Wednesday, May 6, 2015

A whole New World.

We sometimes get used to things.  Often we fight change because we have grown accustomed to having things a certain way.  What amazes me more than anything is when I see individuals who hate their station in life, and yet do little or nothing to change.  The obvious question is,why?  Why if life sucks so bad do people refuse to do anything to change the situation they might find themselves in?  I feel as though the answer is quite simple.  That being said, how I answer this question is going to be different then how others might answer, but just for giggles, let me tell you what I think.  I think people stay in the place they are at because quite frankly that's all they have ever known, and to a degree it does bring them comfort.

If you are sick and tired of all the negative in life, then maybe it's time to look at things a little differently.  During the Apollo Space Missions, there was a picture taken of the earth coming into view from behind the moon.  It was the first time that the Apollo Crew had ever seen this sight, and it gave them a whole new perspective about our planet.  Had they never seen this sight, then they would have continued to believe just like before, and into the future.  If you ever want to get out of the trap you feel you are in, then you are going to have to look at things differently, from a whole new perspective.

Our world is not the world that man says it is.  Man's conditioning has done nothing to help most people, and the view from man's perspective is often slanted, warped, and all together wrong.  I'm not saying everything is wrong, but there is a large portion that needs to be thrown away and never picked up again.  I'm going to get up on my soapbox again, and I hope you will indulge me.  If you are not able to recognize the greatness in you, then that greatness will never come out.  If that greatness never comes out, then you will remain where you are at.  If you remain where you are at then things are never going to be as they should be, as they were intended to be.

There is so much opportunity and possibility out there, but unless you accept this premise, you will always be wondering when your "Good" will come to you.  There is not a day that goes by that I do not thank God that I am privileged to be doing what I do.  This new perception did not just appear over night.  It took time and patience, and a whole lot of tears.  I see the world differently then I did just a few short years ago, and this is because I see myself differently then I did just a few short years ago.  This is the time when you are going to have to decide, do you continue with the world's ways or do you discover that you control what happens in your life?

There is a Whole New World out there for you, just waiting for you to conquer it.  I can't do it for you, your friends and family can't do it for you, only you can do it for you.  Search your heart and be honest with what you desire.  If change is what you desire, then seek change.  If knowledge is what you desire then seek knowledge.  If understanding is what you desire then ask for that understanding, but be sure to ask with pure motives and not from a position of desperation.

When I was at the lowest point in my life I knew I could go no lower.  We've all heard when you're at the bottom the only direction you can go is up.  Those words mean little when you are the one at the bottom and the feelings of despair and loneliness engulf you every moment.  However, this is the time to surrender to a Higher Authority and simply ask for help.  I was speaking at a recent seminar and I said that your personal Angels would stand and watch your house burn down unless you gave then charge to do something.  Well, if you are at the lowest point in your life why not give your Angles charge and release them to do for you?  Face it, what do you have to loose?  You already feel as though you have nothing, so might as well try something different, right?

How would your perspective of the world change if you had everything you ever dreamed of?  How would you see things if only goodness, peace, joy, and happiness were present in your life?  Would the world seem like a whole new world if you were living in the Peace, Joy, and happiness?  Your world was never meant to be occupied by the trails of life.  Your world was never meant to be taken over by worry or fear.  Your world was always intended to be one that was in submission to your will, and you were meant to have dominion over it.  Alas, man's conditioning has lead us to a point where we can't see any of that any longer.  Well it's time to recoup what is rightfully yours and begin to live in a whole new world.

Ask for guidance, ask for knowledge and understanding.  Accept love and support, regardless where it comes from, and realize that you are so worthy of all manner of help.  Needing assistance is never a sign of weakness.  We all need help from time to time, the weakness comes in when you refuse the help that comes your way.  There is a Whole New World out there just waiting for you to discover it.  Start now, and start by recognizing that this world is just as much yours as anyone else.  You are deserving of it all, and when you realize this, then the worlds riches will be yours.

1 comment:

  1. I find that every day in this beautiful world is full of adventure, blessings, sometimes challenges - but always a way to transcend them and move forward to dance with joy. Great blog, Scott. Thanks for posting. Gratitude to God/All That Is for this wonderful world and All always. :)
