe other's achievements, but only from a distance.

Take a look at the Bumblebee again, it has wings, so as far as it's concerned, it must be able to fly.  Why would a created being be given wings if it wasn't intended to fly?  Not likely, so logically thinking, why would you be given dreams and visions, if the intend were for you to be void of them? You have dreams and visions because there are things you should be doing with them.  Certainly you might have dreams that are really out there, but somewhere there is an piece of that dream that needs to be brought into you everyday life, and once you figure out what that piece is, go after it.

There is a greatness inside of everyone, but our greatness has been dashed by the words or actions of others.  Our greatness has been usurped by our past hurts, past failures, or simply because we've tried to fit in and didn't want to muddy the waters.  Why in the world would someone have different dreams and desires if they were never intended to have any of it?  The notion that Spirit, God, or what ever label you want to place on the Source of your Creation, the notion that God wants to play "Gotcha" and watch you fail just to get his/her jollies is crazy.  Those who cannot grasp the significance of who they are, will never know what it is like to walk in the limitlessness that is yours. Those who allow what others say or think dictate their actions, will never know the limitlessness that is theirs.

There are so many people out there who don't even realize that they are the ones who are limiting their future.  How many times have you said to yourself that this is the way it is, and I just might as well get used to it?  If you grew up in modest conditions, you might think that modest is all that you ever will have.  If you grew up always being told that you won't amount to anything, what chance do you think you will have to accomplish the dreams inside of you?

You have to rid yourself of all limiting beliefs, but in order to do that you have to first understand just who and what you are.  When you can set the foundation of your life, a foundation that is based on nothing less then real greatness, then you can begin to expand what has always been yours.  We are not just flesh and blood who happens to be here for a set period of time.  We are spiritual beings who have a mission to complete.  Your destiny was never in doubt when you were created, but somewhere along the line you believed what others had said to you, and somewhere along that line is your destiny, just waiting for you to pick it up.

If the Bumblebee believed what all the experts said it would have died off thousands of years ago.  Don't allow your dreams to die simply because someone, somewhere, told you that it couldn't be done.  There are plenty of naysayers out there, but that doesn't mean you have to listen to them.  You are only limited when you think you're limited.  You are only a failure when you think you're a failure.  If you look at all the marvelous things around you today and realize that each one began with a single thought from an individual, why is it so crazy to think that you will walk in your destiny, and you will have the dreams you dream about?    There are no limits to you, so don't be swayed by others, and don't limit yourself.  If the Bumblebee can fly, then you can be who you were intended to be and you can do what you were intended to do, no matter how impossible it might seem.  Allow your dreams and visions to take flight, and see if your life journey isn't one that others will be talking about for generations to come.

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