Monday, February 22, 2016

The Road that leads to nowhere. How long have you been on it?
We've all been on the road to "nowhere" at some point in our life.  Some have been able to get off of it, while others are still traveling it, just wishing they could get off of it.  Many have seen people traveling this road, and many have asked the question "why"?  Why would someone just stay on a trajectory that leads to ruin, a path that has no end, and a road that really is nothing but mile after mile of utter nothingness?

The answer to the basic question is that most people either don't know how to get off the road, or worse, don't realize there is a different path for them.  Well all of that can change, and it can change in an instant.  I've been doing some deep soul searching over the last few weeks.  It's not that things are bad at the moment, but I desire some change, and in order for things to change one must let go of the past and sometimes present, and allow for that change to come.

Often the letting go of things is the hardest things to do, especially when the thing you need to let go of is the thing that you know best, or for some, the things they believe are the only things they know.  It's always pretty tough to see what is ahead of you when you are wrapped around the wagon wheel.  Things are not always as they seem, and change will come to you when you allow the universe to order your steps and not simply hold on to those thing that are longer of service to you.

How long have you been waiting for the goodness of life to find you?  How many days have passed and still you are waiting for the joy and peace that you know is yours, but as of yet have not processed it?  The time has come to take what is rightfully yours and not allow doubt or fear to rob you of those things that were intended for you.

When you are on the road that leads nowhere, there is a confusion, a feeling of loss, and a desperate cry for anything that will change your circumstances.  I know this path all too well, and it has taken me years to realize that this is not the path I want, and I had to make some changes.  I had to accept certain truths, truths that for far too many years didn't seem like truths to me.  I'd seen others succeed.  I'd seen others have everything they desired, and yet I couldn't seem to have anything I hoped to have.  I had to sit quietly and come to terms with who and what I was, because quite frankly until that time came, it really didn't matter what I wanted, or what I hoped for.  Coming to terms with your true being, is the only way you are ever going to get off the road to nowhere, and it is the only way you are going to finally discover and walk in your destiny.  If you think your destiny is to always be without those things that bring you happiness, then you have never truly understood the real you.

Ask yourself this very simple question: are you truly happy right now?  Certainly we all have regrets of some sort.  There are things we wished we had done, but never did.  There are things we wished we had let go of, but never could.  There are even those in our lives who we never fully appreciated and never told them what they meant to us.  Let go of the regrets and realize that things happen for a reason, and you need to move past it.  Happiness is something that is for you, not just those around you, but for you as well.  When you can feel happiness in whatever you are doing, then you will finally be on a road that is going to lead you to the exact place you need to be.  When peace and joy surround your being, then you will know that you are heading down the right path, and that path is going to lead you to evermore joy, more peace, and more happiness.

Those who have never felt this, need to step back and begin to let go of the past, let go of the regrets, and simply open yourself up for what has always been there for you.  I know how tough it is when you are in the midst of a storm and you feel as though you haven't the strength to make it past or through one more day.  I know what it's like to want to end it all and simply give up.  I have been in that place many times, but I have not stopped believing that my path is right there in front of me, and it will lead me to the place I need to be.

The road that leads to nowhere, is not your road.  Others may choose to remain on it, but you have a choice.  The road to nowhere is no longer going to be your path, and you will see the scenery change right in front of your eyes.  There is no such thing as lost time, so no matter how long you may have been on this road to nowhere, you are still able to make it to your final destination.  Let go of any feeling that you are somehow never going to make it, and realize that you already have.  You are exactly where you need to be, and you are heading in the right direction.  Remove doubt and fear, and watch what comes about.  It is time to understand and accept your own greatness, own your own uniqueness, and walk in those things that have always been yours to walk in.  If you need guidance, then simply ask for the road to be illuminated, and then put one foot in front of the other.  Your journey is not over my dear ones, your journey is just beginning.

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