Friday, February 26, 2016

Let's talk about you.
It's a bright sunny, almost spring day.  You are beginning your day and I'd like to know what is going through your mind.  Did you wake up this morning ready to take on the day, or is this morning like pretty much any other morning, where you have regrets, you wonder just what is going to go wrong, and will you have the energy to get through another day?

If you're like so many other people you have allowed each day to run into the other, never with any real expectation that things will change, and if they do change, it will probably only be, not for the better, but only to get worse.  Well my lovelies, today we are going to change all that.  We are going to set into motion a change in you that is going to be seen, because the true light that is in you is going to be seen, and trust me, people are going to wonder what has gotten into you.  If you're ready to make this change then lets begin.

The light that is in you, was placed in you from that which created you.  You will never be able to separate yourself from that which created you.  Just as you will never be able to change who your natural mother and father were, you will never change the fact that you were created for something, and that something is why you are here.  There is a light inside of you that needs to come out, and only then when you allow it to come out, will you be able to be the real you, the authentic, unique you.  People have tried to be something they are not, but in the end all it brings to them is grief, loneliness, and ultimately sadness.  Certainly they may be able to hide it for many years, but it will come to the surface sooner or later, and then they will have to deal with it.

We live in a society that has become more and more dependent on labeling people, in putting them in a box.  We live in a society where there are expectations, but those expectations are placed by others who haven't a clue as to their real nature, so why would you want to follow what they expect?  We live in a society that thwarts creativity, and often labels it as anti-establishment.  The only thing that I can see that is anti-establishment is the establishment that others have tried to cram down your throat.  I am so tired of having to fit into someone else's mold, into someone else's definition of who or what I should be.  Your uniqueness was never meant to be limited.  Your uniqueness was never meant to be denied, and it certainly was never meant to be ridiculed by others who simply follow the status quo and do what they have been directed to do, or even worse, been directed to be.

Your light, your inner beauty, your qualities and traits, have been given to you for one reason and one reason only: to share with the rest of the world.  You can have millions and millions of dollars just sitting in the bank, but if you never withdraw any of it, what good is it doing you?  You can know you have unique talents, but if you never use them, what good is it having them?  You have been given talent to bless others, to teach others, to help others, and to change the world or humanity as we know it.  The people who will crap on this idea, are the very same people who haven't a clue about true greatness, or at least the greatness that resides inside of everyone.  We have to get away from measuring greatness in terms of stuff, in terms of status, in terms of processions.  Greatness is nothing more then coming to terms with who and what you are, and owning every bit of it.

Have you shined your light lately?  Have you been a beacon of light to others, or has your light gone out, and you have yet to be able to light it back up?  It's OK if you fall into the latter category.  You are not alone, and I will tell you there have been plenty of times when my light has gone out, or at least I felt it went out.  Truth be told, your light can never go out.  Certainly you may see it as dim, but I assure you it is still there, and it is still shining bright, whether you see it or not.  You cannot put out your light, because you are light.

If you are like me, I have a real tough time with people who try to rule over others.  The bossy, bullying type of people.  I will admit that I have a hard time administering love to them, and there are times when all I want to do is kick them in the ass and tell them to get the hell away from me and others.  We don't need the negative energy around us.  That being said, these people are simply under the illusion that power is what is important, and the more they display it, the more important they become.  I will tell you that true ultimate power is only for those who understand their true selfs. Those that understand the greatness within them will never try to obtain power just to be a little higher on the societal scale.  Your greatness was never meant to be used as a measuring stick against other people.  Your greatness is there for one purpose and one purpose only: to share your light with others in the hopes that they will be able to walk in their own light.

It is time for you to understand your greatness, to walk in your own light, and become that beacon for others to look at as they try to get to their own safe port of call.  It is time for you to take your rightful place and in doing so, free yourself from those unrealistic expectations that others may have placed on you.  It is time to enjoy your life, for life was never meant to be torture, it was only meant to be paradise.  It is time to step out into your paradise and show others just what peace, love, joy, and happiness looks like.  Trust me, there are many out there who haven't a clue what they look like, and don't you think it's time they got a chance to experience it?  Let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Scott. I think everyone deserves the opportunity to find out who they truly are and to enjoy their lives, including their jobs, family life, etc. Thank you for writing this and your inspiring books, including "If Tomorrow Never Comes", and for speaking about it all in seminars, etc., and for everything your are and do! Blessings and Love always! <3
