Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A bird in the hand is worth....
They say that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.  They also say that procession is nine tenths of the law.  I could go on all day with these quirky sayings, but suffice it to say, having something in the palm of your hand is far better then always hunting for that one thing that has eluded you thus far.

I guess the question I have for you today is, what is the one thing that may have eluded you thus far?  Is there something that in your heart of hearts you would love to have, but as of yet have not been able to obtain it, discover it, or even mention it for fear of what others might think?

I have seen people spend years going after something and when they finally get it they realize that they still had an empty feeling inside.  Why is this?  Why would you still feel empty after finally getting something you had been hoping for for so long?  What is it that is still missing?  Now I don't expect you to answer that question just yet, but I assure you there will come a time when you will have to answer it, and the answer may surprise you.

I told this story before, but it bears repeating if for no other reason then to realize that we all have things that preoccupy us, but this preoccupation is nothing more then a smoke screen keeping you from what you should really be doing.  There was a time when all I wanted to be was President of the United States.  I assumed that someone had to do it, so that someone might as well be me.  Face it we elect a new President every four years, which means someone is always thinking about running, and may have been thinking it for years.  I always felt that I would bring something to the White House and I was determined to get there.  It wasn't until I wrote my first book that I began to see things differently.  Now I still think that being President would afford me the opportunity to speak to hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people.  But I will say that being President has nothing on what I am doing right now, and that is helping others discover their destiny.  You see, I was going after the elephant, so to speak, because I thought it would fill the void in my life.  I will tell you that I could have been elected, and there still would have been a void.  My destiny may in fact someday allow me to be President, but until such time as that happens I will focus on what I believe is my true calling and that is to write about, speak about, and others wise open people's mind to the wonderful world of their True Destiny.

I could have gone after all the other positions in the world that would have made me successful in the eyes of the world, but going after the birds in the bush is nothing compared to the bird currently in my hand.  I know how frightening it can be to be holding on to a dream.  It is especially difficult when others have told you what a crazy idea it is, why it won't work, and why you should be doing anything but the one thing you dream about.  I get it, I have been there, but I will tell you that you have these dreams for a reason and the time has come for you to tell those who have spoken death to your dreams to go away.

Going after other things simply to fill a void is nothing but folly.  Going after other things simply to shut the naysayers up is foolishness gone to seed.  Going after other things simply to appear to be going after something is sad beyond belief.  Trust me when I tell you this, there is nothing on the face of this earth that will ever fill that void in your life accept for the acceptance and recognition of your destiny, and you taking the steps to walk in your destiny.

So what is the bird in your hand?  What have you always wanted to do but have yet to do it.  What is it going to take to get you to move on this one thing and never let go of it?  We go about our lives feeling as though we are doing so much, and yet at the end of the day we feel like we haven't accomplished anything of worth.  I love writing, and I love talking to others about their dreams, their desires, and their hopes for the future.  When I get done writing there is very little that could turn my great day into a bad day.  I love talking in front of groups of people, the look in their eyes when they realize that someone really does care about them and wants to be there to help them achieve their dreams.  This is my destiny, and this is what I want you to feel each day when you embark on your journey.  Your future is right in the palm of your hand, don't waste any more time going after the others birds in the bush.  In the end you will have wasted time, nothing of any real value will have been accomplished, and you will still be searching for those damn birds.

Certainly it may seem a bit frightening at first, but so is jumping into a cold lake in the middle of winter.  Now I'm not advocating jumping into the cold icy water, but I am suggesting that you take a step in the right direction and finally admit to yourself that you have neglected to see what has always been right in front of you.  Do not allow fear to send you off on a wild goose chase.  You know what will bring you joy, so simply begin by accepting it, and then see if things do not open up for you to get what you desire most.  I know you want it, and to be honest, the world needs what you have, so waste no more time, and let that little bird out to fly.

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