Monday, April 18, 2016

Mirror, Mirror on the wall...
"Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?"  I was sitting in my car the other day listening to a song on my phone and it suddenly hit me:  many people have forgotten just how beautiful and magnificent they are.  Many have fallen prey to the words of others.  Far too many have been placed in an imaginary box of expectations, most of which are impossible to obtain.  Others too have allowed themselves to be painted one way, when who they are is just the opposite.

Today I want you to look into the mirror and tell me what you see.  Today I want you to discover that you are the "fairest" of them all.  In my upcoming book, The 40 Greatest Lessons of Life, I talk about beauty.  There's all kinds of descriptions we put on beauty.  There are all sorts of people who see beauty one way, while others see it another.  There are plenty of people who can look in the mirror and the reflection is beautiful, but they themselves don't see the beauty.  The reason they can't see the beauty is because they don't feel beautiful, they don't act beautiful, and they certainly can't accept beauty.  If you can't accept the beauty that is you, the perfection that is you, the totally awesome presence that is you, does it really matter what is being reflected back at you from the mirror?

We live in a time where our first instinct is too see how we measure up to other people's expectations of us.  Our lives have become nothing more then a measuring stick for others to either measure themselves against, or in some cases used against us because we have not measured up to their desires for us.  When did it become the norm to only see ourselves through the eyes of others?  When did this society become so screwed up that we lost our ability to accept who we are, even if who we are is contrary to what others want or expect from us?  When was the last time you looked into the mirror and boldly stated I like what I see?  When was the last time you looked into the mirror and was thankful for what you see?  When was the last time you looked into the mirror and was simply amazed by the sheer beauty of the person in it?

Let me ask you another question, and this question comes from a place that is going to be very opposite from what we have been conditioned to believe.  Modern day religion has painted us as "Sinners".  We've been told that each day we fail, we fall short, and only by the grace of God are we able to survive.  Here's my question:  how does God see you?  The Creator of the Universe does not see failure.  The Creator does not see a blob of flesh that is tossed about never knowing what to do, who to be.  God sees us as we were intended to be, creators in our own right.  Sadly man's conditioning has made us feel as though we have to settle for what ever is handed to us, when just the opposite is true.  Your beauty is beyond description, and your abilities are unlimited.

Man has allowed what other men have said to us to define us, to mold us and shape us, but the end result is nothing more then man's way of controlling us.  It's time that we forget what others may say or think about us, and move into a place of accepting our own greatness.  If you cannot see the greatness that resides in you then you have allowed the negativity of the world to limit you.  If you cannot see the beauty of your being, then you have allowed man to strip you of your true essence.

Why is it we find it so easy to focus on our own shortcomings, but we never see what makes us who we really are?  Can you even imagine a world that is controlled by people who are aware of their own awesomeness, and their only goal in life is to make others aware of who they really are?  I look into my own mirror and I am forced to say, "I like what I see."  I look into the mirror and I love what I see.  This does not come from a place of conceit, it comes from a place of knowing that I have been sent here to accomplish something.  It comes from a place that tells me that I have all the abilities I need to accomplish the things I've been sent here to do.  It comes from a place that tells me I am incredible and I have something to offer to others.  Those who cannot not accept this are the very same people who have yet to look into the mirror and realize they are the fairest of them all.

When you are able to accept your divine nature, when you are able to walk in your perfection, then and only then will you begin to see the reflection in the mirror that tells you "I am."  If you are in a place that is not benefiting you, then it's time to change how you see yourself, and ask that the mirrors in your life show you the real you. You can continue to believe what the world says, in which case nothing will change for you, or you can begin to see the reflection in the mirror and honor that which is being reflected back to you.  Your greatness, your beauty, your uniqueness is what defines you, and the sooner you can see this in your own mirror, the sooner you can walk in it, and the sooner you will be in the place you were always intended to be.

Mirror, mirror on the wall, I now know the fairest of them all, and it is me!  Never be embarrassed to own who you are.  Never belittle what was given to you, and never forget that your being here was ordained.  When you can accept all this, then the reflection in the mirror will be something that others will be talking about for years to come.

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