Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The moment I finally got it.

As I was strolling around my house this morning I just sensed a need to write a few things down, and I have learned to follow my intuition so here I am again.  I'll be the first to tell you that life and learning is a continual process.  We learn things and hopefully the knowledge we take from each event will remain with us for the duration.  There have been times when I have not been so quick to pick up on certain things in life, but eventually I was able to grasp what was being placed in front of me, and so the learning continued.

What has set me a part from many of the other carbon based units on this planet is that I have taken the time to learn just who I am.  If you had told me twenty years ago that I would be a writer and someone whose destiny was to help others discover their own destiny I would have called you nuts.  I was all set to take the political scene by storm and I wasn't going to stop until I had reached the pinnacle of political life.  As much as I loved all things political, and as much as I was good at the game of politics, it wasn't my true passion.  Certainly I had passion for what I was doing, but it was not true passion.  Politics was not what I thought about first thing in the morning, nor was it the last thing that was on my mind before I laid down to sleep.  My true passion finally manifested itself in my life when I discovered who and what I was.  My true passion was just that, truth.  Everything I had done up to this point was nothing more then a training ground.  When I look back on all that I have accomplished, all that I have learned, it is in absolute harmony with who I am now, and with what I am doing now.

If you are still looking for or waiting for that moment to hit you, don't loose heart.  Some People will discover their passion early on in life, while others will only hit their stride as the years begin to pile up.  The perfection of the universe will make sure that you have your "wake up" moment at just the right time, and in the manner that will make you believe every bit of what is in your heart to do.  There are days that I am simply amazed at what I have done over the last four years, and yet I am still in awe of what is still in front of me to accomplish.  What I love most about what I do is that I love it so much and I am so blessed to have this opportunity.  I've said this many times before, there are many counterfeits that appear in our life.  These counterfeits are nothing more then smokescreens to get you off track, keep you out of balance, and other wise away from your true destiny.  If everyone were to be honest with themselves, I dare say that many people would opt for a do over in life because what they currently have on their plate is not what was intended for them to have.  Sadly many people have settled for second best when it comes to walking in their destiny.  Now second best might be fine for many people, but second best is still going to leave a void in your life.  This void will nag at you and nag at you until you are finally forced to deal with it.

So who am I?  Who are you?  We are all a part of this marvelous, beautiful universe.  We were brought here to accomplish something.  Some will accomplish great things, while others will simply move through life wondering where all the wonders are.  The first step in truly experiencing and appreciating the wonders of life is to appreciate who you are.  You are divine, you are creative, and you have all you will ever need to succeed in life.  The one thing that stops most people is an inability to let go of past conditioning and open up your mind and heart to the real you.  I'm not talking about the you that others have painted you as, but the you that was intended at the moment of your own creation.  I'd love to kick the crap out of those people who have levied doubt and unbelief on you.  Most people only speak words of discouragement to you because they are the ones who are still trying to figure out the meaning of life.  I marvel at those who are jealous of other's successes.  I can only imagine what most be going through their minds when they see others who are excited about life, full of happiness and joy.  Our existence was never meant to be one of loss, lack, or emptiness.  We are here to empower the rest of the world with our worth.  We were placed here to open the minds of those who are struggling with doubt, fear, and worthlessness.

I am one with my creator, and I am here to lay the axe to the root of self-doubt.  If you want to truly enjoy life then start by owning who you are.  If want joy and happiness to be present in your life each and every day then own who you are and love who you are.  I spent many years hating myself.  I hated myself because I had yet to fully understand the significance of me being here, and I had no idea what I was supposed to do with my life.  I would simply exist, and that existence was nothing I really wanted.  There comes a time when you and your passion are going to have to meet up.  Until such time as you can openly admit what you love, you will always be one step behind the rest of those who have made the discovery.  Passion is real.  Passion is life.  Passion is what you think about first thing in the morning, and the last thing you think about at night.  Own your passion, and don't give thought to what others think about it.  Your passion is yours and yours alone.  Trust me, when you can boldly state and thoroughly live your passion, that will be the time when you will say "I finally got it."  Go after your passion with everything in you, for once you do that, everything you do will be just the way it needs to be.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, so glad yo be living my passion! Thanks for writing this, Scott. 😀❤
