Friday, January 16, 2015

It's time to dig a little deeper, it's time to look at personal responsibility.
I was torn today on what to write about.  I have had these two topics swirling around my spirit and instead of picking just one, I have opted to incorporate both into today's blog.  We are in changing times of late.  There are things that are going on around the world that defy description.  There have been horrors, calamities, and other things that just boggle the mind.  What I have noticed is that we have lost ground on one particular aspect and that is accepting personal responsibility.  It appears that things are always the fault of others.  That the situation we find ourselves in is a result of what others have done, or in some cases what they haven't done.  First off, that is bunk.  We are in situations right now because we have put ourselves there through our words, our actions, or simply our feelings.  Now you may not want to hear this, but I am forced to speak, or in this case write, the truth.

When did everything become someone else's fault or doing?  When did we give up and simply give in to what a large part of society has fallen for?  If you want to take things to the next level, in this case digging deeper into who and what you are, then you are going to have to accept the responsibility for doing it and not depend on others to get you there.  Certainly there will be people who will be there along the way to guide you, but if you are unwilling to take the first step to your spiritual maturity, then an army of people who desire to help you will mean nothing.  Now I'm not trying to beat anyone up today.  What I'm attempting to do is to shed some light on a topic that has fallen on deaf ears.  Look at some of the things that have become other's fault.  We have shootings overseas that are being blamed on what others have done.  So I guess because someone else has done something that someone may not like that that gives others the right to kill, maul, or destroy.  The reason we have these events taking place is because there are people who don't understand who and what they are and they have let others dictate what they should be or what they should do.  I know that there will always be those who lack the ability to fully grasp the divinity that resides in them, but you don't have to be that person.  It is time to dig a little deeper and realize the reason for your existence.  It is time to finally come to grips with what you were created to do.  Most people who refuse to dig deeper refuse to because (1) they are afraid of what they might find out. (2) They are not willing to accept personal responsibility for their actions or lack of action.

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, the time has come to take the next step.  It is time to begin to dig a little deeper and realize that you can be anything you want to be, have anything you want to have, and while doing this be a blessing to those around you and the rest of humanity.  Below each layer of hurt that you have been carrying around with you, beneath each failed attempt at something, is your opportunity for growth.  John Wooden once said, "Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be."  If your life is not going in the direction you desire, then change things up.  Tell yourself it is time for a change, and take the first step in a new direction.  No one can make you do anything you do not desire to do.  You have to be the one who is willing to dig a little deeper, digging deeper to come to the understanding and belief of who you are.

I have been guilty of just waiting for things to happen.  I was under the false assumption that if what I wanted to do was ordained by God, then magically things would appear when I wanted them to appear.  Now this can happen, but more often then not you are going to be the instrument of what takes place.  We have free will and the angels and other ascended masters will simply sit back and watch what transpires until such time as you give them the ability to act on your behalf.  Each of us has an arsenal of weapons that can be used to help you get what you want, help you get to where you want to be, but weapons will be of no use to you if you do not engage with them.  It has to be your decision whether you will use the tools available to you, or if you simply wait for others to do what you want done.  I am of the mindset that I want to be involved, so I have to get off my ass and do what I know to do.

Some may get the feeling that today's blog comes across as accusatory, but that is not the intent.  What I want you to see today is that you have all you need to be the person you desire to be.  All you need to do is begin to dig a little deeper, gain some understanding of your divinity, and just why you are who you are.  I have spend years taking away layer upon layer of past fears, past hurts, past failures, only to discover that those things weren't even real.  What is real now is who I am.  What is real now is me.  I am.....I am a writer, a speaker, a teacher.  I am abundant beyond imagination. I am fully equipped to do what I was born to do.  Each of you must come to an understanding of "I am" and once you do, then change will occur, forward motion will occur, and life as you know it will change forever. It is up to you.  It is time to take some personal responsibility and be who you are.

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