Monday, May 11, 2015

New Beginnings

Ever wished for a Genie in a Lamp?  If you did find it, have you given thought to what you would wish for?  The average Joe would probably ask for riches, or fame, or even both.  You have all kinds of people, from all walks of life, who would ask for countless different things.  Someone would of course ask for World Peace, another would desire that sickness be eradicated from the planet, and another would want a halt to global warming.  All laudable things, but what others would ask for is probably different from what you would ask for.

If I had a wish I would want my thoughts to always be ones that were directly in line with the Nature of God.  What is God's nature?  It is peace, joy, happiness, and of course love.  I dare say that most people think on these things from time to time, but at other times their mind is constantly in a struggle with what they see around them, and what they see around them often becomes what they think about.

If you are always surrounded by fear, anxiety, dire straights, then it's more than likely that your thoughts will be on these things.  If your thoughts are on these things, then you are simply asking for these things to be present in your life, and why you would want that it beyond me.  If on the other hand you are constantly thinking about peace, joy, happiness, and love, then how much different might your life be then it is right now.

New beginnings do begin with new thoughts, and you are the one who controls what you think about.  There was a time when all I could think about was all the things I didn't have in my life, that I thought I needed, or wanted.  It wasn't the kind of thoughts that would bring these things to me, it was the thoughts that only wondered why I didn't have what I really wanted.  If we could just change what we think about, and let go of all the negative, you just might find that things will change in your life in a very dramatic way.

Take a look at these two scenarios and tell me if it doesn't ring true.  Number One:  you get out of bed in the morning, and because you had a fight with your significant other the night before, you just know that the day is going to royally suck.  True to form you get to work, your favorite parking space is already taken, and there is a line a mile long at the coffee stand.  You have ten minutes to get to your first meeting, and now you get to do it without your morning Cup of Joe.  As if things couldn't get any worse, you have left your meeting notes at home on the kitchen table, and now you get to wing it.  As luck would have it, you are giving this presentation to the Partners, and how you hate speaking in front of a crowd.  I guess at this point I would wonder what the rest of the day is going to look like, and I think everyone already knows what kind of day this person is going to have.  Number Two:  you get out of bed and the first words out of your mouth are "Thank You".  You recognize that you have another opportunity to live the life that you always dreamed.  You get up and as you walk downstairs you can smell the brewed coffee, the toast, and the eggs and bacon.  You smile, and you say "Thank You" once again for the many blessings in life, and yet you have only been up for an hour.  You get to work and that favorite parking space is available, but you see someone who looks as though they need a bit of joy so you waive them in, and you carry on to the next available spot.  You get to the lobby and waiting for you is a note from your assistant with a Cup of Joe reminding you of your meeting, and your text is waiting for you in the folder attached.  How is the rest of this person's day going to be?

If you think about it, being grateful for what you have is always going to bring you opportunity to have even more.  Conversely, always bemoaning what is missing, is only going to exacerbate the situation, and you will find yourself getting farther and farther away from happiness.

I hear people who always say that it's easy to be happy when you have what you need, but try being happy when you don't.  Too many times we try to put the cart in front of the horse.  You can't expect good to follow if all you think about is what you are lacking in life.  It's almost impossible to experience peace and joy in your life, when all you think about is how rotten things are.  Sooner or later you are going to have to change the way you think, change the way you feel, and change your entire outlook on things.

Peace begets peace, joy begets joy, happiness begets happiness, and love, that all important love, begets more love.  Given the choice to be with all these things, or being without, what would you choose?  If you will give these things to people in the form of a cheerful hello, or smile, or even a simple act of kindness, what do you think will come back to you?  If you can begin to think about those things that are in God's nature, then you will begin to operate in them.  If you begin to operate in them, then you will bring even more of it into your life.  It is that simple.  So you can either get up on the wrong side of bed in the morning, or you can begin your day with a simple "Thank You" and watch as your day unfolds in ways that will keep a smile on your face through out it.

If you want new beginnings, then begin to create thoughts that will push you in that direction.  You do control what happens in your life, and guess what, you don't even need that Genie.  Begin to show thankfulness and gratefulness, and you will see the world in a whole new light.  Be the light that the world needs, and in doing so, you will have all you could ever imagine.

1 comment:

  1. This is so true, Scott. Just today, I began with a thank you to God/Spirit for several things, and later on a friend I was hoping to hear from called ... and the day got even better as it went along. Sweet. Thanks for writing this blog... I'm sharing it with my FB friends. :)
