Monday, April 25, 2016

You have not because you ask not, and you ask not because you don't believe.
What have you been believing for?  How long have you been believing for it?  Are you to the point where you are wondering if believing for something is all that it's cracked up to be?  If you are like most people there comes a point in time when you have to wonder if you are ever going to get what you want, be who you are supposed to be, and most importantly participate in this thing we call life fully.

Let me start out by saying that belief is nothing more then coming to terms with the simple fact that you are worthy enough to have those things you desire most.  The one thing that stands in the way of you accomplishing the things you dream about is one's inability to understand that they are worthy of all good things.  We live in an era where we have been conditioned to believe that only select individuals are deserving of the good in life.  There are people out there who have yet to understand that goodness is not something that is earned, rather goodness is who you already are.

I've spent hours, days, weeks, months, and years trying to figure out why I was always on the short end of the receiving stick.  My desire was to walk in abundance, walk in joy, experience happiness, and yet there was something that always seemed to get in the way of achieving any of it.  I could not for the life of me understand why I was always a day late or a dollar short.  I found it hard to accept the premise that I was divine, and in that divinity walk in all manner of blessings.  I know I'm not the only person who felt this way, nor was I the only person who had this type of experience in life.  The thing that turned things around for me was coming to grips with who and what I was.  The thing that helped turn things around for me was understanding that no matter what I might be seeing right in front of me, I was never placed here to be anything other then a creative being.  Each individual is gifted.  Every single person has something to offer humanity.  You are not just here, in this moment for the free popcorn.  Your presence here is for a very specific reason, and once you can come to grips with this then you are on your way to believing just about anything you want.

We as humans have been bombarded with negative conditioning most of our lives.  People telling us why we can't do something, why we shouldn't try this or that.  We have been made to feel that always striving for something is a great character builder.  Let me tell you that we were never intended to live a life of always needing something.  As hard as it might be to fathom this, you were never designed to live a life that had lack, or fear, or depression.  Our birth right is one of victorious living, of being at the right place at the right time.  If you find yourself in any other place other then total fulfillment then you have allowed the conditioning of man to rob you of what is truly yours.

Why do you want the things you want?  If your desire is to gain a huge fortune solely for the purpose of lording it over someone else, well your motives are all wrong.  What you are attempting to do is fill a void in your life with stuff in an effort to feel better about yourself. You can have all the trappings of life but until you discover your own true destiny you will alway have something lacking, and you will continue on the path of always wanting or needing more then you have.  If you truly believe you have a purpose, then go after that purpose.  My desire for abundance is not so I can drive the nicest car, or live in the biggest home.  My desire for abundance is so that I can help others achieve those things that are dearest to them.  What really motivates you and what would bring you the greatest happiness in life?  When you can discover this, walk in this, and be this, then and only then will you find yourself in the place where believing is as simple as taking your next breath.

I have worked and worked for years, and all that time there was still something missing.  I had to discover for myself that what I had never brought into the equation was what my purpose was.  Once I was able to latch on to that everything changed.  Once I could accept that I was good enough to have what I wanted most in life, then I could accept all the goodness that was mine.  There is nothing wrong with desiring things that will make you happy.  What harms most people is desiring things simply because others have those things you think you need or want.  When you constantly are trying to fill the void in your life with stuff, you will find that the void will always be there.  If you sincerely desire to change things, then begin by accepting the truth of who and what you are, and let go of all the stuff that others have told you you have to hold on to.

We all know what we want most.  What we don't always know is why we are lacking those things we want most.  The reason you have a desire for something is because you were intended to have the things you desire.  If you want to help others, then help others.  If you desire to do something in life that will change the face of humanity, then start doing it.  Believe that you have a purpose in life and go after that purpose.  When you begin to do this then all other things will line up as they were always intended to be.

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