Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The view from above.
What must the rest of the universe be thinking when they see our planet, it's inhabitants, and the many different problems and issues we all deal with?  Now if you believe as many do that we are the only intelligent life in the entire universe, I guess that question is a mute point.  If on the other hand you can come to grips with other life out in our universe then let me ask you again, what thoughts would be going through those minds?  Better still, what do you think when you look at the ever expanding universe and wonder what role you play in it?  Do you even ponder the idea of having something of great importance to accomplish?  If not, why not?

Our planet is the equivalent to a grain of sand in all the beeches and deserts on our planet, when you compare us to the rest of the universe.  When you size us up as humans many would simply think that we have very little to do with things on such a grand scale.  There in lies the problem, we limit ourselves before we ever begin.  Once again that damn conditioning that you have been subjected to since birth has screwed up your thinking.  Now in all honesty I was just as guilty as the next person when it came to limiting beliefs and such.  I regrettably fell victim to words that were spoken to me about what I could and couldn't do.  Face it, we've been told since birth not to have a big head.  Those that think too much of themselves are conceited and prideful, and of course pride is one of the Seven Deadly Sins.  Can we for just once forget about what others think and try to see ourselves for who we really are?  I'm repeating myself but it has to be done: we are created beings, who have the capacity to create anything we desire.  The only thing stopping us from doing this is our own beliefs.

When you break us down to our smallest element we are simply energy.  The energy that exist in the farthest reaches of space is the very same energy that we are made of.  Energy, according to the 1st Law of Thermodynamics, can neither be created nor can it be destroyed.  The energy that is you has been around since the beginning of time, and will be around even after you leave your mortal body.  Since all energy emanated from the same source we are all interconnected.  Why is it that so many people have a problem with this concept?  Science has proven time and time again about energy, and yet we would rather believe in our own limits.  Given the option to create things or to simply sit around and wait for things to happen, what would you choose?  Given the option to have a life filled with nothing but happiness and joy, or a life empty of all emotion and always lacking, what would you choose?  Would you rather believe in the endless, limitless possibilities of your creative power, or hold on to the conditioning that tells you that only certain people will have success?

The view from above is often different from the view down here, but here's the simple truth:  it doesn't have to be that way.  I'd like to think that as a part of the collective consciousness of the universe that there just might be something out there that is bigger then life itself.  We limit ourselves because we have yet to realize just how vast the universe is, and the universe is us.  We limit ourselves because we would rather sit back and hope, instead of stepping out and creating our own reality.  This is not some Sci-FY novel, this is real stuff.  Those who will dare to step out side of the box of norms, which man has created, will be the ones who cruise to new heights.  Those who refuse to do things the same old way will soar to new places. Those who will simply believe in their incredible abilities will tower over the rest of civilization, and in doing so teach others that they have the same abilities.

Let me ask you this, are you tired of always waiting?  Are you tired of always being told that things need to be different even when your heart of heart tells you something else?  Are you simply tired of being just a cog in the wheel of life with no ability to really do what you desire most?  I've lived years trying to please other people and the only thing it got me was unhappiness and a whole lot of hurt in the end.  We are part of a universe that is so vast, so expansive, and so incredibly beautiful and yet we only see ourselves as humans.  Look up into the night sky sometime and tell me what you see, and then tell me how it makes you feel.  If you feel small, then you need to change.  If you feel as though you are just as much a part as the most distant star, now you are getting some place.  Stars and planets may be billions of miles away, but they are just as much a part of you as you are of them.

If you were the looking down at our tiny planet what would be going through your mind?  It is time to change how we see ourselves and in the process change the way we do things.  Trust me the universe is simply waiting for you to grab all that is yours and run with it.

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