Monday, January 12, 2015

To be or not to be, that is the question.
This marks my 303rd blog over the last year or so.  If this were a television sitcom there would be a huge cake to celebrate.  I guess I will just have to celebrate in my own way.  That being said, today I want to encourage you with my thoughts on what you should expect over the next year.  There are so many people who have given up on their dreams.  This comes about because they have been discouraged by the comments of others. In addition, there may have been self-doubt, or simply life has beaten them up beyond belief.  Well that can all stop today, and if you are wise you will heed the words that are about to be shared with you.

First and foremost, and this is going to be the theme for this year, you are divine.  Your divinity is a part of you.  What you may not have at the moment is an understanding or a belief in this divinity, but that doesn't make it any less real, nor does it separate you from it.  Just because the moon is on the opposite side of the earth and you can't see it, doesn't mean it's gone for good. Simply because you can't feel the divinity, or see it, doesn't mean it does not reside in you.  This is what I need you to see today.  I have been reading a book called the "I am Discourse".  It has changed me in ways that I never thought possible.  It has opened my eyes to the unlimited possibilities available to each of us.  It has solidified what I always felt as truth, what I always thought possible.  For me, a new journey has begun, and on this journey I will endeavor to learn as much as possible of the "I am" presence that is available to all humans.

This entry today is not going to give you all the answers.  That will only come if you choose to delve into this subject on your own, and truly hold near to you what you learn.  What I want to do is nudge you just a tad in the direction of the "I am" presence in your life.  As you dig deeper, think and ponder these messages, then and only then will you come to an understanding of just who and what you are.  I have been tossed and spun around by countless doctrines over the last forty years, and until now I never knew who I really was, nor what I was capable of doing.  This is the knowledge that I desire to provide to you, and then push you on your journey of discovery.

So here is the question: to be or not to be?  You have come to a cross roads.  The time has come to make a decision.  You can continue on the path you may have been on for some time, experiencing the same results.  You can stand and wait for things to change, but who knows how long that will take, if it ever happens at all.  You can move forward and discover the greatness embedded in you and  watch as life changes before your eyes.  So many options available to you, but when you get down to it there really is only one choice to  make.  I can't make the choice for you.  Certainly I can try to motivate you to one particular choice, but in the end only you can make the right one.

In any journey in life, or any endeavor that people take, there are always others on a similar journey.  What I need you to see is that you cannot measure your success or failure by what others have done,what they have tried, or what they may be doing in the moment.  When we measure ourselves against others we will almost always come out on the short end of the stick.  I have seen people who are envious because someone else might be doing the one thing they have always dreamt of doing. Instead of being joyous that these people are walking in their destiny, they can only complain and wonder why it's not them instead.  In the strongest possible way I am asking you not to fall into this trap.  We are all different and the timing that takes place in our lives is not necessarily the same timing for someone else, but timing is in the perfection of our creator.  Forget what others are doing or not doing and focus on you.  You may learn something from someone else, but don't think that you are somehow a failure because they are doing it before you.

It would be easy for me, and I will admit I have fallen into the trap before, of seeing what others are doing and being jealous that it wasn't me doing it.  I wanted to have a temper tantrum and just have it my way.  Instead of being happy for other's success, I was downright pissed.  Thank god I was able to realize that my timing is not their timing and my destiny is not their destiny.  There may be similarities, but that is where it stops.

The time has come to put away the things of the past that have not worked for you, and begin to see things differently.  There are numerous examples of historical figures who have understood the divinity that resided in them.  There have been books written about those who understood what it was to be divine and then use this knowledge to help others achieve the same level of awareness.  Becoming aware of who you really are is only the first step.  The reason you need to know you is because you will never ever be able to help others achieve their destiny until you understand yours.

To be or not to be, that is the question.  Only you can answer it, and only you can take the steps required to get where you need to be. I will be here to help you however I can, but what I cannot do is create the desire in you for you to become all you were intended to be in this life.  There is so much more for you to do in this life, but it all begins with understanding the real you.  The divine you will never change and it will never go away, but you must come to it and accept it.  Once you do, your life will be different forever.  Let's begin to dig deeper, feel deeper, and believe like we have never believed before.  In doing this you will see things like never before, and then we will change this world like it has never changed before.

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