Thursday, April 7, 2016

Is it time to turn the page?
We often ask ourselves when is the right time to turn the page on things.  We often ask if there is a right time to turn the page on things.  As is the case with most things in life, the right time is not always in your own time line, but that doesn't make it the wrong time.  How often have you held on to things simply because you didn't know what the ramifications would be if you decided to let go?  The question I have for you today is this:  when will you finally make the decision that things need to change?  I've said this before, you can fight change with every ounce of fiber in your body, but when change is coming it will come, and you might as well accept that.

We continually turn the page in life, and often we are not even aware we are doing it.  For instance, when did you stop being a child and step into adulthood?  There are few people out there who can remember the exact date when they made the change, but it did happen.  There was a point in your life where you had to decide do I stay a kid, or do I move forward in my life?  You did what everyone else has done and that is you turned the page.  While turning the page may not always be fun, it is always necessary.  How many people do you know who are in jobs that they totally despise yet they feel like it's just not possible to leave?  People will stay put simply because the place they are currently in is just not quite uncomfortable enough to force a move.  Now I'm not advocating staying in a position until such time as it becomes unbearable, although that is the case for many people.  What I'm saying is that there will come a time when push will come to shove and you will have to make a move.  Failure to make said move is only going to make things worse, and why in heavens name would you want that to happen?

I'm not trying to beat anyone up today.  What I'm attempting to do is motivate you to take the next step, make the next move, simply get off the crapper and do something that is going to make life better.  Staying around situations that bring you nothing but hurt, sorrow, sadness, and worry is simply ridiculous.  I get how frightening it can be to think about turning the page, but face it, what is the alternative if you don't?  You can continue to have what you have now, and if you are like most people you are in a constant state of wanting something else, or you can make the decision that things will change for you today because you have opted for the change.

How many people do you know whose life is perfect?  I don't mean you think it's perfect, but in reality it is perfect.  There isn't a person walking the earth who can say everything is perfect.  If there is no one who has a perfect life, then why do others beat themselves up for not having a perfect life?  Just because life isn't perfect doesn't mean it can't still be good.  I get how certain situations can drive you nuts.  I totally understand how crazy life can get, and how there are times when all you want to do is curl up in a little ball and surrender. If you are looking for better days, then doesn't it make sense to turn the page on the past and look forward?  If you want to forget about the bad then don't keep looking at it.  Yes I know that looking at the past can bring you a certain amount of comfort, but is it really comfort or is it simply a crutch?  There will be those who will get pissed off at me for telling them to let go of the past, after all the past is what made them.  Fact is the past didn't make you.  The past is simply something that transpired, you were perfectly made the moment you came into existence.  Problem is most people have never seen their perfection let alone walked in it.  Now don't confuse your perfection with what others might classify a perfect life.  They are two totally different things.

It you want your life to be everything you want it to be then begin by turning the page on all those things that no longer serve you.  It might be a job, a relationship, it might even be the way you do things.  No matter what it is, take a hard look at things and see if what is happening, what you are doing, is what is best for you.  Hey face it, you already know those things that are not serving you. What you haven't been able to do is cut away from them.  If you are trying to cut things away keep working at it.  If you haven't started, you might want to think about it and at least set some things in motion.  Hey I'm writing this just as much for me as for you.  There are plenty of things in each of our lives that no longer serve us, but we each have to come to the place where we can admit it.

I am one who believes it is always a good time to turn the page on things that are no longer serving us.  The sooner you are able to get this monkey off your back, the sooner you can have the life you really desire.  Now just to be fair let me say this:  even if you get the monkey off you back, there is probably going to be another one just waiting to jump on.  I don't say this to scare you, but life will continue to throw things your way because we will always be learning.  However, each time you turn the page it gets easier and easier to turn each subsequent page.

So now you get to decide, do I continue, or do I make some changes?  I can't tell you what needs to be changed in your life, your friends can't, although they will make every attempt to try lol, only you can determine those things that require change.  Keep this in mind, change is not always swift, it's not always large in scale.  Change can be slow and it can be small, but it is almost always positive.  If you are crying out for change then simply position yourself so you can openly receive it when it presents itself to you.  Change will come as sure as the sun is going to rise tomorrow morning.  If you've been thinking about turning the page then it's a pretty good bet that the time is right for it.  Go after your change and watch as your life changes right in front of your eyes.

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