Friday, May 22, 2015

Don't be afraid of adventure, it's why you're here.
"It was an adventure of a lifetime"  said the excited couple as they began to unpack from this momentous outing.  Adventure in any life is often filled with thrills; it is filled with excitement, and often life can change as a result of certain adventures. The problem that arises is when you close yourself off to such events, and in doing so, you miss out on some very insightful, if not life altering offerings.

I love an adventure.  Given the option to sit around and do nothing, or go out and experiment with something new, I choose the new every time.  I can get bored fairly easily, so being able to do different things is something that speaks to me often.  It is only when you remain where you are, that you begin to fall back, and falling back is never going to get you where you need to be.  Challenging yourself to get outside of your comfort zone and doing something totally off the wall might do you some good.  There is nothing wrong with zipping down a line, scared to death and screaming like a little girl, peeing your pants, and then wanting to get back up and do it again.  Variety is the spice of life we are told, and adding this spice just makes life taste that much better.

You were not put here on this planet simply to take up space.  Contrary to what some would profess, you also were not put here simply to work 24 hours a day.  All work and no play as the saying goes makes for a very dull life.  Adventure has always been, and will always be something that brings newness to things.  Adventure often brings us clarity.  If you are constantly in the same place, doing the same thing, experiencing the same results, maybe changing things up a bit, experimenting with new activities, basically seeking out adventure, would do you some good.

I marvel at people who never change things up.  They are stuck in a time vacuum it seems, and there is almost zero desire to do anything different.  Yet, these are the same people who will complain when things don't go their way, or when life seems to be at a standstill.  Really?  You hate the fact that life seems to be crawling along at a snail's pace, and yet you see no reason to try something different in life?  What am I missing here?  Adventure, adventure, adventure!  Do yourself a favor and try it out.  How many times have you almost cancelled doing something, and once it was over you were so thankful that you took part in it?  For that matter, how many times have you tried something new, only to realize that you got much more then you bargained for, and what you got brought about positive change?

Just for general purposes today, go out and do something random.  I mean do something that you might never think about doing, and do it with the mindset that you really don't care what others will think, nor do you really care what it may look like.  If you are always safely tucked away into your little life, never being willing to try something new, how do you expect things to change for you?  Now if change is not something you seek, then by all means stay where you are at, doing what you have always done.  On the other side of the coin, if you are tired of the same old rat trap, then go out there and create some adventure.  Why do you think all these reality shows have taken up so much of the television air time?  People are seeking adventure.  They want something different, they want to know that there is more to life then a simple 9 to 5 job, a significant other, 2.5 kids, a dog, two cars, and maybe a boat.  Now I have nothing against a steady job, a loving mate, children to brag about, or a dog that only displays unconditional love.  I think these are all great things.  However, if you have these things already, and yet you still are missing something in your life, then you have to ask the question, why?

Adventure will keep you young.  Adventure will keep you alert.  Adventure will keep you on your toes, and that extra two or three inches just might provide you with a slightly higher and different vantage point, thereby changing how you see things.  Stuck in the doldrums sucks.  I wish there were a better way for me to put it, but why mince words.  Either you want to have an exciting life, or you don't.  You can either decide to live fully, or you can walk around with one foot already in the grave.  Which one will you choose?

As I've said to so many people, you are not here just to take up space.  You are here for a very specific purpose, and until such time as you take your rightful place, life is just going to be so so.  Allow different adventures in life to spring board you into your destiny.  All that we learn, all that we do, was intended to get us to our True Destiny.

Adventure is nothing to be afraid of, it is something that needs to be embraced.  When you can begin seeking out new adventures, new experiences, new ways of enjoying your life, then you will be on your way to a fulfilling and rewarding life.  Life is supposed to be thrilling.  Life is supposed to be something that brings joy.  If you can find adventure, then you will find that thrill, and you will live with that joy.  As far as I'm concerned, I can live with that.  Get out there and do something new and exciting today, and for goodness sake, have fun while you're doing it.  After all, life is not about not taking chances, life is about expanding, and living every moment.  Have fun today, and let me know what you discovered.


  1. Thanks for writing this, Scott. I went to Boothbay Harbor, on a "whim", worked at Enchantments, talked to a lot of nice people, went for a walk on the piers saw the boats, took selfies with a bear and a moose (check them out - they "live" downtown, on Commercial St., near The Red Cup Café), and had dinner with a friend.:) Awesome day. Yes, I went for an adventure and had a lot of fun, and I highly recommend it to everyone. Blessings, Love.

  2. And,I discovered that getting in the car and going for a ride can lead to awesome experiences and chances to share Love with a smile, wave, and conversation. Oh, the joy of living life as an adventure. :)
