Friday, April 8, 2016

Enough of this nonsense.
Stop the Madness!  I'm going to break one of my cardinal rules today and I'm going to speak out about a few things political, social, and then I will try never to talk about it again, at least I will try never to write about it again.  If I offend someone, well not my intention, but we each have our own opinions and we are free to express them.  All I'm doing is expressing them today and hopefully it will open some eyes.

If you are like me, I'm so ready for this political season to be over.  Never in my life have a seen such a mockery of Democracy.  We have gotten to the point where the only thing that matters now in Washington is either getting power or maintaining power.  You could put 500 plus monkeys in the Senate and House and they could do no worse then what we have now.  I apologize to all the monkeys for putting them in the same category as our political hacks.  I refuse to say leaders, because they do nothing to prove they are true leaders or visionaries.

When our founding fathers created this country it was with the help of all those who fought to make us a country.  Government was never intended to lord over people, rather as a tool to ensure domestic tranquility, to make sure that everyone was protected, and that happiness was something everyone could and should enjoy.  Our representatives were never supposed to make a career out of public service, and we were supposed to be represented by those who served.  Does it appear that any of this is happening right now?  We have people who have made a career out of serving in the Congress, and I use the term serving loosely.  I have followed politics for over four decades and have never seen such a divided government, and I'm not talking about the three branches of government.  You have two major parties and they could care less about the other party, but in reality that really means they could care less about you.

How is it even possible in the current political climate we are in, that we could ever get to the point where we are looking out for every person, and the only thing we truly should be going after is helping others achieve what they were sent here to achieve?  You can claim all you want to that this is what our government is doing for us right now, but it isn't and you shouldn't believe that they are.  We have a government that is being corrupted by outside money.  We have a government who doesn't even understand the plight of the average citizen, and that is what drives me nuts.  If you are not a member of special interest, then you might just as well stand in line with all the other people who are never going to get what they truly deserve out of our government.  I'll tell you that I am damned tired of what I see, and I suspect that there are millions of other people out there who feel the same way.  Isn't it time that we take back our government and begin turning things around?

Our destiny was never to be controlled by our government, but rather we would control the government.  Our destiny was never to be lectured to by our leaders, but rather for our leaders to listen to our concerns and then go to work to remedy what has ailed us.  Hell, maybe I'm just rambling on, and maybe I'm the only one who feels this way.  That being said, I can't sit back and blindly continue on when I know we can do better.  How different would the world be today if every single person was aware of their true calling, walking in that calling, and living the life that was always intended for them?  How different would our country be if our leaders were more concerned with those around them, then just those who carried the same torch they are carrying?  It really is time to end the nonsense of career politicians.  If we do not find a way to fix this issue, we are heading down a path in which the results are going to be devastating.

The Only way for us to fix the problems we have is to come together.  The only way we are ever going to come together is for us to forget about our differences, leave our egos at the door, roll up our sleeves, and simply let compassion and love guide and lead your steps.  Yea I know that sounds dumb, and it sounds juvenile, but what has the division of beliefs gotten us over the last twenty years.  We have seen race relations set back almost fifty years.  We have seen the rich get richer, the poor poorer, and a middle class that is not at all like the middle class fifty years ago.  Funny thing:  the more advanced we have become, the less those in power seem to care about those people they are supposed to represent.

If ever there was a need for common sense government now is the time.  I don't care what your beliefs are, what I care about is do you care about others and are you willing to put their needs ahead of your own.  We are heading down a dangerous slope, and without some drastic change in the current trajectory, we are going to destroy ourselves.  It's time we took back our government and started operating the way it was always intended to operate.  We deserve better, but until you are willing to take a stand, you are going to have what you currently have.  Is that what you want?

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