Friday, May 1, 2015

Just take a breath, and enjoy the world.
So you've been going at break neck speed for what seems like forever, tired yet?  You've been doing everything to secure the top spot on the leader board, was it worth it?  You've spent a lifetime amassing a small fortune, can you take it with you?

We have been programmed since birth to go after those things in life that we feel will make us happy, bring us success, and otherwise place us apart from those who can't seem to get out of their own way.  But at what cost?  Did all the hours you invested into getting where you are at really pay off?  If you have not been able to enjoy even the smallest things in life then I would think you would want to take a look at your life and maybe make a few adjustments.  I learned many years ago that having all the things that people feel show success, is nothing more than a filler for a void that exist, that really can only be filled when you discover and walk in your destiny.

Now I am not discounting that one needs to work hard.  But the old adage to work smarter, not harder, are words to live by.  At the same time, equally important, is the adage to stop and smell the roses.  What's wrong with taking some time to just breath and realize that the Universe has everything in place for you, and all you need to do is respond when opportunities come to you, grab all that life has to offer you, and by all means simply enjoy life for a while.

I spent so many years trying to reach what I thought was the "Top Spot", only to find out that I still was empty when I got there.  It didn't satisfy me, nor did it fill the void that existed in my life.  I certainly had every material thing I needed in my life, but spiritually, emotionally, I was as dry and empty as a Texas Oil Well.  I spent so much energy trying to get somewhere and yet I had no clue as to what was going on around me, and I had forgotten what was most important: enjoying what I did have, and not worrying about what I didn't have.  I dare say that I'm not the only person on the planet who has had to deal with these issues.  Isn't it time that we all just take a step back, show some gratitude for what we have, and try to enjoy the splendor of this thing we call living?

Our life was never meant to be spent simply trying to make our own little empire.  I am not discounting those who have been able to do some pretty remarkable things, but if you can't enjoy the process of getting to this place, is it really worth it?  If you hate what you have to do to get where you want to be, is where you want to be really the place you are supposed to be at?  Think about it:  you hate what you do, and yet you still do it because the world, what, says you have to?  Why in the world are you spending so much time and energy on something that isn't even what you really want in life?  To me that's just dumb.

When I sit down to write, or to speak to a audience, I am living my dream.  I love the work that goes into writing and speaking.  It brings me so much joy, and there is never a time that I don't love doing it.  Is what you are doing right now bringing you joy and the feeling that you love every minute of what you are doing?  If it is, fantastic.  If it isn't, not so fantastic.  I love hearing comments from people who have attended one of my seminars or workshops.  I love receiving comments from those who have read some of my work.  I don't love it because I am thinking how great I am, I love it because people are finally discovering what life is all about.  I love it because people are finally realizing that life doesn't have to be torture and dread.  I love it because it is helping people discover what is most important to them, and they are taking the steps necessary to walk in their own True Destiny.

If you are constantly doing things because others expect it of you, or you have set some unachievable expectation in your own life, might I suggest you take a step back, breath, and simply enjoy the world.  This little break in the action just might be the one thing that brings back your sanity, fills your life with a little more hope, and gets that damn monkey off your back.  There are so many things we should be thankful for.  There are things all around us that should remind us how privileged we are to be alive right now.  There are things all around us that need to be noticed, and in seeing them bringing you just a little more joy and happiness into your life.

You can spend a lifetime going after those things that others expect you to go after, and yes it can provide you with every comfort known to man, but is it worth it?  Has all this effort you put forth, doing things you hate, made your life any better for you?  Only you can answer this question, but for your sake I hope you will take some time to answer it.  Life is too short to be taken up with things that will never bring you closer to your destiny.  Now if knowing or walking in your destiny means nothing to you, then by all means continue on with what you are doing.  But if you are reading this, then my guess is, you are not happy with where you are, and maybe taking some time to smell the roses is just what you need right now.

Take a deep breath, enjoy the beauty around you, and have faith that what you need to discover will in fact be there when you need it.  Your destiny is what you are, and why you are here right now.  How great to walk in that destiny and at the same time enjoy everything that life has to offer. I dare say that many lives would change forever if this was taking place in every life.  This and much more is available to you if you will begin by taking a deep breath and simply enjoy the world around you.

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