Friday, April 29, 2016

Rich beyond measure
I think everyone at one time or another has had dreams of wining the lottery.  I know I have and the moment I purchase my ticket I begin to dream about all the things I'll do with my winnings. Problem is, I haven't won it yet.  I was reading through my emails the other day and I got one about mind-sets.  It really got me to thinking, and when I start thinking about certain things I also know it's time to write about them.

There are people who are trying to put all their efforts into getting rich.  Some will do it the old fashion way, they will inherit it.  Nothing wrong with getting an inheritance.  If you're one of the lucky ones who has had this happen to them, more power to you.  There are people who will work like mad to get rich.  Through sweat and determination they will get there.  Manifesting millions, maybe even billions of dollars, is not impossible.  To some it may be improbable, but the possibility still exist.

There are so many different thoughts on riches, and just what it takes to get there.  The Law of Attraction, The Secret, I am that I am, all things that work, but here's the deal:  it will only work once you understand true riches, and once you understand the real you.  Sadly most people are focused on getting rich because the current state of their finances is anything but abundant.  Let's face it, poverty sucks.  Believe it or not, poverty is not based on who you are, where you live, where you came from, or even if your distant uncle forgot to remember you in his will.  Poverty is nothing more then a situation brought on by limiting beliefs.  Trust me, if there was ever a monkey on my back it was the poverty mentality that I carried around with me for years.  I've heard people make the statement that if they were intended to be rich they would be at this very moment.  I've also heard people justify poverty by believing that there could never be enough resources in the world to allow everyone to have more money then they could ever spend.

Being rich is not just having boat loads of money.  Being rich is not simply being the head of a huge chain of stores, with a balance sheet that shows tons of profit.  Sadly, being rich is not a guarantee that you will ever discover your destiny, let alone walk in it.  I know people with tons of money, but there is no light in their eyes, no spring in their step, or even love in their heart.  Hey I get how nice having a bunch of money can be.  No worries about the electric or water being shut off.  No worries about how you are going to feed your family.  You wouldn't even have to think about spending thousands of dollars to upgrade to First-Class on your flight to Europe.  So what motivates people to seek out their fortune?  What is it that drives people to riches?  Once again, we've all dreamt of being rich, yet how many people are walking around right now with an endless stream of currency?

If your definition of rich is based solely on dollars and cents then I will tell you that you have really missed the boat, and even more importantly, missed a huge opportunity.  Contentment is key when you are trying to get a grip on riches.  There are plenty of people out there who have it all yet they are anything but content.  The old questions arises, when is enough enough?  Now greed will pop up from time to time, but greed is never going to be in the same category as true riches.  Those who deal with greed will never understand true riches because to them they never have enough.  I'm not advocating for poverty, nor am I saying that poverty is something we have to have.  I think poverty is something we all contend with in some measure simply because we have yet to understand who and what we are.  There are rich people who still walk around in poverty.  In this same light there are people who don't have two nickels to rub together who are rich beyond measure.

So what is your definition of True Riches?  If you could walk around being one of the riches people on the face of the earth, what would it look like?  I understand the allure of money.  I get the comforts that money provides.  I also know that there is a huge difference between those who have tons of money and those who know how to use money.  I'm not here to beat up on all the millionaires, nor cast dispersion on those who have no money, who feel they have no future, and no hope.  What I want you to look at today is what true riches look like and focus on that, and not on what the world has portrayed at rich.  Don't get me wrong, I'm all for people having an abundance of whatever it is they desire or need.  What I want to portray to you today is that money is not the end all when it comes to true riches.  At this moment I may not have a hundred million in the bank, but what I have, and what I get to do with my life is worth more then all the money in the world.

When you are living your dream, I will tell you that money will never come into the equation, and you will know that you have entered into a territory where only the truly rich will ever step.  True Riches will only come to you when you begin to experience the truly important things in life.  If you want to experience wealth then begin by accepting who you are, what you are, and why you are here. Destiny is tied to riches just as much as money is.  Wouldn't it be nice to have both?  Think about it.

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