Monday, January 5, 2015

Keep climbing until you reach the top.
Life is a series of steps, each one leading you to a new adventure, a new level of self-awareness.  Each time you gain some ground you are opening yourself up for new ideas, new ways of thinking, and new opportunity for the future.  It is only when we stop reaching, that we begin to fall back onto the old ways, and if you're not careful loosing whatever ground was gained during the initial steps of your journey.

Awareness of who you are is one of the first things you need to understand, and it is something that you are going to have to accept as truth.  Most people have a difficult time coming to terms with the divinity that resides in them.  They have been taught that divinity is  reserved for a select few, and it really doesn't matter what you do, greatness is not a guarantee.  That my friends is garbage and I am here to tell you that you are as divine as anyone that has ever walked the earth.

Ask yourself this question:  given the option to walk in the absolute knowledge of who you truly are, or accepting the incorrect thinking of those past, what option would you prefer?  If you are desiring to know more about the real you, then why do you allow the conditioning of man to dictate how you see yourself or what you are able to accomplish in this life?

This year I am going to delve into what makes us tick.  Why are we here and what is it that makes us truly special in the eyes of our creator.  We have been brainwashed into thinking that we have to abide by the rules of man, when in actuality we are governed by a might higher calling on our lives.  If you are still trying to figure out your place in the universe well this year you are going to get answers.   I have spent the better part of the last five years studying, reflecting, and meditating on those things that have allowed me to grasp some of the unanswered questions that I carried around for years. Now I don't have all the answers yet, but what I do have is the ability to tap into the Universal Consciousness and that my friends is a treasure trove of unlimited knowledge and it is what will pull you up to the next step, and then the next step and so on and so on.

I'm going to repeat something I wrote about the other day, and I want you to make the decision to move full speed ahead with it.  If you want certain things to transpire this year then set the intention and don't let anything deter you from accomplishing the things you desire.  Carefully watch your thoughts and your words.  Everything we go through in life is a direct result of what we say, what we think, and what we feel.  I can't sit here and blame others for the lousy situations I may have found myself in in years past.  I have been the designer of what has taken place in my life, and you have been the architect of all that has transpired in your life.  Getting a handle on this is going to help you begin your journey.  I could write volumes on what it is to understand who and what you are.  You can read my words, but unless you take action, unless you stand firm in the knowledge of who and what you are, you will continue to face challenges that up until this moment have kept you from your destiny.

I was meditating the other day and I had to accept the fact that I had been missing the mark when it came to who I was and what I was supposed to be doing.  I was measuring myself against others and when I did this I was stopping myself cold in my tracks.  There are writers all over this planet.  What they have put down on paper is quite literally life changing.  What I had to recognize is that their path, their calling is different then mine.  I had to stop measuring myself against them, and realize that I was me.  No one can accomplish the things you were created to accomplish.  There may be some similarities but that is where it stops.  The only thing you have to measure up to is your understanding of who you are.  The only thing you have to accept is why you are here.  In the total scheme of things, nothing else really matters.  It has taken me years to be able to understand this concept and I have to keep telling myself that I am me, I am here, and I am just exactly where I need to be.

This year is your year if you will allow it to be.  If you will set the intention that you are going to come to the understanding of your being, then it will happen.  We are designed by perfection, and in that perfection we have what we need.  The only thing you have to do is accept this truth, hold on to this truth, and never grow weary.  Each step you take is getting you one step closer to your destiny.  Your destiny is why you are here.  Let's take this journey together and let's become what you were always destined to be.

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