Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Letting go of the past, and moving forward with your hopes and dreams.
Sometimes things happen that are unexplainable, and sometimes you just gotta let things go. Each time you pick something backup that has transpired you are forcing yourself to live it again, no matter how bad it might have been.  If anyone desires to move forward in those things they have dreamt about or desire, then they have to let go of the past.

There is no doubt that we can learn from the past, but learning a lesson is far different then having to relive past hurts and failures.  There have been so many situations in my life that if I could have just let things go, I would have been much better off.  If I was able to not dwell on past things I would have been much better off.  If I could have just let things go and not continue to fixate on them I certainly would have been better off.  It has taken me years to learn this very valuable lesson and it is my hope and desire that you will learn from my past mistakes and move forward with your hopes and dreams.

Having the ability to forgive someone for something they may have done to you is the first step in moving past a hurt.  Forgiveness is a hard nut to crack for many people, but it is a necessity if you are ever going to move forward in the things you desire most.  I have been hurt in the past, and most of it was never intentional.  Have you ever done something nice for someone and they never even said thank you?  What was your first thought if this happened?  If you are like most people you got down right angry. Here you are giving of yourself and not so much as a tiny thank-you was thrown your way.  Well it's going to be a cold day in hell before you do something for this person ever again.  We've all been there a time or two in the past, but what needs to happen is to determine what you really were looking to gain in the first place.  Were you simply "doing" to get something in return, or were you doing because it was the right thing to do?  I get how bad it can feel when things are not reciprocated, but what was the motivation in the first place?

Letting go of the past, no matter how big or small the situation, is something we all need to do.  Have you ever said to yourself that you wish you knew ten years ago what you know today?  Have you ever wondered what decisions you would have made back then if you had the information and knowledge that you have now?  I know I've done it, and if you're honest with yourself I'm sure you have done the same thing.  Problem is we can"t go back and re-do anything that has transpired.  We can fix past mistakes, but we can't make them disappear as much as we might like to.

Why am I bringing this up today?  Maybe it's because I have to look at this topic again, and if I am dealing with it then it's a pretty good bet that there are others out there dealing with the same issues.  I was reading over some old journal entries from months and years ago, and I was reflecting on some conversations that I wrote about that had happened between me and some other people.  Most of the conversations were surrounding things that had happened to these people.  What struck me was the fact that they continued to own what ever had happened and each time they relived the situation they were simply bringing everything back up to be lived again.  Letting go is the only thing that is ever going to free you from the chains that will bind you up forever if you cannot move past these things.  We were never designed to hold on to past hurt.   It was never intended to be that noose around our neck.  I know how lousy it can be when a hurt finds you, but you have to learn to let it go.  Holding on to past hurt is never going to affect the person or persons who hurt you, it is only going to affect you, and affect you in a negative way.

Your hopes and dreams will never come about if you are unable to let go of the past.  If your past is lined with failure, hurts, disappointments, now is the time to cut the cord and let them fall into the abyss.  If you had to decide today what to follow what would it be?  Would you go after those things you dream about, those things you hope for, or would you desire to repeat all the hurts from the past? I dare say that not a single thinking, feeling human would choose the past over dreams and hopes.  So ask yourself the question, what do you prefer?  If it is hopes and dreams then let go of the past.

There is an old saying that says "If you fail to look at history, then you are doomed to repeat it." In some respects I would agree, but when you get down to it, I think if you continue to dwell on history there is no doubt it will repeat itself and then I am forced to ask "why?".  Let me leave you with this final thought, and we will pick up on this extremely important topic the next time we meet.  The reason so many people are unable to let go of the past is because they do not understand the power they have inside of themselves to set the intention, live with intention, and therefore design what the future will look like.  If one can never see the future then the only option they have is to live in the past.  When we meet again we will talk about the power of intention, the power of your words, your thoughts, and your feelings.  Intention will set the stage for what will happen, and when done right then only right can come about.

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