Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Now that was over the top!
Oh my, looking back I'm not sure I would have ever thought things could be so good, so utterly fantastic.  Sure I had dreams, but man was that over the top.  Goes to show that things do work out, and they are almost always better then you ever imagined.

So who reading this today has ever uttered those words?  Have things been over the top for you?  Have things been better then you could ever have imagined them?  Are you walking in your dreams right now?  If I were a betting man I would say that the majority of people alive today would not be able to say they are walking out their dreams.  This is not to beat them up, but to encourage them to put down the remote, get off the sofa, and do something about it.

I sat around for what seemed like an eternity waiting for something to be dropped in my lap in regards to my company.  I had the dreams, I had the energy, I had tons of ideas, what I didn't have was a starting point.  I waited and waited for Spirit to give me that starting point, but the wait seemed like it was never going to end.  It took a great and honest friend to kick me in the ass and force me to take action.  Sometimes all we need to do is take baby steps, and before you know it you are taking bigger steps, and then comes the leaps, and then you are running at full throttle.

What I want you to think about today is the feeling you will have when you look back at things and think to yourself, "man was that over the top."  This is something that most people desire, yet few have experienced.  Well my lovelies, today is the start of a new day, and you to can be in that select group of people who have experienced all that life has for you.  If you are ready for that, then let's take a closer look at some things and see if we can't get you moving in that direction.

I was meeting with my Executive Assistant the other day and we were going over some thoughts about what we wanted to do in regards to and True Destiny.  I receive tons of emails each day, generally from other companies eager to have me try what ever they are selling on any particular day.  I'm not opposed to companies selling things, heck that's what they are there for.  What I am opposed to is some of the ways they go about selling their services.  I hate smoke and mirrors.  I've hated it since I was young, and I hate it even more today.  So many companies prey on those who are searching for answers, often who are at the end of their rope, and these companies promise the "cure all".  They show you all this grand stuff and then tell you that if you want to turn your minimum wage life into one that has "six figures" all it's going to cost you is this much.  Talk about kicking a man when he is down.  If someone is at the end of their rope, do you want to guess how much they have to spend on chasing their dreams?

True Destiny wants nothing more then to provide those in search of their destiny a means to get there.    There have been times when I have cried out not knowing what to do next.  All I wanted was a lifeboat to keep me a float.  I would get this offer to help, but there were always strings attached.  If you wanted the real answers simply sign-up in a "member area."  If you want the keys to success, simply sign-up and the cost is only $497.00.  Guess what that did to my dreams each and every time I was asked for more money?  Ladies and Gentlemen, your destiny is not for sale.  There is a way to understand your dreams, to walk in your destiny, but it shouldn't put you in the poor house in order to do it.

Let me say this, and I'm sorry if it comes across as cutting:  if you are going to bet your future on some web site that promises to help you turn your life around and it's only going to cost you this much, then don't bother wasting your time or money.  The only one's who are going to get rich are the ones that you send your money to.  The only way you are ever going to live your dreams is to believe in those dreams, and figure out who and what you are.  Let the snake peddlers do what they do, and you focus on you for a bit.  My True Destiny is helping others discover their destiny.  That is my dream, that is my vision, and when I look at it now, boy has it been over the top.  I want you to have this same experience, but it is going to take effort on your part, and you are going to have to want it.  I can't make you put out the effort, and I can't make you want it.  All the sites out there selling things that will help make your dreams come true are there to make money.  I do not begrudge them the opportunity to make money, but what I can't stand is when someone loses their dreams because of the money.

When you are looking for help, then ask your heart what is the best way to go.  Your spirit is never going to send you down a path that is not heading in the right direction.  When I talk to people about their destiny the first thing I do is find out about them.  What works for one person does not mean it is going to work for the next.  If you are buying into cookie cutter solutions, you are going to get cookie cutter results.  Why would you want to be like everyone else, when you have the opportunity to be you.  The uniqueness of who you are is what should be present in everything you do, and it shouldn't be masked by mass marketing from someone else.  It is time to be what you were created to be, and not what someone else's creation is.  Yes you can seek help, and there is plenty of it out there for you, but please use your head when deciding what to do.  As I said before your destiny is not for sale, and not at any price.

I know this is going to upset some people, but I didn't come here to win a popularity contest, I came here to help those who still need to discover who they are.  If I can't be true to my beliefs, how can I expect you to be true to yours.  We do what we do because we love it.  When profits come before everything else, then there is bound to be problems, and those are problems I never want in my company.  Destiny is real, and destiny is for you.  We can help you, but you have to decide, and the only way to do that is to follow your heart.

1 comment:

  1. Well said, Scott. Discovering the Divine within and doing what we love - our destiny, changes our lives, transforming passiveness to happiness and action. It's our right to live our dreams and say "Wow, what a joyous, fulfilling ride. Thanks to God/Spirit." I'm honored to be helping you assist others in finding their true destiny. Blessings. :)
