Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Why giving up is never an option.
I understand all too well why there are times when one just wants to throw in the towel and say "I've had enough."  Life is a series of ups and downs.  Often the down times seem to be the predominant happenings, but trust me, the time will come when you will be perched on the mountain top and as you look down on the scenery, on the wonder and beauty of who you are, what you have done, and what you will do, and then you will shine as bright as the daytime sun.

The key to life's adventures, or misadventures,  is to realize that you will get to the mountain top and then everything you have gone through will all be worth it. There is not a single person who has been blessed with success that will not tell you that they have felt like giving up.  Time and time again people have set-backs, but the winner in the end will be the person who simply refuses to give up.  They have learned that giving up is never an option.

So many people have asked me what to do when their back is up against the wall, when all hell has broken loose in their life, and when they simply feel as though they have nothing left to give.  My response is always pretty simple, but it is also laced with a little bit of tough love.  Forget about what has already taken place, and instead focus on the fact that you are still here.  You're breathing, you're thinking, and you're doing something.  Life is never over until you take your final breath, and then you simply move on to a different place.  The fact that you are alive right now should be testament enough that you are in the right place.  Forget about the fact that it may not be just exactly where you want to be, but understand that whatever you are going through, you are going through for a purpose. If you can see this, then you can get through anything, and as you get through different things, then each time it gets a little easier.

It would be great if life were nothing but a fun filled, never know failure type of thing.  It would be great if each day were filled with accomplishments, and empty on the failure scale.  Life would be so grand if we could each have our hearts desire, and know that no matter what, you were going to get to the place where you were intended to be.  Here's the simple truth: you can have the desires of your heart, and no matter what, you will get to the place you were intended to get to.  Destiny is just that, it is destiny, and you will never change it.  What is most important is to discover what your true destiny is, and embrace it with everything within yourself.  You can go about trying different things, you can look here and look there, you can even run from those things that you don't understand or don't want to admit.  What you can't do is run from your destiny, because no matter where you are, it will find you.

There have been so many times in my life when all I wanted to do was cry and give up.  I've spent hours depressed, wondering what I was supposed to do with my life.  No matter how low I had gotten there was something that would not allow me to quit.  I've always had hope for tomorrow.  I've always known that there was something that I was supposed to be doing with my life, and that something was bigger then I could ever have imagined.  I would be a liar if I told you that I was free from doubts and fear, after all I am human, and it seems like fear and doubt are a part of each life out there.  Let me give you a little insight, if it were not for fear and doubt then you might never try something new, you might just go with the flow, and you might never take the steps that need to be taken to get you to your intended place in life.

You can't quit now, not when you're so close to having all that you dream about, not when your destiny is right in front of you.  Realize this:  you have everything you need to be the person you were placed here to be.  I want you to think for just a moment about those things that would bring you true happiness, and then I want you to feel the joy and peace, as if you possessed all these things right now.  When you can feel peace and joy, then peace and joy will be present in your life more and more, and the more you feel it, the more it comes and the cycle continues.  I don't have all the answers, but I do have the desire to have all the answers, so my only recourse is to continue to do what I am doing, and give what I already have.

Giving up is never the answer.  There are people who have regrets, I get that.  I wish I could turn back the hands of time for many out there and show them what their life could have been had they not decided to throw in the towel.  Living with regret is wasted energy.  You can change your life, and it doesn't matter what has taken place before now.  You may have had years and years of lack, but that can change in an instant.  Forget about the down times, and live in the moment.  Things change, but you have to be prepared for each change, and when you are, then you allow them to come to you.

So now you have to ask: will I keep moving forward, or will I submit to the pressures of life?  Will you accept the greatness that resides in you, or will you cower to the hostile pressures that others have taken upon themselves?  You can, and you will have victory in life if you will accept who you are, love who you are, and be who you are.  There is so much more to you then you might realize and what you have others need.  It is time to present yourself to the rest of humanity, and give them the gift of you.  Never quit my friends, never ever quit.

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