Monday, January 19, 2015

Stop measuring, and just be and do.
It is so easy to look at others and either desire what they have, what they do, or what they are dreaming of.  It's so easy to look at others and ask yourself why them and not me.  On the other side of the coin it's not always easy to remember that what someone else is doing was meant for them and not you.

I have tried to measure up to people my entire life.  Do it this way, do it that way, do it anyway but the way you wanted to do it.  After many years of failure I finally discovered that if I had done things the way that I wanted to, I would have been far better off in the long run.  Unfortunately we have created an environment where we are nothing more then individuals with out individuality, and even worse, we are measured against a standard that has been set by others who are still trying to reach a certain standard.  I will tell you that I am tired of having to fit in.  I'm tired of always trying to keep up with what others think I should do, or try, or even be.  When we measure ourselves against others we have neglected to realize that who and what we are has nothing to do with what someone else is doing or thinking.  In an effort to ensure that everyone fits in, we have taken away from a large majority of people the understanding that individuality is good, that it is OK to be different, and one need not dip their head in shame because they are different.

My friends it's OK to be different.  It's OK to not measure up.  Why in the world would you kick yourself because you have not measured up to a standard, set by someone else, who hasn't the foggiest notion of who you really are?  Why would you allow someone who has zero clue as to the real you, make you feel less human, less successful, simply because you haven't measured up to "their" standard? Now I understand that we have to have certain standards when it comes to safety, when it comes to compliance and such.  I'm not a complete dunce.  What I'm talking about here is measuring up to others expectations as it relates to who and what you are as a divine creature.

I am who I am.  I am just what I was intended to be, and if who and what I am is not good enough for those who think I should be different, then so what.  We have been trying to fit square pegs into round holes for far too long, and it's time that you take a stand against this.  You are incredible, and even if others have not seen your uniqueness, who cares.  You continue to be the person you were always created to be, and let others come up to your standards, don't you fall down to theirs.  Being yourself is the most important thing you will ever do.

It is so easy to allow others to measure you against someone else's success.  This is something that goes on day in and day out.  It is also something that will be the nail in the coffin, so to speak, to accomplishing the things you were sent here to accomplish.  In the story of Cinderella, the wicked step sisters would try to cram their huge feet into the glass slipper, in the hopes of gaining the Prince. The slipper was designed for one person and one person only, and all the shoving, all the forcing, and all the hope in the world was not going to allow those sisters to gain something that was not theirs to begin with.  It is time to find your glass slipper and know that the fit will be perfect. Stop trying to be someone you are not.  Stop trying to do things simply because others feel or think you should be doing them.  In the end, the only one that is going to be hurt is you, and why in the world would you want to subject yourself to such hurt and pain.

We are entering a time when each of us will be pushed to make the ultimate decision.  Will you be the person you were created to be, or will you morph into something that someone else has decided is best for you?  The time is fast approaching, if it has not already reached you, when you will make the choice.  They say that the path to hell is paved with good intentions, and certainly there will be those who claim to have your best interest at heart, but in the end, they don't really.  If those who keep telling you what to do, how to do it, and when to do it, would simply apply this much energy on doing what they were designed to do, then they would realize that it's time to shut up and let you be the person you were meant to be.  Simply because you may not do it the way they want, doesn't mean what you are doing is wrong.  Don't measure your success against another's success.  Don"t design your life around what others may have done.  Just because it worked for them doesn't mean it will work for you.  It is time to be you, just you.  It is time to do what you were created to do.

My desire is that you would discover your way.  My desire is that I be there to help, but never by making it about me. My desire is that you become you, the real you.  The unapologetic you, the person who stands up and says to the rest of the world, here I am, and take me as I am, because I am not going to change the perfection that I am.  When you do this I can assure you that doors will open, things will change, and others will stand in amazement as they look at the person you have grown into.  It is your choice to make, and it will be in the appointed time.  Have faith, and know that life is good, it is very, very good.  I stand with you, and I look forward to hearing all about it.

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