Monday, May 4, 2015

A little Bird Told Me.....
There's all kinds of reasons we gather information.  Information we need to make a good decision, information to know what to do next, and information about who and what we are.  We can get this information from trusted friends and advisers.  We can get this information from books and the experiences of others.  There really is no limit to who brings the needed information we seek.  Here's the problem: often we don't listen to, or even give credence to some of the information we receive.  Why is this do you think?  Why when we have the answers right in front of us, do we disregard it?  Is it because we think we know better?  Is it that we don't trust the source of the information?

Have you ever been in the midst of doing something, and something inside of you keeps prompting you to change things, not to do something, or to do something completely different?  You decided not to heed your instinct, your intuition, and after, you would have given anything to turn back the hands of time and do it differently?  Now these decisions or events may be insignificant, but at other times they can and do lead to monumental change or havoc in our lives.

Why do I bring this up?  Most people are unaware of their connection to God, and just what this connection means.  We have been conditioned to believe, by man, to believe that God is somewhere, but that somewhere is untouchable, and that to think that the Almighty would waste time speaking to, or otherwise directing us mere mortals, is something out of fantasy land.  I can assure you that this is not the case, and today I want to encourage you to tap into an unlimited resource that is yours.

I believe we are surrounded by heavenly beings, Angels, and others whose role it is to provide us the answers we seek.  I have said this so many times before, but it bears repeating:  We have not, because we ask not, and we ask not,  because we don't believe.  How awful is it that we have a resource available to us that would give us anything we seek, and yet we do not take advantage of that resource?  This is the case when you discount the possibility of Spirit providing you correct information whenever or wherever you need it.

I want to go back to man's conditioning and share with you why I think it is so dangerous to discount that you are a spiritual being first and foremost, and that if you want your life to change, then you need to learn about your spiritual self, and let go of the limiting thoughts that man has said you have to live by.  To believe that you have to suffer lack, or live in fear is nonsense.  To believe that you have to suffer the pitfalls of man, or somehow you have to live through adversity to show that you are strong is garbage.  I don't doubt that there are many people out there who go through trying times, but don't blame God for those times.  If what you are going through is in direct opposition to the nature of God, then I can assure you it is not from God.  Most if not everything that is contrary to the Nature of God comes from the Nature of Man, and that is not the nature I want to hang my hat on.

Man has a warped view of God.  I wish I could be less blunt, but I don't have the time to beat around the bush.  Man has tried to paint the picture that the only way that God would ever bless you as an individual is if you first do something for him.  It's as if you only receive something from God when you give to him first.  This is such utter nonsense.  God placed you here, and if God placed you here then he gave you everything you need to do what you were placed here to do.  There is nothing that you do not have that you need to walk in your destiny.  That being said, if you can't recognize the ways that God communicates with you, then you will never get to the point you are supposed to be at.

I'm sure I will get some hate mail for this blog, but I refuse to say something that is not truth, and I am equally sincere in my determination to get you to where you are supposed to be.  And where you are supposed to be has nothing to do with what man says you need to go through.  I know people who feel as though walking around in poverty is a character builder.  I know people who feel as though a certain amount of fear is a good thing because it will teach you caution.  Let me be perfectly clear:  poverty and fear are not creations of God, they are creations of Man.

If you can't let go of man's conditioning then you will always be held hostage by it, and as long as you are being held hostage, you will never discover your destiny, let alone walk in it.  God has taken it on the chin more times because man loves to set limits to what God will do for you, or to set guidelines to what you must do to hear from God.  Throw all of those ideas and thoughts out the window, they are garbage.  Your spirit is in direct communication with God's Spirit.  You were created to have communion with God anytime you desire it.  Talking to God does not require some advanced Theological Degree.  Talking with God does not require a burning bush.  Talking with God only requires that you recognize that you are divine, and as such, are worthy of openly talking with Spirit anytime you desire.

If you desire answers to some of the more challenging questions about life, then try going to the source of all knowledge.  Forget all the "Thy" and "Thee" stuff and simply say, "Hey, it's me and I am having a crap day."  It's not as if Spirit doesn't already know what you are going through.  There are many avenues in which to receive Divine Guidance, open yourself up to these and set your intentions to get what you need when you need it.  If you were in a hot dry desert in need of water and a cool glass appeared in front of you, you still have to make the decision to take the glass and sip from it.  If you choose not to take what is right in front of you, then you choose to suffer.  If on the other hand you decide to take a sip, then you are able to move forward in your journey.  The decision is once again yours to make.  Might I suggest you make the effort to get to know the many voices of the Creator of the Universe, and in doing so be the one who gets the answers, and not the one who gets the boot.  A little bird told me all this and I just thought I would pass it on.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to God/the little bird who gives you inspiring messages like this one and thanks for sharing them, Scott. I agree, we can always talk to God, and every time I do, I get relevant information to assist me and others on our journeys. Trust those messages you get, Everyone.
