Friday, February 12, 2016

A little of this, a little of that.
If only life were as easy as following a recipe.  If you want to make perfect cookies, you simply follow the recipe and do as it says to do.  The only time you are going to run into issues is if you decide to change things up, and then all you can do is wait for the final results and see how things turn out.

Have you ever been trying to follow a recipe, gotten halfway through preparing whatever it was you were trying to make only to find out that you were without one of the key ingredients?  At this point you have a decision to make: you can stop what you're doing and run to the market to get whatever it is you are missing, or you can simply put in a little of this or a little of that.  Now your recipe may come out fine when it's all said and done, but it won't quite have the zip you were looking for in the beginning, at least that zip you were hoping for when you first thought of preparing this dish.

Well life is a lot like this.  You have a perfect recipe for what it is you want in life, but at some point you realize you are missing a key ingredient.  You now have a choice to make: will you go and get the perfect ingredient, or will you simply try something else hoping for OK results?  I've been on both ends of the spectrum on this one.  There have been times when I would do what it took to get exactly what I needed, and at other times I would compromise and simply try to make due with what I had in the moment.  Would you like to venture a guess to how things turned out when I took the short cuts?

There is no way you are ever going to fully experience your destiny, walk in those things you were intended to walk in, if you are not willing to do what the recipe calls for.  When it comes to preparing your life for your calling, for your purpose, there can be no short cuts, no variances, and not just a pinch of this or that.  If you truly desire to be the real you, then you are going to have to accept the fact that there is no room for compromise, no room for just a little of this or a little of that, and certainly no room for "Gee I hope this works out."

There are times in each person's life when they are going to have to make the decision, am I going to do what is right, or am I going to simply make due with what I have?  Ever find yourself watching a television show and you're telling the person on the screen what to do?  Don't go around the corner, don't open the door, don't, don't don't.  We've done the same thing to friends who may be looking for answers or guidance and we are there to offer up our two cents.  It's nice to get advice, but it's always better when you can follow your own guidance, your intuition, your spiritual insight.  Doing the right thing may not always be the easiest way of doing something, or the most speedy way of getting something done, but I promise you, doing the right this is always the best way.  Waiting for the right time to do something will always pay off dividends.  It is only when we think we have cornered the market on smarts when it comes to timing, that we find ourselves in a huge mess of things.  Let the universe control the timing of things, and you simply go along for the ride.

The question I am asked time and time again is "How do I know what I need?"  If I had a dollar for every time I've asked myself that same question I could wipe out the National Debt.  I want to say something, and I hope you can accept it:  if you are only focused on what you perceive you need, then you will never focus on what you already have, and what you already have is quite sufficient to get you to where you need to be.  We have been conditioned by man to always believe we need more,  or there isn't enough of something.  You are perfectly equipped to hear what you need to hear, to do what you need to do, and be who you were always intended to be.  The perfection of your recipe was placed into you at the moment of your creation.  Sadly we have allowed man to screw things up, but you are perfect just the way you are, and there isn't an ingredient missing from your recipe.

Your life has always been as it needs to be.  Certainly there may have been times that were less then pleasant, but things have happened that needed to happen.  Your life is in perfect order, there are no missing ingredients and there is no need to go out and try to find something else.  What you need to do is accept who you are, and then allow those things that need to develop to develop.  There are no short cuts that can be made when it comes to destiny.  There's a difference when you follow a recipe and when you try to alter it.  The cookies may look the same when they come out of the oven, but I will bet you they don't taste the same.  Follow your heart, for this is the true recipe of your life, and do not alter it or deviate from it.  When you follow your heart to the letter, the end result will be something that is sensational and beyond what you ever could have hoped for.

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