Friday, May 8, 2015

I am all things.
I am in a decision making mode right now.  Whenever I have to make some changes, I often find myself going "internal" so to speak.  I do this because I never want my decisions to be affected by what is going on around me, or by what others think or say, especially when those other people have zero idea of the basis behind the decisions.

It is in these moments that I depend on my knowledge and understanding of just who I am, and why I am here right now.  This knowledge, this understanding has to be the basis for all your decisions in life.  If you fail to recognize the significance of who you are, then you undoubtedly will make the wrong decision and then one only knows what the outcome will be.

I often see people drifting from one event to another, one crisis to another, one disappointment to another.  These individuals will continue to suffer these moments because they have not as yet come to the realization that they don't have to be a part of them.  In any process there needs to be a foundation laid so as to provide a solid base.  If your foundation is not based on who you are, then I can assure you that when trials come, as they will, you are not going to have what you need to get past them.  I spent years crying out for help and yet help never seemed to come.  I could never understand why those around me were enjoying success, were enjoying life, and I had taken a back seat to life and simply was going along for the ride.  I decided at this point that it is far more advantageous to be the driver of the vehicle and not just a passenger that has no say so in where you are going.

People fail because they feel that failure is a part of every day life.  This point of view is so destructive, yet it is the focal point of so many lives today.  This has to end, Today!  If you are ever going to move forward with your dreams and visions you must begin to see that these dreams and visions have been placed in you for a very specific reason.   As I have said so many times in the past dreams and visions are stepping stones to your destiny.  I am all things because my Creator said so.  I am all things because I am no different then any other person who has been able to accomplish great things.  I am all things because I am here right now.  We were not placed here to simply take up space.  We were created to bring a piece of the puzzle that humanity is putting together.  Without your piece the puzzle would be incomplete, and that is not what was planned from the beginning of time.

If you cannot see yourself the way that God sees you, then you are doomed to walk around always wondering why the good in life has forgotten who you are, and all you will know is suffering and lack.  My dear friends you have within you the ability to climb the highest peak and from that vantage point see the world in a totally different light.  It all begins with recognizing the simple fact that you are divine, you are unique, and you are a spiritual being.  I know so many people who are fascinated with Angels.  Angels are magnificent beings.  Their abilities are varied, but they have a mission.  What most people fail to realize is that your "being" is far superior to Angels, for you have free will, while the Angels do not.  Angels can only do what is requested of them.  You on the other hand have the ability to create.  I love my angels and I love speaking with them each day.  I love the comfort they bring to me, the knowledge they impart, and the understanding that tells me that all is as it should be.  However, I love the fact that I can do more then my Angels can.

When you find yourself in a dark place, then ask for light.  When you seem to be stalled and unable to move forward, ask for a push.  When you are facing a trial, then realize that there is nothing in this world that has greater power then your words.  You can create the way out, you can create a new path.  You may ask for some assistance, we all need that from time to time, but realize that you were smart enough to ask for the help, while there are others around you who refuse to do so.

When you finally realize who and what you are, I promise you that life as you know it will change forever.  As I write this I have tears streaming down my face.  Not because of sadness, but because I have been blessed to understand who and what I am, and my life changed when that happened.  This is what I desire for each of you.  You were not born to experience all the downs of life, you were born to create, to inspire, to lead, to build, and to extend love and compassion to those around you.  You were created to change the face of nations, to heal old wounds, and to share with humanity all that is good.

I am all things, and you are all things.  Together we are all things.  The sum is the total of all its parts.  Each of us has a part to play in this thing we call Life.  You can either accept your role, in which case life will be grand and brilliant, or you can run from it and forever wonder why things just never go well for you.  Given these two options, which one makes more sense?  It is time to turn things around, and the first step in this process is to begin laying your own foundation.  A foundation that is solid and strong.  A foundation that is made from the knowledge of who and what you are.  I promise you this, if you can discover the greatness within, the divine within, there is nothing that will ever be able to rock your foundation, and then you will begin to see things happen that those around you will be utterly amazed by.  You have my word on that, and my word is my bond.  Begin now, and ask for signs, ask for confirmation, and ask for assistance.  It is all there for you, if you simply ask.


  1. Yes, the Angels and your Earth angel friends are here for you to guide and give you comfort and to love you always, Scott and Everyone... always. :) Love this blog, Scott, and your other works. Thank you for sharing, and I'm sharing this with all of my friends too. :)

  2. Yes, the Angels and your Earth angel friends are here for you to guide and give you comfort and to love you always, Scott and Everyone... always. :) Love this blog, Scott, and your other works. Thank you for sharing, and I'm sharing this with all of my friends too. :)
