Wednesday, May 13, 2015

When it's decision time, always follow your heart.
Tough decisions, man don't they suck sometimes?  It seems we often find ourselves in positions where we have to make some tough decisions.  Sometimes these decisions involve career, sometimes health issues, and other times decisions of love.  No matter what category your decisions fall into, it is always best, always best, to simply follow your heart.

It's always easier when the decision you have to make only involves yourself, but when it brings others into the mix, that's when things tend to get dicey.  Most anyone that knows me knows that I hate confrontation of any kind.  I also would never choose to hurt someone on purpose.  I know that there have been occasions when I have hurt people, but I assure you it was never out of malice, it simply was the result of a decision that had to be made.  I've worked for many, many years, and I've had to fire people in the past.  I don't know many good managers or supervisors that relish the thought of having to let someone go.  It is often gut wrenching, and it can cause many a sleepless night.  But when a tough decision has to be made, I have always wanted to be the one to do it, that way there can be no blame placed on those innocent around you.

I know people who will put off making a decision as long as possible simply because they don't want to make it.  Not making it is never going to solve what ever issue is at hand, and in reality all it does is worsen things by delaying what is probably the inevitable.  I've been the recipient of that in the past, and even today I will still put off difficult decisions, mostly because I have in my mind that the results will be not the best.  Generally speaking things hardly ever turn out as bad as we imagine, but that doesn't seem to stop us from putting things off.

I'm not sure that there is any one area in which a decision is required that is quite as difficult as one dealing with love.  How often have we stayed in situations longer then we should have simply because we were afraid of what the end result would be?  Matters of the heart are in my estimation the most sensitive, and yet the ones most people hate to deal with more than anything.  After love I would think that vocational choices, when or if to change careers, is probably number Two on the list of difficult decisions to make.  I know people who absolutely hate what they are doing, and yet they cannot make a decision to save their life.  This is when fear comes in and robs people of the ability to think clearly and rationally.  I've had jobs in the past that I absolutely hated, but because of financial needs was forced to stay where I was at.  I let the fear of no money keep me in a place that was draining the life out of me.  Misery was my middle name, and I was not about to let go of that namesake.  It was only when push came to shove that I finally made the decision to get out, and as is the case most of the time, things worked out better then expected.

We will all face difficult decisions in life.  When the time comes ask your heart what to do.  Your heart is always in communication with the Creator of the Universe, and the Creator's wisdom and compassion is beyond words to describe it.  There have been many sleepless nights that could have been avoided had I just listened to my heart.  Your heart knows what is best for you because God knows what is best for you, even when you don't.

If you are in the middle of the decision making process simply step back for a minute, ask some questions, and then quietly sit and expect an answer.  People who lack the information needed to make a decision, lack it because they simply never asked the question.  When you ask the question, you will always get an answer.  Now, that doesn't always mean you're going to like the answer, but you will get one.  The second biggest problem with decision making is when you begin to second guess the divine guidance you have received.  Face it, we've all been there when we feel we know better, and we are hell bent on doing it our own way, only to find out after that our way was not the right way.

Decisions can be life changing, and anything that has this much significance in your life needs to be looked at, and consideration made to what is really in your best interest.  Your heart is never going to reveal to you things that are not in your best interest.  Follow your heart, follow your heart, follow your heart!  I can't make this point any clearer.  If you don't recognize when your heart is telling you something, then might I suggest you get acquainted with it.  Spiritual insight, or intuition, or whatever you want to call it, is always spot on.  God is not going to have you do something that is contrary to the plans for your life.  Conversely, we will do things that are in direct opposition to what is best for us.  These decisions that get us off track are often masked in situations that appeal to us, but in all likelihood will not benefit us, but they do gratify us momentarily.  Do not let instant gratification be the deciding force in making a decision.  It will burn you, and then you will suffer for it.

Decision time is heart time, and heart time is resting in the knowledge that Spirit has everything under control and you can rest knowing that things will work out as they need to work out.  When making a decision don't second guess your heart: follow it, listen to it, and always, always believe in it.  Believe in your heart and let it guide you to places indescribably beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, always follow your heart. Scott's blog reminds me of two of my favorite Scriptures/affirmations: "God is love." - I John 4:17 and "... With God all things are possible." - Matthew 19:26. Follow your heart, follow God in you, do and experience the impossible ... find perfect peace. :)
