Monday, April 4, 2016

I think I finally figured it out.
OK, so maybe I've been a little slow on the uptake, but I finally figured it out. The Light Bulb has finally turned on, and now I can move forward, albeit at a measured pace, but move forward in those things that I've always known I should be doing.  So let me ask you, how many times in life have you made this very same statement?  How many times have you looked back at things and said to yourself how did I ever make it through that mess?

Figuring things out is all about opening yourself up for new expressions, new ways of thinking about stuff, and even the occasional change of scenery.  About that change of scenery, just one thought: If you are trying to move away from a problem simply by moving your location, more often then not the problem is simply going to follow you, but the change in scenery can often give you a different perspective, and that is what will help you through the problem, just saying.

It's great when the light bulb finally goes on and you get the answers you've been looking for.  There's no telling how long one may have been walking around in darkness, but there is one thing I know to be true:  darkness sucks!  We all know that life is nothing more then a series of lessons.  Lessons that teach us what we need to know, when we need to know it.  Our part in this often complex life, which in reality is only complex because we make it so, but our part is to be open to those lessons, learn from those lessons, and then be there to teach others what we have learned.

There's an old parable that says you will always reap what you sow.  The Law of Attraction is based on this truth.  If you want joy, show others joy.  If you want love show that same love to someone else without regard to what's in it for you.  If you want peace, well you're just going to have to accept peace and not get mired down in all the other crap revolving around you.  Intention, Intention, Intention, this is what lights up the darkness.  I'm getting ready for a major life move, but this move has been in motion for many years, and as the time is fast approaching for the manifestation I know that I began this journey years ago.  I can look back and see how all the pieces of the puzzle have now formed the complete picture.  Certainly there were times when all I could see was the single piece of the puzzle often wondering how it was going to fit, but lucky for me I was willing to continue to participate in the game.  Now as I see the entirety of the picture I can see how each part played a major role in getting me to where I am today.

I've seen so many people in life look at a solitary event and base the rest of their life on this event.  I've noted others who have allowed one thing to rule and dominate their life simply because they felt they had no recourse and simply had to accept when things happened to them.  Face it, events will happen in your life, but they are singular and not at all indicative of what the remainder of your life is going to be like.  If you can learn from events, then you have already won, no matter what the result of this event was.  I've had plenty of events happen in my life, many of which I never want to go through again, but I have learned from each of them, and that is where I find my joy.  Remember boys and girls, joy begets joy!

As I was preparing my morning cup of tea I began to think about worry.  It was strange but it was as if I finally had that "Ah Ha" moment, the light bulb finally turning on.  Worry is nothing more then a doubting of who and what you are.  Worry is nothing more then forgetting that you are a created being able to create your own reality.  Worry is nothing more then wasted energy.  We have years and years of conditioning to undo when it comes to worry.  This undoing may not come over night, but with effort on your part, you will be able to rid yourself of man's conditioning when it comes to worry, and when you do, your life will have changed forever.

Are you still waiting for the light bulb to come on?  Are you still waiting to figure things out? The wait often seems like it's never going to end.  This is a trap we have all fallen into, and it's a trap that is very easy to get out of.  Our hope for a better tomorrow is often the result of seeing things, and those things we see are not real.  I want to encourage you to forget all the things that are going on around you right now and simply meditate on your own being.  Know that you are in the right place at the right time.  Know that you are perfect in all things, and all things are playing out in the perfection of the universe.  When there is uncertainty in your life you can rest assured that you have forgotten your own perfection.  Once again light begets light, love begets love, and joy comes from accepting joy.

Today marks the start of a new journey for each of us.  This journey will bring you to the place you were always intended to be.  I finally figured out some things, and even though it would have been nice to figure them out sooner, the timing for this new found knowledge is spot on.  It is time to toss out any doubt you might be having and instead simply live in the moment.  When you can look at the here and now, learn from what is already behind you, then you can move forward into all of your tomorrows.  Trust me, things can only get better and then the light that is there to light your path will always glow bright.  You have my word on this.

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