Thursday, May 14, 2015

Let's talk about love.

Lets talk about love.  We deal with love issues almost every day of our life.  Some of these issues are tiny and insignificant, while others are all consuming and often gut wrenching.  Love is the cord that binds all things together, and love is the one thing that can tame the savage lion.

I won't try to define love for you, as love is different for every individual.  What I will say is that life can never be complete without love in it.  What form this love takes is entirely up to you, but eventually you will have to grasp the concept of love and make it the center of every thing you do and in fact every thing you are.

I have experienced different levels of love in my life.  I have loved certain jobs, I have loved different places I lived in, and I have loved different people.  No matter what circumstances I found myself in, or where I was, love is what grounded me, and love is what kept me in a good place.  If you hate what you are doing, if you hate where you are living, it is almost impossible to enjoy life to the fullest.

I've known people who go from one place to another, one person to another in the hopes of finding their heaven on earth.  I do believe you can find that Nirvana, but first you must be willing to recognize that not a single person can operate without love in their life in some form or another.  No one has the right to tell you who, what, or even when to love.  There will always be people around you who will have opinions on what is appropriate, what is right, and what is in your best interest.  It's nice to have people who care about you in this way, but when it comes to love I have found that following your heart is the only way of guaranteeing that you have what you need and want.

I want to say something, and I do pray that it comes out the way I intend it:  finding love, whether it be in a partner, or job, or place to live, never requires you to change who you are.  What I mean by this is that if you are being forced to be anything other than your unique self in order to obtain these types of love, then you are doing yourself and those around you a huge disservice.  Not being who you really are when it comes to love is nothing more then trying to fit a round peg into a square hole. It just will not work, and in the end someone is bound to be hurt, and that someone is normally you.  I have tried to change for the sake of love, but what I changed into was nothing like the person I really was, or the person I was created to be.  Don't settle for someone who demands there be changes in who you are, or in what you desire most out of life.  If my love interest is demanding that I change professions, I can assure you that my love interest will not be my love interest for very long.

When you find that love, no matter what form it takes, hold on to it, and never let go of it.  I have in my heart a love that no no bounds and that is because love is not supposed to have any limits.  I think if you asked most people there is someone who you love more than life itself.  We often can't explain it, we often don't understand it, it's just there.  There is a reason for this, and once you can accept this, the sooner you can experience it and enjoy it.

We have the capacity to love because we were created from love and by love.  I'm not talking about the love that is portrayed in the movies, I'm talking about a love that is so deep, so encompassing, that words can hardly describe it.  This love was placed in you so that you might enjoy every aspect of your life.  A true love will compliment who you are.  A true love will fulfill you in more ways then you might think possible.  A true love, and pardon the corniness, will complete you.  We will have many loves in our life, but truth be told, there will always be that "One" that was meant to be.  Sadly we settle for less, when all you really wanted was the "One". Do yourself a favor and wait things out. It doesn't matter if your biological clock is ticking, it doesn't matter if everyone else is doing it, what matters is that you hold out for the love that will mean more to you then all the riches of the world.  When you experience this true love, then all those riches will dull in comparison to what you have in your life.

I have let people talk me out of love, even when my heart was telling me to hang on to it.  I have let situations pull me away and lead me in directions that were never meant to be.  I have held on to certain things because it was impossible for me to let go of them.  I have asked God to strip this love away because everyone was telling me why I needed to let go of it.  How do you let go of something that was placed in you before the beginning of time?  If you are wise you won't, and if you are patient the time will come when all will be made known to you.

True love is worth waiting for, even when the wait seems like an eternity.  True love is what keeps you young, and true love is what makes going after all of your dreams that much more enjoyable.   Love doesn't mean there won't be misunderstandings and arguments, it simply means you are willing to do the work to keep it real, keep it alive, and keep it new each and every day.  Face it, just the thought of having this type of love in your life probably has put a smile on your face and joy in your heart.  If just thinking about it does these things, think about what your life will be like when you are living it for real.  Reach out and love and allow love to reach back at you.  At the end of the day love is what will make you want to get up the next day to do it all over again.

1 comment:

  1. This is so right on, Scott. Well said. Sometimes it's hard to honor ourselves and what we need, break free of limiting romantic partnerships, and follow our hearts to true love, but when we do, life is a sweet symphony. :)
